Hahaha.. I actually just deleted a whole bunch of photos before checking today's challenge. Nasib baikkk delete sbb there were photos that needs to be secret for now 🙊 Revealed kemudian tkpe 😝
So this was a photo I saved from a random post. I wanted to share it with a friend about the comments in the bottom of the image but since today's challenge wants me to write about something inspired by it, I think I'm gonna share what the sentence in the image means to me since it will forever be associated with Abah being quite mad with me that he just had to come to my class in the middle of a lesson 😂
I've been told that I started reading when I was 2 not just by my parents but also extended family members. I can't really confirm nor deny it as, yes, I was there but no, how could I possibly remember. I don't even have memories of how I learnt to read 😅 Still, I don't remember I time I didn't love books.
Books as gifts were very much preferable compared to toys and since my extended family is, well, quite extensive, I had an endless supply. Helps more that I lived with my grandparents since I was born. Tok was a well known school teacher while Pah was an amazing homemaker. The reason for this arrangement was because Mama was still a student at UPM while Abah was a young lecturer in USM so it made sense that I grew up in the middle at Bkt Chandan, Kuala Kangsar.
By the time I was 5, I was already a bookworm. I was devouring every book in sight and loved them like an old friend. The teachers even handed to me first any new books in class because they knew I was excited serupa Gollum dpt The Ring whenever a new book was introduced in class 😂
When I was 7, we moved back here. I wasn't scared much of going to school as I'd been used to it since I was 2 or 3. My only worry was on how was I gonna make friends as I was a painfully shy kid.
On the first day of school, after the registrations and such, we were introduced to the class teacher. I don't remember her name but she had quite a garang look. Among the first things she did was ask us to introduce ourselves and that was a problem for me too 😂 Tp I'll share why later sbb ni tkde kene ngene with the image.
After introducing ourselves, she proceed to write the alphabet on the blackboard. Then she'd asked each one of us to stand up while she pointed to the letters and asked us to name it. I later realized she just wanted to see which students had the basics and which student didn't know anything yet. You remember dulu they had this Kumpulan A, Kumpulan B and Kumpulan C in each class? Haaa, this was how she was trying to determine in which group did we belong.
When it was my turn, I froze. I didn't want to talk in front of everyone and even my voice seemed to have lost it's way so when she showed me some letters, I just shook my head.
Of course I was sent straight to Kumpulan C.
I dunno how Abah go to know about this but the next day as we were having a class, I saw him knock on the door asking to meet my class teacher. I felt something fall to the pit of my stomach as I knew I was in trouble though I didn't really know why 😂
I saw him arguing a bit with the teacher and really felt like I wanted to hide somewhere. Then I was called to go to the teachers desk.
Each step made me ransack my head trying to find what did I do wrong but my 7-year-old brain just couldn't come up with anything.
When I was in front of the teacher (Remember I said she had a garang face? Now imagine me having to mengadap a very annoyed father and the garang teacher 😂), Abah took a piece of paper and wrote down those exact words, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" and very sternly told me to read it out to the teacher.
I did as I was told because I was scared both were gonna scold me if I didn't. The teacher then looked at me, her face was no longer garang this time, and asked, "Kamu boleh baca?"
Just like that, I knew what I had done wrong 😂 Skrg boleh la gelak but at that moment, I felt like I really wanted to hide somewhere.
Abah left a moment later and I was asked to leave Kumpulan C and go to Kumpulan A.
I don't think I need to tell you that I was mildly scolded by the teacher on my refusal to talk and, back home, not-so-mildly scolded by Abah for my actions the day before.
Sampai skrg, whenever I see that phrase, the image of Abah scribbling those words angrily with a red pen on a bright white paper would always come to mind 😂
Bonus (lah sangat) story 😂
About the problem I said when introducing ourselves..
Up to 6 years old, I always knew my name was Ayu Zainal. So imagine my suprise when a few days before school, Mama told me my name was Nurikhwani Idayu. Mcm, why so panjang? Can't we stick with just Ayu? 😫
I was even annoyed that turns out Abah wasn't just Zainal. It was Zainal Abidin 😫😫😫 And yeah, Mama wasn't just Nim, but she was Fauziah Hanim 😅
Mama told me that whenever asked to introduce myself in class, my full name is the new name she just dropped on me. So instead of a 9-letter full name, mine was actually 27 letters long 😫.. And tu tak termasuk the word 'binti'
I had trouble pronouncing my name actually and didn't really learn it wpun dh masuk skola but I managed to memorize the spelling. So whenever it was my turn to introduce myself, I'd discreetly write down my name and read it out when the teacher asks 😂
Only one teacher noticed it and she laughed (not unkindly) as she asked me why didn't I know my own name? Cisss.. 😂😂😂
Now I think my name is actually quite easy to pronounce. Sbb tu wpun kadang mcm exasperated wheb people mispronounce my name, I try to understand sbb tuan pnye nama puuun amik masa nk belajar sebut nama sendiri 😂
Hmmm.. Think I should ask the Exboyfriend masa nikah aritu, susah tak nk sebut? 🤔
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