Yesterday was a big day for my long-time friend, Noraslina Ab Samat. Dari Cik, dia dah jadi Puan (not that she uses it pun kan dah Dr, konpem la kawen tak kawen pun org tatau beze haha..)
I actually promised her I'd be there around 10am to nyibuk² during her preparation. Tp bese la Ayu, pas Subuh tertido then woke up around 8.30am dan dgn kelam kabutnye lah bersiap. Sib baik dah iron my baju the night before.. Bart was waiting for me. Dia lagi la, klau sy tak bersiap, takde nye dia nak start bersiap since I promised to go to her house first :D
We got to Misa's around 10.30am then trus menuju ke rumah As's grandparents. The best thing was, kitorg sesat haha.. The reception was in Permatang Damar Laut. I'm from Sg Ara, Bayan Lepas.. Misa is from Teluk Kumbar.. but both of us weren't familiar at all with this district that is only a few kilometres from our respective houses.. teruk kan!
Still, we managed to arrive before the solemnization, which we had promised her. As is not one to wear make up so of course la we oohed and ahhed at her. Sempat jugak took a picture with her in her room :)

Then, there was this tahlil and doa selamat. Me, Bart and Misa were the first to eat, right before the org² masjid came for the tahlil. Aiyak! Malu sehhh.. tp bak kate Bart, tak yah malu coz right after we took the food, a long line queued behind us hehe..
After they had finished, it was time for the sarung cincin. Since me and Bart had got to know Amri a month ago, we were a bit at ease with him utk warning² dia hehe.. So here they were. I couldn't take a picture at a better angle sbb ramai sgt photographer nye kan heheh..

Then before we went back, took another picture with her as a PUAN. We were the first to take pictures at the dais hehe.. Kunun berkat abis la tu ek, Ayu hahah..
So here is the picture of the pengantins and the pengantin wannabes :D

P/S We actually took tonnes of pictures at her house but since this entry is dedicated to her, gambo² kitorg tu tak yah la post sini ekkk
I figured out another song for my soundtrack kawen hehe.. Listened to this otw to As's house and it is one of my most favourite songs of all time (at least from the first time I heard it la kan) The type of song that would make me stop doing whatever I was doing just to listen to it.
..and I also seldom sing along to this song coz to me, this song is too beautiful to mar with my off-key singing hehe.. A bit cheesy though, in a rock-y kinda way :) But I really love this song so I'm dedicating this song to the two newlyweds with a big Congratulations from me..
BUT its still my song! Hahah.. :p
Amazed ~ Lonestar
Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams
I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you
The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh, it feels like the first time, every time
I want to spend the whole night in your eyes
Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you
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