Yummy! My favourite topic hahah..
Actually, hati nak update pasal Sedim tu, but gambaq tak mntk lagi from abg Fauzi nor Mazlan. Nanti la.. arini mau ckp pasal makan..
(Ni cam ala² dok kempunan roti kirai jek lagi niihhh.. uwaaaaaa.. mane mau carik?!?!)
These last few weeks, ade je bende tingin nak makan. Before the demam roti kirai, was the demam sambal tempe. Tetibe jek, I felt like, by hook or by crook, kene gak carik. So thus, started my search for tempe. Dan sgt unlucky for me, sy tak jumpe pun.
Gi pasar malam Jumaat pun takde, gi Pt Buntar market pun tadek, pasar malam ari Ahad pun yilek. Gi Billion pun takde.. aisehhh! Hati dah rase pilu menusuk kalbu dah niii..
Last² tu, one day tu after beberape hari tak tido buat module for the expedition, I decided nak jugak² tgk Night At The Museum (sian sy kan, sejak kelas tiap malam ni, sungguh la jarang dpt pi tgk wayang..) so sesenyap je la pegi on a Thursday morning.. aci?
Anyway, the show was at 12.05pm and since I had arrived around 11.30am, I went around Jusco just to look around and wonders of wonders, I found this..

Yeay! Jumpe jugak tempe.. though mahal! Huh! Usually at the pasar malam you can get it at Rm1 per piece.. ni dah la harge mahal skit, RM1.50 (tu pun berkire ke, Ayu?), the size was also only two thirds of the one I could get from the pasar malam..
Aishhh, takpe la.. janji dapat!
But as my luck (or the lack of it) goes, mase dok goreng the thick (my favourite type) slices of tempe, kak Nab called. Dok sembang punye sembang then tetibe terbau something yg sungguh sy tidak mahu terjadi.. hangus!!!
Alaaaaaaaaaaaa.. sib baik ade skit lagi.. but the sad news is, the first batch tu more than half of what I had.. adeh! Takde rezeki jawab nye..
Still, I finally had my sambal tempe.. nyum²! Ilang kempunan :)

Yesterday pulak, dengan alasan masih penat (Lousy excuse.. I know!), I decided to skip 'school' and stay home. But 4 days full of activities left me restless and a bit nyesal didn't go to school so once again I rummaged through the kitchen cabinets and found some dried fruit..
Jeng.. jeng.. jeng..

Teke ape sy buat pagi semalam? :)
Heheh.. and this is the final product of it! :D

My very first fruit cake heheh.. A bit funny though since I'm NOT a fan of cakes tp bulan ni je dah 2 types of cake I tried. So smlm since Shahril pun dtg nak dengan our usual activity of 'bertukar juadah', I decided to cut a portion for his family. Then, Arep plak text saying he was in front of my house (nak pindah barang kaaan, ni la my new neighbour) so cut another big portion for him and his friends (smlm ade Rashid and Kole sekali) and have another portion to give to HiTEG.
Selesai! Heheh..
Still, kene brush up my cake making skills sbb gile manis my fruitcake though Mama dah pesan kene kurangkan gule.. Takpe². Practice makes perfect, right?
Haaa, ape pulak ye 'pertukaran juadah' yang terjadi? Tadaaaaa..

Shahril was trying Mas's recipe for cheesecake but he wanted to use kiwis instead. Yeay! Dapat rase.. nyum²! Ayu and cheesecakes memang no complaints hahah.. Ade lagi skit in my fridge.
Now sy nak pk, camne la pulak sy nak dpt my roti kirai ngan kari daging extra kentang.. :D
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