Tetibe terase oven memanggil² (Okay! Thats scary since I live alone!) and voila, I decided to experiment on orange cupcakes with choc chips. Usually when making orange cakes, I use the good ol' Sunquick but I wanted to try out the orange paste I found at the bakers shop. The end result wasn't so bad but I'll stick to Sunquick next time ☺
Cupcakes were given to Yun&Salwa @ UniMAP since I promised them, to my best critique who readily volunteered and to Fared for his belated birthday. Only remembered to snap some of Fared's coz I was also experimenting on two new colours.. the supposedly Navy Blue and Gold.. tp takde rupe pun kan (sile abaikan the design yg buruk!)

Cupcakes given to Ad's twin sisters for their 16th birthday today.. Been meaning to do rainbows eversince I discovered giler byk colours at the shop we go buy baking thingeys but always malas to try (I also berangan wanna do some ladybugs but tak reti. One day I'm gonna try one with the sun and rainbow and stars hehe..)). Mlm smlm thought, try je la.. syg nye my awan tak jadi. Sgt buruk so cover up with the jumob heart haha.. aci ke?

..and around the campus! (Ni keje nak ngabiskan buttercream ni.. and yes, still no estethical value :p)

Now thinking on how to do something for a friend.. hmmm..
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