1. Put this logo in your blog.. Sisterhood tu, maknenye tak leh tag laki ek Ana? :p Nnnt deme malu nak buh logo ni kangggg heheh..

2. Add a link to the person who is shared it with you --> Adieanna
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
Hmm.. at least 7 ek..
4. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog
Dah cik Ana :p
Kate cik Ana: Tag belom habes lagi okeh!
Be Honest
Law and order
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW!.
2) DON’T change your clothes, DON’T fix your hair…just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this
Tak pasai² kene amik gambo.. dan oleh kerane ini hari Jumaat, Ayu pakai baju kurung hahah.. Ala² Ayu yang ayu hari ni hahah.. tp muke abis nmpk all the blemishes, cisss! Jujur nye pasal kan hehe..
P/S Gambo ini diambil secare express sbb malu klau Iran² tu nmpk Ayu amik gambo sendiri dalam cube hehe..

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