Just published the previous post when an unfamiliar phone number was displayed on my cell phone.
Nowaday, I almost NEVER pick up the phone for unfamiliar numbers. I know, sgt teruk kan me? But most of the time its either those annoying people you don't really wanna talk to or telemarketers who insist on talking to you no matter how 'busy' you try to sound like.
Somehow, this phone call didn't feel like one of those calls, but I still cautiously picked up the phone..
..and mak oiiii! Heheh, how I smiled :)
An ex-student, Vickneswaran a.k.a Vicky, called me just to tell me he got A1 for his maths. I dunno where he got my phone number though coz even if I was very close to that class (this was the class, out of pure boredom on Teacher's Day, bought me a cake and 'forced' me to do a small party for them haha.. btw, see the stick of gum near my left hand? That was Vicky's Teacher's Day gift for me! :p), I didn't actually dish out my phone number to them. But I'm glad he found my number.. nothing beats the feeling of hearing him happy! 

The SPM results were out earlier today so most of them have gotten their results already, I presume. He told me that Syawal also got an A1 for his maths and Khairi, dear sweet and shy Khairi, got 7A1s with maths being among them. I'm so proud of them :) :) :) wish I could know how the other's fared too..

From left to right: Khairi, Sukmit Singh, Fakhrul, (Oh s***! Tak ingt name budak ni) and Vicky on the hari-malas-nak-belajar-dgn-alasan-it-was-Teachers-Day hehe..
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