Syitah.. akhirnye abis gak kak Yong jawab mende ni. Ingt kene tunggu sok luse baru leh wat hehe.. thanx for the award yaaa.. sowi, kak yong tak pasan laaa Syitah bg ni :)
Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang si pemberi award ini
1. Adik ipar tak jadi.. Oppsss, marah Ikram nnt klau tau kak Yong announce mende nih haha :p Tp dah mcm adik sendiri dah pun even till now
2. Kenal dari dia darjah 4 kot and I was, what? In matriculation time tu?
3. Muke ala² Arab sesat :p
4. A great artist.. masih tunggu bile la dia nak lukis kak Yong dia nih :D *hint²*
5. Sape dpt dia bertuah oooo.. rajin gi masjid/surau nih. Asal kitorg gi je, mesti ade dia.. :)
Setiap blogger mestilah menyatakan 10 fakta atau hobi diri sndiri sebelum memilih
Ni yg malas skit nih.. aci tak recycle bende² yg penah ckp dlm entry lepas²?
1. Sy bukan org yg kidal.. cume tgn kanan dan tgn kiri sy terbalik dari org len :p
2. Spt dikatekan dlm entry lepas, sgt cepat attach ngan org even klau baru kenal. Reason why my brothers hate me whenever they break up with anyone sbb I usually side on their (ex)girlfriends and not them haha.. Hambik korg, sape suh kenalkan ngan kak Yong korg nih hahah :p
3. Dlm kete klau drive sensorg, suke nyanyi smbil dok feel sorg².. pastu termalu bile pasan org kiri kanan dok sengih je tgk or bile pegi kelas and student ckp, "Cikgu, aritu sy nmpk cikgu nyanyi sambil nari² dlm kete" hehe..
4. Mase sekolah org panggil 'beluting' (Thanx Ami for correcting me on the right term! :p) sbb comot semedang.. and fast forward to 16 years later, I haven't changed a bit *malu*
5. P.E.N.D.E.K! Tapi pasan cam tinggi.. (150cm tu tinggi hape?)
6. Tak penah outgrow the 'saya-awak' used during primary. Sampai skrg sy ckp camtu with rakan sebaya and even with my students. I strongly suspect that I'll never learn to talk using 'aku-hang' or 'aku-kau' so Baizurah, you can stop crossing your fingers :p
7. Also never outgrew being ticklish (my worst enemies are people who tickle me ;p) and the tendency to shriek like perempuan gedik everytime I'm suprised (and I get suprised VERY easily tau.. sgt malu!) Not that I don't try but the shriek comes out before my head says STOP and then sy akan sgt termalu sbb mcm sgt gedik je rase!
8. Actually masih pemalu hahah.. I know some people say I'm bubbly (to MY suprise actually) and friendly but I'm actually intimidated by people I meet for the first (second, third, fourth, fifth bla.. bla..) time. Sbb tu some people might think sy ni memilih kawan kot sbb ngan people I've known for quite some time, I talk a lot tp ngan org yg baru jumpe (or dah lame jumpe but jarang jumpe), I'm always at loss for words so I usually avoid looking at them coz I'm sooooo afraid they expect me to initiate a conversation with them :D
9. A pessimist.. always expecting the worst! Teruk kan?
1o. Always tatau nak jawab ape everytime tagged to write thing about me.. but then when I'm idly doing something else, I could list down hundreds of new thing about myself haha..
Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award dan describe tentang mereka.
1. Bai 'Sentot' coz she's a stay@home mum now :p
2. Misa sbb blog dia berabuk hehe..
3. Arep, jugak atas alasan yg same. Sile² abg Korea..
4. Hairil.. kate nak beli vacum utk blog?!
5. Watie.. my dormate in form 2 and classmate for 3 years :)
6. Liza.. who has an entertaining blog!
7. Jida.. just because I wanna give this to her :)
8. Dzul.. Dr Gigi turned educator yg suke jjln merate pelusuk donia
9. Adi&Ana (kene buh name sekali niii sbb bakal 'Two become One' <--nyanyi ala² Spice Girl dolu²)
10. Ayeen coz I miss her!
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