Finally, I think I can do my birthday entry. Hehe, suda 2 minggu lebey dah ni hehe.. but to show my appreciation to everyone who wished me, I'm gonna do it :)Since I came home after tuition and watched tv a bit first before finally performing my Isya prayers, the first birthday SMS came while I was doing my solat. I figured it was either Izati or Adi but suprises of suprises, it was from an ex-student who remembered my birthday.. Dinesh! Heheh, tak sangke plak budak tu ingt my birthday.. and then, he also meyampaikan another birthday wish from Haarviin Naanth a.k.a Kacang, also an ex-student. Terharu cikgu korg ni tau!Then as usual la for birthday girls/boys, the smses started coming in. From Amat (camne tau?), Shahril, Yun (yg doakan semoga dipertemukan jodoh.. amin to that hahaha.. Ayu gatal!), my cousin Ikah and Aloy, cik Adyani yg menyanyi lagu besday, Ikram (yg cume meng'oit' kan je kak Yong dia), Pok Su (yg jugak doakan cepat temu jodoh so dia tak yah langkah bendul kak Ayu dia heheh..), Toroque (thanx for always being there.. and for asuring me you'll always be there!), Rahela, Puga, Afizal (yang janji nak baje pizza), Aje, Juty (yg kate sib baik takde org nak kat dia, klau tak dia pun nak langkah bendul!), Ilah, Ajha, Helmi (jugak mengaminkan doa jodoh dari dia hahah..), Irnis, Ramlah, Mama, Pojie, Cik Wa, Salleh + Dayah, Kut, Anep (yg tak doakan utk jodoh, tp doakan supaye Ayu lagi tinggi.. cett!) and Chipunk.. Sat amik napas satt.. then jugak from Kak Kathy (sile aminkan doa kak Kt jugak ye hehe..), As, my students Viki (yang tau my birthday from his sister) and Syawal. Lupe plak, Izati sorg je yg call, semate² nak jerit, "Kak Yong dah
29 16!" And jugak kak Shima yg ajak abiskan coupon besday from Jusco ngan dia hehe..From FB pun, thanx to kak Zam, kak Nurul, kak Zarina, Syitah, kak Zunairah, Hana, Ili, Lin, Ayeen, Azri, Teny, Yan, Stopa (Sy 16 BUKAN 61 :p), Illis, Juwe, Aizul, Ted, Eszereen, Ija anak Uncle Baharuddin, Ami and Farhan. From FS, thanx to Long, Ana, Irfan, Sonne, Pok Su, Eme, Dgon (the picture below Dgon wat and paste at my FS hehe..), Lily, Nazreel, Ajha, Syazwan, Baya, Paijah, Arif and his signature wish hehe.. and Ili lagik!

Through YM ngan mcm² status yg bg sy kembang haha.. thanx to Dgon, Bart, Ija HiTEG, Ashraf, Yana, En Sam Gamgee, kak Sue, Fared (
status: Eppi besday ke 18 utk kak Ayu), kak Jah, Ayeen, Nije, kak Win, Mak Su, Misa (
status: Happy birthday ke 16 utk kesekian kalinye), Sentot, Nazek (nyanyi lagu besday and suh isi umur sendiri hehe..), Mc Chu, Lin, Hazril (yg suh jugak cikgu dia ngaku dah umor 29 :p), Azrul and Mas..Yang lambat wish pun, its the thought that counts kan :) Thanx to Abg Fadzil, Ana, Adi (uwaaaa, adik ku lupe), Dayah Doy, Ija AlMashoor (yg kasik gelang chumel itu hehe..), Zul HiTEG, Lini, kak Wahid and Jida.Yang suprised me the morning itself right before we went to the USM konvo: Irnis (cantik sgt the magnetic tree frame! Thanx), Fahmi (with a card yg dia tatau nak buh umur kak Ayu dia baper hehe.. he guessed 25 ke ape tah.. tu pun mesti sbb Fahmi tau akak tua dari Fahmi kaaaaannn :p) and Adyani with the yummy and very chocolaty muffin beserta bear kecik. Also for the birthday cards from Toroque yang sampai elok² je pagi tu :)

Then to Imin yang sepatutnye konvo but also didn't forget to buy me something haha.. lastnye, kitorg buat barter adiah. me for my birthday and him for his konvo. Thanx for the beg mengkuang and Sarawakian delicacies yang termasuk la choc berbentuk Kuching di bawah hehe.. and also Aje yang telah bwk adiah for kak Ayu dia mase konvo. 1st time ade soft toy yg bukan binatang hehe.. ala² cam Mario plak with this mushroom :p Terperasan cam org konvo jap aritu sbb bwk adiah hehe.. Aje also passed the card from Ajha yang sgt bes. Know why? Dah bertahun tak nmpk those cards yg ade lagu birthday tu hehe.. this year, terkenang zaman sekolah time card tu glamer hehe.. thanx Ajha :)

Also to Kurt who's birthday was the next day. Chumel balut adiah nye.. pink kalerrr :p

And to Puga yg bg this clock bentuk cam air kotak which we were looking at a few days before tuh. Tak lupe jugak to Zarul yg bg my present the week before time kelas, thanx! Hmm.. tu je kot hehe.. hope I didn't forget anyone, but if I did, sgt la sorry! But I really, really appreciate it from you guys whom I consider family (tak kire family I can't choose :p atau family I choose to have :p). Eh, lupe.. kang kecik ati plak bebudak ni. Especially to my form 5 class, thanx! Looky what I got from the class that Saturday hehe.. thanx guys! Irfan (Bkn every year cikgu turns 16 katenye hehe..), Fahmi, Ihsan, Hazril and Nazreel (Shafie nak tumpang adiah diorg.. tak aci, penat diorg gi beli hahah.. :p), Fatin Safwanah, Shabilla and Aiman. I must say, it was like a mug themed birthday hehe.. got mugs from all of them though Fahmi nye mug tak leh pakai, kecik sgt the one he put in the 'treasure chest' he gave me hehe.. but thanx!

And what did I buy for myself? Heheheh.. like I said, mug-themed birthday :p

Chumel tak?Anyway, once again, THANX A LOT to all of you! Luv you all lots and lots!
Hugs and kisses from the person who's still 16 :p,
*my students konpem kenal this 'signature' I use on all my notes last year hehe.. 'curik' URL from Un a few years back hehe.. Sowi Un :p*
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