Seems like evesince I wrote about my lembu affair, ade je bende baru I nak tunjuk hehe..
Yesterday got a few new things but 1st I wanna show this..

..collection of lembu cards. Iyer, sy tau, ade 3 je, ape kes hahah.. One from Ad and the 21 one from Bai. The 'Sorry' one from Wamlah.. chumel kan heheh..
Then this one plak a note/card holder bought @QB. Was walking ngan Bai and saw this. could imagine her rolling her eyes tp dilayankan je Ayu nak benti 'tengok je' before Ayu beli trus. Huh, mesti si Sentot ni kate, "Ayu ni tadak willpower langsung!" Hehe..

Pastu plak, went to Memory Lane, my wajib lawat store hehe.. Bai bought some cards for her anniversary AND friends wedding (Pasal kawen aje..) and I stumbled upon this..

Waaaahhh, suke! Tp konpem tak bg sape pinjam. Its white maaa, nnt kotor camne (Dasar kemut! Abis tu awk beli buat pe, Ayu?!?!) Yesterday dah testing², sangaaaat lembut heheh.. Suke giler!
ALSO! I got another birthday suprise heheh..
Was hungry and Bai belanja me for lunch at Paddingtons! Yeay, dah lame ngidam nak makan sini and I took some pancakes with dory and mashed potatoes.. yummy! Silap la tak amik gambaq coz I was too hungry time ni :"> Len kali lah ekk..
And I got another suprise from Bai and 'adik' Irfan :p

Ape ye?
Tadaaaa.. heheh..

Bertambah la koleksi safari ku dlm kete :p
Thanx Bai.. and thanx 'adik' Irfan yg akan call me 'kak' Ayu until I get married, k (Psttt, Irfan, jgn dengaq ckp Mama klau dia ajaq Irfan panggil 'Aunty' tau :p)
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