I've always been a sucker for anything chocolate. Bad thing is: whenever I try to do something chocolatey, more often than not, I fail!
Tak secantik dlm gambar..
Tak sesedap recipe asal..
..and the list goes on!
So I've surrendered and have NEVER tried to make anything chocolatey for a long time now. UNTIL, kak Ana gave us a few of her recipes that most of know I've been trying.
Still, I didn't even glance at the chocolate ones as I knew it'd be a disaster but once again, insomnia struck!
Not knowing what to do, I first wanted to try out this biscuit recipe I found but remembered my rolling pin was still with kak Yun so I decided to flip through my recipe books. But a 'greater calling' was in order hahah..
To face my fear of making anything chocolate!
So I decided to make kak Ana's chocolate cupcakes!!
Actually, its a bit leceh to make your own chocolate paste first, then cool it, then only whip up the 'concoction' for it. Took a lil' bit of time la jugak and I ended up with a whole bowl of cake mixture.. alamak! Klau tak jadi, abis la sy.. sape nak ngabiskan?!!?
So I finally put the whole tray (1st tray, mind you!) in the oven and waited..
..and waited..
..and waited..
..and when it was finally ready, I waited for it to cool first before I tried a bite!
And yes!!! First time in a very long time, something chocolatey I made was kire jadi lah hahaha.. yeayyy!

Now I just have to figure out more ways to decorate them instead of my stick-jelly-beans-and-tabur-with-sugar-sprinkles ☺

Btw, this is one I did for kak Shima who wanted to suprise her sis. A bit over the top kan.. haisshhh, camne la nak blajo decorate² nih!

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