Ni pun post yang multi lingual..
Semalam kenduri Nemie.. Didn't go since I had tuition.. Uwaaaa, Nemie pun dah kahwin!! We used to be close in form 1 when we were in the same dorm. I used to be her 'Dear Diary' (as she used to call me) though I can't remember much what we talked about. But I do remember that we used to sit perched on the stairs, watching the stars and laugh..
I was woken up this morning at 2am by Y***. Sleepily, I went to my phone to pick it up, tapi dalam hati, "Kalau benda tak penting, siap la dia ni kena sembur jap lagi"
Ayat pertama Y***,"Wei, sorry².. aku tak perasan dah pukul 2" <-- masa ni ngantuk lagi
Ayat kedua, "Hang tau dak A*** nak kahwin?" <-- ilang ngantuk dah time ni
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! What? Budak A*** nak kahwin? I told la Y***, kalau dia nak kahwin, mesti dia bagitau masa dia tunang lagi.. ni ribut takde, angin takde, takkan nak kahwin dah kot but Y*** was so certain about the news he heard that I made up my mind to call A***. Pukul 2 pagi pun, pukul 2 pagi lah..
My conversation lebih kurang canni la
Me : Hello, Assalamualaikum
Dia : Assalamualaikum <-- ceh, org bg salam dulu
Me : Wa'alaikumussalam
Dia : Hehe.. <-- gelak plak dia
Me : Wooooooooooooiii.. baik cakap betul², 21hb Augus ni, apa nak jadi?
Dia : Ape aa?
Me : Amboiiiii.. berlakon plak.. baik cakap <-- Ayu sangat garang!
Dia : Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. kantoi!!! Mana awak tau!!!!
Me : Lailahailallah.. bleh dia tak habaq.. apa punya kawan! Tunang senyap² je..
Dia : Haha.. Tak Ayu, saya memang nak habaq tapi tak sempat lagi
And bla.. bla.. bla.. Waaaaa.. sangat hampeh la lu, A***. Ade ke buat senyap je hehe.. Then I bombarded him with questions regarding the unlucky girl. Turned out to be B**.
Hehe, no offense but I've heard some rumours but then again, maybe kot sebab B** memang lama dah suka kat A***, so thats why what happened before, happened! Don't understand? Haha, it was never meant to be understood pun by anyone other that a select few. But anyway, I was expecting orang lain la jugak tapi jodoh kaaaaaan! Ape pun, tahniah utk A*** and B**.. sesapa yang kenal diorg, please jangan cakap what I wrote up here, nanti naya kena sula ngan diorg haha.. Then again, maybe I should change the names!! Hmm.. betul la, change the names! So kalau ade yang baca, ini semua nama² rekaan.. dah tukar pun sebab tu kaler dia lain.
Whew.. penat tukar nama!
Anyway, lepas penat menyoal siasat, I put down the phone and proceeded to repot my findings to Y****. Lawak pun ade..
Then, getting ready to sleep, trus teringat kawan² semua and baru perasan,"Apasal it seems like semua my friends sibuk nak kahwin ni?" Tetiba diserang rasa panik giler and time tu jugak sms Seti.. Hehe, Seti knows somethings about me that other people don't, so she was the first I thought of. Like I said, I got the sympathetic ear I was searching for TAPI, Seti pun 2x5 jugak hahaha.. Lama tak sembang ngan Seti, I really miss her! Guess I still have single friends around me..
Then tadi plak, datang school. Ingat nak buat keje but my pc was full of viruses, I had to take some time to scan it. Sekarang ni pun tengah scan lagi.. sangat la lembap! (Ni tumpang pc Nomi nih hehe..)
Before that A*** called to apologize. Biasa la, memang suka membuli, I started to berleter lagi la haha.. Though I didn't get the whole story, but he did promise to show me the pictures next week (huh! 10 kali janji, ade la 2-3 kali dia buat) so I'll interview him then!
Sampai kat school, trus on pc. That's when I know how bad my pc was. Anyway, tetiba Mastura called. She wanted to meet me to give her invitation card. Shaik was with her too masa tu and I heard his voice in the background. I was like, "Oh God, another kenduri!!" though I DO remember Mastura telling me about it a few weeks ago.
Waaaa.. sgt tension! Kena plak conference ngan Nazir and Ramlah.. Uwaaaa, diperkotak-katikkan diorg dua orang ni hehe.. tp bleh la gelak, lupa sekejap nak rasa tension.
Eh.. sekarang rasa okay la pulak.. But for a while from last night's call till this morning, I was again in the dumps! Rasa cam kena tinggal je ngan semua orang :'( Had a chat with Akmal just now and he gave me a good pep talk.. tapi kan Akmal, cian la kat akak, kawan yang single dah makin tak dok plak.. sangat tension. Tu blum lagi citer kat Mama, she knows A***, and kalau dia tau budak ni nak kahwin, I can just hear her saying, "Aiii, bile la anak Mama plak nak kahwin ni"
Tertekaaaaaaann <-- Tiru perkataan favourite Tanjung
...just a place for me to go rambling over everything currently happening in my life, sometimes, even to the tiniest detail. And whatever that's unfortunate enough to happen to cross my mind at the very moment when I feel like jotting down something ;)
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Saturday, May 28, 2005
"Siap kemas rumah".. A move to a new place.. ceee, cam adventure plak..
This will be a multi-lingual post, kang ade yang kata,"Aku tak paham blog Ayu.." plak..
Mana nak start eh?
Ari ni, tahniah pada diri sendiri hehe.. finally I've finished unpacking my things! Whew, took nearly a week, just to move to another house that is IN THE SAME HOUSING AREA plak tu..
Packing took up nearly 4 days ape. Tu baru barang sendiri, tak masuk lagi barang dapur, barang rumah.. On Thursday itself, baru la nak tergedik² lap my furniture (bed, closet, chest of drawers, computer desk, study desk, book shelves, colour boxes and the list goes on). Nanti malu la kalau orang angkat, tengok benda anak dara berabuk abis. Katil pun baru nak dismantle tengah hari tu, kak Shima took up the liberty to dismantle all beds, with our help la of course (mana leh bg credit kat kak Shima je hehe..)
Anyway, thanks to my colleagues from HiTEG. Cakap kat diorg lepas Asar, memang lepas Asar la diorg datang. Zul arrived first ngan motor dia with a confused face asking,"Mana lorry dia?". Then came Man, also with the same question. Pastu Erwan plak ngan ADV dia and since the lorry had not arrived yet, I asked them to help me with my stuff. Ternganga Man bila tgk kotak² tu. Tu la, orang dah cakap, banyak barang, tanak percaya.. kan dah terkejut giler..
While packing the things in Erwan's car, Nomi arrived and helped too. Then a few minutes later, Farid and Ramlah pun sampai. So, lets see, tolak the trips I made earlier untuk antar barang sikit², my stuff saje filled up my Atos, Nomi's Kancil, Erwan's Iswara and Ramlah's Kancil. Woooowwhh.. malu weh! Banyak giler barang nye.. Heran gak, kat mana la barang² tu bersembunyi sebelum ni sebab bila nak pindah baru tau barang tu sangat la banyak! Baru Nomi tau kan, akak bukan buat citer dongeng selama ni bila akak cakap barang banyak giler hehe.. Maluuuuuu.. Nanti kalau akak nak balik Penang/Kuale, kena amik ati korang la, buat cam cadangan Nomi, konvoi reramai ;-p
There were boxes and boxes of books, things, the essentials.. Then there were bagsful of clothes. Tak kire lagi barang² merepek merapu yang lain tu. Bicycle lagi, yang sampai hari ni, still kat umah tu, in fact, still ade lagi la barang² kat rumah tu. Sikit je la tapi malas nak ambik selagi Ivy tak mai cakap nak pindah masuk dah hehe..
Around 6 kot, baru lorry sampai. Masa tu, the guys la kena kerah angkut barang. Sorry guys, but thanks! Man, Zul, Erwan ngan Fawid budak kecik.. Nasib baik la they all ni rajin. Campur lagi RA kak Kathy, Wong.. and then ade Lekuk ngan Polo from Bahan. Meriah la jugak hehe.. Kak Zura and Kak Zai, unfortunately sampai masa barang dah habis kena angkut.. tactic le tu heheh..
Dua kali trip jugak la lorry tu. What with ALL our things. Come to think of it, barang kitorang yang sangat banyak tu, macam la nak menetap kat sini pun. Kot ye pun, kak Kathy je la kot.
Sangat la malu bila semua orang (Nomi, Lekuk, Ramlah, Polo) tanya, "Kenapa tak kosongkan fridge?" Uikk.. I looked at kak Shima and she looked at me, "Kena kosongkan ke?" Haaaa, kan dah kena gelak ramai².. Benda basic cam tu pun tak leh fikir logically.. Maluuu lagi..
Dah habis angkut barang, jemput la semua orang makan bihun kak Fauziah yang very delicious tapi pedas giler nak ******! Hehe.. Tapi sebab everyone kata sedap, ngan muka tak malu la memasing sibuk nak mengaku dia yang masak. Habis tu, siap ade yang tapau lagi.
Lepas makan, since the guys were still here, we bullied them into pasang katil. We had 3 beds, so it was 3 times the work. Zul and Fawid helped with mine, then Ramlah came along to tighten the bolts. Siap cakap kat Ramlah, "Kalau akak punya katil roboh, malam ni gak cari Ramlah" Then, susun la skit bilik tu, since my stuff was the most, pening gak la fikir nak susun bilik canner. Yang best tu, masa tu, salah letak katil, kaki mengadap kiblat. I realized it ONLY after everyone went home so terpaksa la susun bilik balik sensorang.. uwaaa, berat!
Then, that night, the three of us, me, kak Shima and kak Kathy 'attacked' our belongings! Semua benda nak kena unpack balik. Penat giler. Memasing barang berkotak² (w/pun mine la yang bg malu sekali hehe..) Around 11, kak Shima was up to the motion of going to 7-11 for drinks so all of us lepas mandi, beramai² la cari air.
First night, I couldn't sleep. Still teringat rumah lama kot. The next morning, bangun Subuh ngan sakit kepala semua cukup then lepas a long nap, sambung kemas barang yang banyak giler. Ada one moment tu, siap panik takut barang tak muat nak masuk bilik tu haha.. Bodo giler la Ayu ni hehe..
But now, FINALLY, everything's in order. Baru nampak cam bilik. Tido pun dah boleh lena dah. Gebu pun dah siap cari boyfriend (sibuk je cari bf, ni, kakak² ngan mak dia kat umah pun takde bf, dia dah berlambak.. teruk punya Gebu.. nak cari bf, cari la yang senyap, ni cari yang suka nyanyi memalam, rasa nak curah air je tiap kali bf dia datang) w/pun first day tu dia cam sangat confused kenapa kitorang nak pindah. Gebu psycho haha.. Took her a few days to adapt to the new house. Nak bersuara pun tak berani dia. Tapi semalam, dah siap masuk bilik semua orang, berleter pagi² cam dulu gak bila makanan dia takde so I guess, she's ok dah!
Anyway, thanks so everyone yang tolong hari tu. Without you guys, naya jugak la kitorang nak pindah.. Muaaahhhhsss, sayang korang!
P/S utk Nazek (kalau dia baca)
Nahh.. amik.. blog dlm BM.. satu sbb kenapa saya tak suka tulis dlm BM sbb nnt pelik la.. org lain semua kalau tulis, mesti ckp 'aku'.. saya mana reti cakap 'aku'.. kalau tulis blog buh 'saya' kang, rupe cam karangan budak sekolah plak hehe.. Cube cari, ade tak perkataan 'aku' kat atas ni? Tak reti aaaahhh..
Mana nak start eh?
Ari ni, tahniah pada diri sendiri hehe.. finally I've finished unpacking my things! Whew, took nearly a week, just to move to another house that is IN THE SAME HOUSING AREA plak tu..
Packing took up nearly 4 days ape. Tu baru barang sendiri, tak masuk lagi barang dapur, barang rumah.. On Thursday itself, baru la nak tergedik² lap my furniture (bed, closet, chest of drawers, computer desk, study desk, book shelves, colour boxes and the list goes on). Nanti malu la kalau orang angkat, tengok benda anak dara berabuk abis. Katil pun baru nak dismantle tengah hari tu, kak Shima took up the liberty to dismantle all beds, with our help la of course (mana leh bg credit kat kak Shima je hehe..)
Anyway, thanks to my colleagues from HiTEG. Cakap kat diorg lepas Asar, memang lepas Asar la diorg datang. Zul arrived first ngan motor dia with a confused face asking,"Mana lorry dia?". Then came Man, also with the same question. Pastu Erwan plak ngan ADV dia and since the lorry had not arrived yet, I asked them to help me with my stuff. Ternganga Man bila tgk kotak² tu. Tu la, orang dah cakap, banyak barang, tanak percaya.. kan dah terkejut giler..
While packing the things in Erwan's car, Nomi arrived and helped too. Then a few minutes later, Farid and Ramlah pun sampai. So, lets see, tolak the trips I made earlier untuk antar barang sikit², my stuff saje filled up my Atos, Nomi's Kancil, Erwan's Iswara and Ramlah's Kancil. Woooowwhh.. malu weh! Banyak giler barang nye.. Heran gak, kat mana la barang² tu bersembunyi sebelum ni sebab bila nak pindah baru tau barang tu sangat la banyak! Baru Nomi tau kan, akak bukan buat citer dongeng selama ni bila akak cakap barang banyak giler hehe.. Maluuuuuu.. Nanti kalau akak nak balik Penang/Kuale, kena amik ati korang la, buat cam cadangan Nomi, konvoi reramai ;-p
There were boxes and boxes of books, things, the essentials.. Then there were bagsful of clothes. Tak kire lagi barang² merepek merapu yang lain tu. Bicycle lagi, yang sampai hari ni, still kat umah tu, in fact, still ade lagi la barang² kat rumah tu. Sikit je la tapi malas nak ambik selagi Ivy tak mai cakap nak pindah masuk dah hehe..
Around 6 kot, baru lorry sampai. Masa tu, the guys la kena kerah angkut barang. Sorry guys, but thanks! Man, Zul, Erwan ngan Fawid budak kecik.. Nasib baik la they all ni rajin. Campur lagi RA kak Kathy, Wong.. and then ade Lekuk ngan Polo from Bahan. Meriah la jugak hehe.. Kak Zura and Kak Zai, unfortunately sampai masa barang dah habis kena angkut.. tactic le tu heheh..
Dua kali trip jugak la lorry tu. What with ALL our things. Come to think of it, barang kitorang yang sangat banyak tu, macam la nak menetap kat sini pun. Kot ye pun, kak Kathy je la kot.
Sangat la malu bila semua orang (Nomi, Lekuk, Ramlah, Polo) tanya, "Kenapa tak kosongkan fridge?" Uikk.. I looked at kak Shima and she looked at me, "Kena kosongkan ke?" Haaaa, kan dah kena gelak ramai².. Benda basic cam tu pun tak leh fikir logically.. Maluuu lagi..
Dah habis angkut barang, jemput la semua orang makan bihun kak Fauziah yang very delicious tapi pedas giler nak ******! Hehe.. Tapi sebab everyone kata sedap, ngan muka tak malu la memasing sibuk nak mengaku dia yang masak. Habis tu, siap ade yang tapau lagi.
Lepas makan, since the guys were still here, we bullied them into pasang katil. We had 3 beds, so it was 3 times the work. Zul and Fawid helped with mine, then Ramlah came along to tighten the bolts. Siap cakap kat Ramlah, "Kalau akak punya katil roboh, malam ni gak cari Ramlah" Then, susun la skit bilik tu, since my stuff was the most, pening gak la fikir nak susun bilik canner. Yang best tu, masa tu, salah letak katil, kaki mengadap kiblat. I realized it ONLY after everyone went home so terpaksa la susun bilik balik sensorang.. uwaaa, berat!
Then, that night, the three of us, me, kak Shima and kak Kathy 'attacked' our belongings! Semua benda nak kena unpack balik. Penat giler. Memasing barang berkotak² (w/pun mine la yang bg malu sekali hehe..) Around 11, kak Shima was up to the motion of going to 7-11 for drinks so all of us lepas mandi, beramai² la cari air.
First night, I couldn't sleep. Still teringat rumah lama kot. The next morning, bangun Subuh ngan sakit kepala semua cukup then lepas a long nap, sambung kemas barang yang banyak giler. Ada one moment tu, siap panik takut barang tak muat nak masuk bilik tu haha.. Bodo giler la Ayu ni hehe..
But now, FINALLY, everything's in order. Baru nampak cam bilik. Tido pun dah boleh lena dah. Gebu pun dah siap cari boyfriend (sibuk je cari bf, ni, kakak² ngan mak dia kat umah pun takde bf, dia dah berlambak.. teruk punya Gebu.. nak cari bf, cari la yang senyap, ni cari yang suka nyanyi memalam, rasa nak curah air je tiap kali bf dia datang) w/pun first day tu dia cam sangat confused kenapa kitorang nak pindah. Gebu psycho haha.. Took her a few days to adapt to the new house. Nak bersuara pun tak berani dia. Tapi semalam, dah siap masuk bilik semua orang, berleter pagi² cam dulu gak bila makanan dia takde so I guess, she's ok dah!
Anyway, thanks so everyone yang tolong hari tu. Without you guys, naya jugak la kitorang nak pindah.. Muaaahhhhsss, sayang korang!
P/S utk Nazek (kalau dia baca)
Nahh.. amik.. blog dlm BM.. satu sbb kenapa saya tak suka tulis dlm BM sbb nnt pelik la.. org lain semua kalau tulis, mesti ckp 'aku'.. saya mana reti cakap 'aku'.. kalau tulis blog buh 'saya' kang, rupe cam karangan budak sekolah plak hehe.. Cube cari, ade tak perkataan 'aku' kat atas ni? Tak reti aaaahhh..
Friday, May 27, 2005
How Could an Angel Break My Heart - Toni Braxton
I was clearing up my room this morning. Byk barang siuuuuutt! All the boxes had to be unpacked and yesterday was a back breaking day when we had to move ALL our things from our old 'home'.
Since the tv didn't have an ariel yet, and my Apple wasn't connected at the time, I used the dvd player to play my song cds. Singing on top of my voice along with my favourite songs, I unpacked all my things. Suddenly, a song I haven't heard for a long time was on the player. It stopped me right in my tracks!
I remember, once, in a not such a distant time ago, I listened to this song about 20 times per day. Kononnya, very connected la to this song, but during that time, I really felt I was. Without realizing it, I kept repeating the song, with all the memories I have chosen to forget, flooding into my mind. But this time, though I still felt sad, it wasn't as bad as it was a year ago. Still regret everything, but maybe, I've finally come to terms with what happened.
Kena pulak, when I was going through my things, I found a momento my now-invisible bestfriend gave me years ago. Written on it was 'Thanks for being my bestfriend'. Once, this was the piece I held on to when I started being confused with my own feelings. I lost it after our fight, but suddenly I found it again. I hope this means a great new beginning for me. Kak Shima told me to just throw it away but I have kept it in a box where I keep everything he ever gave me, just for keepsake.
However, through it all, this song was played repeatedly, right to the moment where I stuffed the 'scared piece' into the box. I guess like Baizurah said, sometimes, we just WANT to feel sad but I'm glad to learn that its different for me now. I hope I can now go on with my life, without pondering on what happened.
And for all of you, I present 'My Song of The Year 2004'
How Could an Angel Break My Heart - Toni Braxton
I heard he sang a lullaby
I heard he sang it from his heart
When I found out thought I would die
Because that lullaby was mine
I heard he sealed it with a kiss
He gently kissed her cherry lips
I found that so hard to believe
Because his kiss belonged to me
How could an angel break my heart
Why didn't he catch my falling star
I wish I didn't wish so hard
Maybe I wished our love apart
How could an angel break my heart
I heard her face was white as rain
Soft as a rose that blooms in May
He keeps her picture in a frame
And when he sleeps he calls her name
I wonder if she makes him smile
The way he used to smile at me
I hope she doesn't make him laugh
Because his laugh belongs to me
How could an angel break my heart
Why didn't he catch my falling star
I wish I didn't wish so hard
Maybe I wish our love apart
How could an angel break my heart
Oh my soul is dying, it's crying
I'm trying to understand
Please help me
How could an angel break my heart
Why didn't he catch my falling star
I wish I didn't wish so hard
Maybe I wished our love apart
How could an angel break my heart
Since the tv didn't have an ariel yet, and my Apple wasn't connected at the time, I used the dvd player to play my song cds. Singing on top of my voice along with my favourite songs, I unpacked all my things. Suddenly, a song I haven't heard for a long time was on the player. It stopped me right in my tracks!
I remember, once, in a not such a distant time ago, I listened to this song about 20 times per day. Kononnya, very connected la to this song, but during that time, I really felt I was. Without realizing it, I kept repeating the song, with all the memories I have chosen to forget, flooding into my mind. But this time, though I still felt sad, it wasn't as bad as it was a year ago. Still regret everything, but maybe, I've finally come to terms with what happened.
Kena pulak, when I was going through my things, I found a momento my now-invisible bestfriend gave me years ago. Written on it was 'Thanks for being my bestfriend'. Once, this was the piece I held on to when I started being confused with my own feelings. I lost it after our fight, but suddenly I found it again. I hope this means a great new beginning for me. Kak Shima told me to just throw it away but I have kept it in a box where I keep everything he ever gave me, just for keepsake.
However, through it all, this song was played repeatedly, right to the moment where I stuffed the 'scared piece' into the box. I guess like Baizurah said, sometimes, we just WANT to feel sad but I'm glad to learn that its different for me now. I hope I can now go on with my life, without pondering on what happened.
And for all of you, I present 'My Song of The Year 2004'
How Could an Angel Break My Heart - Toni Braxton
I heard he sang a lullaby
I heard he sang it from his heart
When I found out thought I would die
Because that lullaby was mine
I heard he sealed it with a kiss
He gently kissed her cherry lips
I found that so hard to believe
Because his kiss belonged to me
How could an angel break my heart
Why didn't he catch my falling star
I wish I didn't wish so hard
Maybe I wished our love apart
How could an angel break my heart
I heard her face was white as rain
Soft as a rose that blooms in May
He keeps her picture in a frame
And when he sleeps he calls her name
I wonder if she makes him smile
The way he used to smile at me
I hope she doesn't make him laugh
Because his laugh belongs to me
How could an angel break my heart
Why didn't he catch my falling star
I wish I didn't wish so hard
Maybe I wish our love apart
How could an angel break my heart
Oh my soul is dying, it's crying
I'm trying to understand
Please help me
How could an angel break my heart
Why didn't he catch my falling star
I wish I didn't wish so hard
Maybe I wished our love apart
How could an angel break my heart
Monday, May 23, 2005
"Kemas rumah"
I spent a good part of yesterday and the day before, clearing up my room. InsyaAllah, by Thursday or Friday, my housemates and I would be settled into our new rented house, still in the same housing area but nearer to the surau and Taman Pekaka.
Wow, I never thought I had sooooo much things. Just my books only, took up 5 boxes, and THAT is excluding my Readers Digest Collection as well as my tuition books. Luckily, some of my books are scattered in my car, in my cubicle at the post-grad room as well as in my HiTEG room upstairs, not to mention the ones that are still in the hands of my friends who have borrowed my books. At least, that lessens the luggage I have to take to and fro this Thursday.
Suprisingly, my baju kurungs took up more than half of my gigantic bag. Hey, it really is gigantic, I can fit in the bag as well as someone else and we'd still have room to kick each other if we're bothering one another! That includes the baju kurungs I can't wear, following the weight gain I had last year, but still in my keep since I still dream of losing my excess weight. So for my clothes only, I have a gigantic bag full of baju kurungs, long sleeved t-shirts, tudungs, bed sheets and pillow cases, towels bla.. bla.. I also have another normal sized bag full with my blouses and nighties AND a backsack stuffed with all my jeans and pants. I've had a bag ready for all the clothes I've put aside for this week too. And to think that I always wonder where have all my clothes gone to. The real question is, where have all my clothes THAT FIT gone to haha.. By the way, all the moving out tension has made me lose a feww pounds and THATS making me smile all day long eventhough I'm really sick off packing up now! Hope whats got off, stays off!
So.. books, check.. clothes, check.. toiletries, check on Thursday.. what else? Hey, what are all those thingeys doing outside of A box?
I'm known to collect cute thingeys everywhere and that has prompt my peers to buy these things for me on special occasions eg konvo, birthdays. These cute flower vases, all kinds and sizes of candles, greeting tiles, bookmarks, keychains, coin boxes (full to brim, mind you!), cute boxes, tiny jars of colourful plastic food, pewter case, cute mini teddies, coin purses, potpourri pots, arometherapy sets and bla.. bla.. All these things have filled up yet another box and I had to be careful so the vases won't break during the move.
Then there's my bags. Now, I've never really been a fan for handbags or anything but I never thought I had a lot. The real one I have is a one I bought on sale and because of its practicality where it doesn't have the complicated buttons or straps. BUT, I have one sling bag that Izati bought for me for my birthday a couple of years ago. Then there's one I bought for raya since Mama kept telling me I'm not a lady enough. There's one I bought when going out with kak Wahid, Awa and Cik Wa. The reason I bought it was because my 'real one' was having a case of old age diesease where its inside lining was falling apart but I just used it for a while I think. I still prefered my fallen apart bag. Another one is a bag someone bought for me in my first year (I don't remember who) coz I kept holding my purse whenever we went out and my friend was afraid I might leave my purse somewhere so she bought the bag for me. How about the cute bags (one sling bad, and another one a purse) my housemates and kak Zura, kak Zai and kak Yun bought for me on my birthday. I love the bag, very practical for me when I'm in my study mode since its large enough for my 'Gingerbreadman Pencil box' and one book but not too large to look ridiculous. It has this embroided Teddy in front of it and the only reason I don't use it much is because I'm afraid it'll get dirty. Then there's this bag I bought in Melaka for its size, thinking I could put my telekung in it whenever I'm going out. Gosh, all those bags and more ALL fit in another box!
Liana came to my house and laughed out loud looking at all the things I've packed, and that isn't even HALF of it.. God, heeeeeeeelllllpppp me! The first night I had to spend mopping the house while sneaking peeks at Star Wars II which was on NTV7. Gebu has been up to her tricks and mopping up the house was the only option I had left. Good thing there was Liana, or I'd grow bored all alone.
The next day (yesterday) I suddenly realized that our pots and pans were some of the things that needed packing. Since the last time we really cooked (last week's cooking for kak Yun doesn't count since we didn't eat at home but instead took the food to the hospital and ate there with her) was in bulan puasa, the dishes were in the worst condition with inches of dust accumulating around them. To make matters worse, the dishwashing liquid was up to its last drop. Anyway, finally, all those plates and cups were washed, dried and arranged in a box with a "FRAGILE" warning on top.. just in case!
My next step was my other things. My tuition things took up a whole large box. What with its books (referance books, exercise books), graph papers, A4 papers, foolscap papers, notes and past year questions. Berat loooo.. And now I remember that I've forgotten my globe which I use for 'Bumi sebagai sfera' chapter!
Then I tackled my desk. I had so many things on my desk that was supposed to make it more organized (cute drawer sets, pencil holders, cute miniature magazine rack where I put my cards, plastic shelves where my puncher, stapler, tapes and bla.. bla.. resides) but when you want to pack things up, you realized, though organized, it takes a lot of space in your box. That's only the things on my desk, how about IN them? My three drawers were also full with odds and ends. Recipe cards, old raya cards, pen refills, unused erasers, account books, cute stationery, rubber balls Jida gave me to bounce as hard as I want to whenever I want to scream hehe.. keychains, bookmarks I planned to give people but never got to it, letter opener I got for presenting in the AWAM 2004 and bla.. bla.. Now all these didn't fill up a box, instead it filled up two boxes.. duh!
By then, my eyes were crossed and I kept sneezing because of the dust that suddenly seem to have 'beranak' in my room. Lucky me, with resdung and all, I lost all sense of smell then!
Another two boxes were filled with things I bought for personal use. Now, as a student with a budget, I'm sure everyone has done what I'm doing. For example, buying a 3-pack of 30 sanitary pads since it was cheaper than the usual prize, though it'll look funny seeing you buy so much as if you're having an unusual period. I'm sure that rings a bell with you! I've always become victim to these bulks. I mean, a pack of two jumbo Johnsons baby talcum, a pack of 80 panty liners, a pack of 3 cotton pads, a pack of 4 cotton buds, 2 packs of 6 tissue boxes, a pack of 3 toothpastes, a pack of 3 travelling Clinique facial soap and the list goes on. So all these extras also go in boxes! And they take soooo much space that I wonder what I was thinking when I bought these things.
Whew.. can I rest now? Nooooooooo.. there's still so much to pack and I'm already exhausted. Arranging the packed boxes in the living room of my current home, I am suddenly struck by the huge amount of my things. When kak Kt returned home, she laughed after getting over her shock at how much things I had hidden in that room. Hey, I shocked myself, anyway!
Now, until Thursday, my room will resemble a store room, with boxes of all colours arranged around the room. Luckily, I've always loved these boxes and always bought them so at least my eyes aren't sore looking at the usual brown coloured boxes that would really turn my room into a store room. I have a rainbow coloured room for the time being and I am bent to enjoy them instead of detesting them with the thought of having to unpack again when we move.
Well, time for a nap.. oppss, nope! Time to do my work, lest Dr Wan wants to see them tomorrow. Till I'm free enough to update this blog (maybe until after I've settled down) cheerio
Wow, I never thought I had sooooo much things. Just my books only, took up 5 boxes, and THAT is excluding my Readers Digest Collection as well as my tuition books. Luckily, some of my books are scattered in my car, in my cubicle at the post-grad room as well as in my HiTEG room upstairs, not to mention the ones that are still in the hands of my friends who have borrowed my books. At least, that lessens the luggage I have to take to and fro this Thursday.
Suprisingly, my baju kurungs took up more than half of my gigantic bag. Hey, it really is gigantic, I can fit in the bag as well as someone else and we'd still have room to kick each other if we're bothering one another! That includes the baju kurungs I can't wear, following the weight gain I had last year, but still in my keep since I still dream of losing my excess weight. So for my clothes only, I have a gigantic bag full of baju kurungs, long sleeved t-shirts, tudungs, bed sheets and pillow cases, towels bla.. bla.. I also have another normal sized bag full with my blouses and nighties AND a backsack stuffed with all my jeans and pants. I've had a bag ready for all the clothes I've put aside for this week too. And to think that I always wonder where have all my clothes gone to. The real question is, where have all my clothes THAT FIT gone to haha.. By the way, all the moving out tension has made me lose a feww pounds and THATS making me smile all day long eventhough I'm really sick off packing up now! Hope whats got off, stays off!
So.. books, check.. clothes, check.. toiletries, check on Thursday.. what else? Hey, what are all those thingeys doing outside of A box?
I'm known to collect cute thingeys everywhere and that has prompt my peers to buy these things for me on special occasions eg konvo, birthdays. These cute flower vases, all kinds and sizes of candles, greeting tiles, bookmarks, keychains, coin boxes (full to brim, mind you!), cute boxes, tiny jars of colourful plastic food, pewter case, cute mini teddies, coin purses, potpourri pots, arometherapy sets and bla.. bla.. All these things have filled up yet another box and I had to be careful so the vases won't break during the move.
Then there's my bags. Now, I've never really been a fan for handbags or anything but I never thought I had a lot. The real one I have is a one I bought on sale and because of its practicality where it doesn't have the complicated buttons or straps. BUT, I have one sling bag that Izati bought for me for my birthday a couple of years ago. Then there's one I bought for raya since Mama kept telling me I'm not a lady enough. There's one I bought when going out with kak Wahid, Awa and Cik Wa. The reason I bought it was because my 'real one' was having a case of old age diesease where its inside lining was falling apart but I just used it for a while I think. I still prefered my fallen apart bag. Another one is a bag someone bought for me in my first year (I don't remember who) coz I kept holding my purse whenever we went out and my friend was afraid I might leave my purse somewhere so she bought the bag for me. How about the cute bags (one sling bad, and another one a purse) my housemates and kak Zura, kak Zai and kak Yun bought for me on my birthday. I love the bag, very practical for me when I'm in my study mode since its large enough for my 'Gingerbreadman Pencil box' and one book but not too large to look ridiculous. It has this embroided Teddy in front of it and the only reason I don't use it much is because I'm afraid it'll get dirty. Then there's this bag I bought in Melaka for its size, thinking I could put my telekung in it whenever I'm going out. Gosh, all those bags and more ALL fit in another box!
Liana came to my house and laughed out loud looking at all the things I've packed, and that isn't even HALF of it.. God, heeeeeeeelllllpppp me! The first night I had to spend mopping the house while sneaking peeks at Star Wars II which was on NTV7. Gebu has been up to her tricks and mopping up the house was the only option I had left. Good thing there was Liana, or I'd grow bored all alone.
The next day (yesterday) I suddenly realized that our pots and pans were some of the things that needed packing. Since the last time we really cooked (last week's cooking for kak Yun doesn't count since we didn't eat at home but instead took the food to the hospital and ate there with her) was in bulan puasa, the dishes were in the worst condition with inches of dust accumulating around them. To make matters worse, the dishwashing liquid was up to its last drop. Anyway, finally, all those plates and cups were washed, dried and arranged in a box with a "FRAGILE" warning on top.. just in case!
My next step was my other things. My tuition things took up a whole large box. What with its books (referance books, exercise books), graph papers, A4 papers, foolscap papers, notes and past year questions. Berat loooo.. And now I remember that I've forgotten my globe which I use for 'Bumi sebagai sfera' chapter!
Then I tackled my desk. I had so many things on my desk that was supposed to make it more organized (cute drawer sets, pencil holders, cute miniature magazine rack where I put my cards, plastic shelves where my puncher, stapler, tapes and bla.. bla.. resides) but when you want to pack things up, you realized, though organized, it takes a lot of space in your box. That's only the things on my desk, how about IN them? My three drawers were also full with odds and ends. Recipe cards, old raya cards, pen refills, unused erasers, account books, cute stationery, rubber balls Jida gave me to bounce as hard as I want to whenever I want to scream hehe.. keychains, bookmarks I planned to give people but never got to it, letter opener I got for presenting in the AWAM 2004 and bla.. bla.. Now all these didn't fill up a box, instead it filled up two boxes.. duh!
By then, my eyes were crossed and I kept sneezing because of the dust that suddenly seem to have 'beranak' in my room. Lucky me, with resdung and all, I lost all sense of smell then!
Another two boxes were filled with things I bought for personal use. Now, as a student with a budget, I'm sure everyone has done what I'm doing. For example, buying a 3-pack of 30 sanitary pads since it was cheaper than the usual prize, though it'll look funny seeing you buy so much as if you're having an unusual period. I'm sure that rings a bell with you! I've always become victim to these bulks. I mean, a pack of two jumbo Johnsons baby talcum, a pack of 80 panty liners, a pack of 3 cotton pads, a pack of 4 cotton buds, 2 packs of 6 tissue boxes, a pack of 3 toothpastes, a pack of 3 travelling Clinique facial soap and the list goes on. So all these extras also go in boxes! And they take soooo much space that I wonder what I was thinking when I bought these things.
Whew.. can I rest now? Nooooooooo.. there's still so much to pack and I'm already exhausted. Arranging the packed boxes in the living room of my current home, I am suddenly struck by the huge amount of my things. When kak Kt returned home, she laughed after getting over her shock at how much things I had hidden in that room. Hey, I shocked myself, anyway!
Now, until Thursday, my room will resemble a store room, with boxes of all colours arranged around the room. Luckily, I've always loved these boxes and always bought them so at least my eyes aren't sore looking at the usual brown coloured boxes that would really turn my room into a store room. I have a rainbow coloured room for the time being and I am bent to enjoy them instead of detesting them with the thought of having to unpack again when we move.
Well, time for a nap.. oppss, nope! Time to do my work, lest Dr Wan wants to see them tomorrow. Till I'm free enough to update this blog (maybe until after I've settled down) cheerio
Friday, May 20, 2005
Honest comments, anyone?
Today, I was a bit depressed. I've been feeling this way for a few days but only today do I remember why. You see, today is two years, plus a few days to the day I first had my 'fight' with my now-invisible bestfriend. The fight that didn't really start innocently enough but for a while, I DID wish it the fight would end. Now, I'm more realistic, I guess. I don't wanna hope for it anymore though at times I still wonder where WAS the turning point of our friendship.
Anyway, that isn't the main point of this entry. Truth is, I didn't feel like doing anything today, not really in the mood, so I was surfing other peoples blogs. Then, out of nowhere, Nomi asked me about my diaryland blog that I haven't even glanced at for a few months. Suprised that she remembered it, though I myself have neglected it, I opened the webpage for my diaryland. Reading through all the things I have written, a recent entry (not so recent la, ada la a few months) caught my eye. Now, this topic hasn't been on my mind for a while, but suddenly, I'm starting to wonder about it. I'll paste the entry below dated 19th January 2005
I talked to a friend a few days ago.. we were jumping from topic to topic, not really staying on a certain subject when suddenly she asked me about my life.. I didn't quite understand until she specifiend her question on if I had a 'significant other' or not..
I don't know why but I feel that everyone who's crazily in love DO seem to want everyone around them to be happy.. I don't blame her but for this moment, that question does seem to be quite sensitive.. I didn't have any answer for her anyway so we just talked about our friends and all that AND suddenely we were back on that subject.. with nothing to say, I just said that I'm still mending my broken heart over what has happened and proceeded to tell her a bit.. then we jumped back to other topics (Whew..!!)
But then, out of no where, she asked me, why was I afraid to let anyone close to me? I was dumbfounded for a while, trying to find the reason of her question.. I mean, it wasn't as if we were that close or something, so how could she get the idea? My best bet is that maybe, she's talked to some of our mutual friends (or friend, coz I already suspect someone..)..
I mean ME, afraid to let anyone close..? I know somebody once asked me that question.. ok, at least two people have asked me that question before this but I haven't really given it much thought.. they tell me, its not really just to the members of the opposite sex but I'm also like that to girls.. huh???? Am I really like that? I mean, I have lots of friends.. close friends.. best friends.. that doesn't mean I'm afraid to let anyone close does it..? In fact, some of my best friends are guys, so that might rule out what they've said to me (although the two people who've told me this before were actually guys)
It did leave me sleepless that night, thinking of what my friend said but then I just shrugged it off.. I just couldn't see how people say I'm afraid to let anyone close to me..
Then a couple of days later, I was talking to Azren on Yahoo! Messenger.. he was his usual cheeky self, trying to put me off guard so he could pull my leg with his pranks and jokes when suddenly he asked me, "Kak Yong byk sgt berahsia and dun trust me?" Then he asked, "Don't you trust anyone?"
Now THAT did put off guard.. suddenly I felt funny.. I mean, what does it mean if in just a few days in a row, you get two people asking you similiar questions.. I did feel uncomfortable.. He then went on asking me to start trusting people, to start trusting him and all that.. I just pretended to laugh but all the while my head was in a spin.. I mean, is this true.. do I not trust people? Is it really true that I don't let anyone come closer to me? I really do wonder now..
After reading that, the question of my 'building a wall around my heart for everyone' has started to bother me again. I remember a recent conversation with Sentot, and she kind'a told me the same thing. Betul ke I'm like that? If I am, sorry Baizurah, I must have really hurt you and made you feel as if I don't trust you.. but I really do la, my sweet friend, honest!
As for my other friends (the small number of those who know my blog address), I beg for your opinion, please! Highly appreciated. tak marah punya :-)
Anyway, that isn't the main point of this entry. Truth is, I didn't feel like doing anything today, not really in the mood, so I was surfing other peoples blogs. Then, out of nowhere, Nomi asked me about my diaryland blog that I haven't even glanced at for a few months. Suprised that she remembered it, though I myself have neglected it, I opened the webpage for my diaryland. Reading through all the things I have written, a recent entry (not so recent la, ada la a few months) caught my eye. Now, this topic hasn't been on my mind for a while, but suddenly, I'm starting to wonder about it. I'll paste the entry below dated 19th January 2005
I talked to a friend a few days ago.. we were jumping from topic to topic, not really staying on a certain subject when suddenly she asked me about my life.. I didn't quite understand until she specifiend her question on if I had a 'significant other' or not..
I don't know why but I feel that everyone who's crazily in love DO seem to want everyone around them to be happy.. I don't blame her but for this moment, that question does seem to be quite sensitive.. I didn't have any answer for her anyway so we just talked about our friends and all that AND suddenely we were back on that subject.. with nothing to say, I just said that I'm still mending my broken heart over what has happened and proceeded to tell her a bit.. then we jumped back to other topics (Whew..!!)
But then, out of no where, she asked me, why was I afraid to let anyone close to me? I was dumbfounded for a while, trying to find the reason of her question.. I mean, it wasn't as if we were that close or something, so how could she get the idea? My best bet is that maybe, she's talked to some of our mutual friends (or friend, coz I already suspect someone..)..
I mean ME, afraid to let anyone close..? I know somebody once asked me that question.. ok, at least two people have asked me that question before this but I haven't really given it much thought.. they tell me, its not really just to the members of the opposite sex but I'm also like that to girls.. huh???? Am I really like that? I mean, I have lots of friends.. close friends.. best friends.. that doesn't mean I'm afraid to let anyone close does it..? In fact, some of my best friends are guys, so that might rule out what they've said to me (although the two people who've told me this before were actually guys)
It did leave me sleepless that night, thinking of what my friend said but then I just shrugged it off.. I just couldn't see how people say I'm afraid to let anyone close to me..
Then a couple of days later, I was talking to Azren on Yahoo! Messenger.. he was his usual cheeky self, trying to put me off guard so he could pull my leg with his pranks and jokes when suddenly he asked me, "Kak Yong byk sgt berahsia and dun trust me?" Then he asked, "Don't you trust anyone?"
Now THAT did put off guard.. suddenly I felt funny.. I mean, what does it mean if in just a few days in a row, you get two people asking you similiar questions.. I did feel uncomfortable.. He then went on asking me to start trusting people, to start trusting him and all that.. I just pretended to laugh but all the while my head was in a spin.. I mean, is this true.. do I not trust people? Is it really true that I don't let anyone come closer to me? I really do wonder now..
After reading that, the question of my 'building a wall around my heart for everyone' has started to bother me again. I remember a recent conversation with Sentot, and she kind'a told me the same thing. Betul ke I'm like that? If I am, sorry Baizurah, I must have really hurt you and made you feel as if I don't trust you.. but I really do la, my sweet friend, honest!
As for my other friends (the small number of those who know my blog address), I beg for your opinion, please! Highly appreciated. tak marah punya :-)
Star Wars III - Revenge of the Sith.. and our revenge??
Yesterday, me, my housemate kak Shima along with kak Zura and kak Zai went to Megamall with the sole purpose of watching the newly released Star Wars III. It was kak Shima's treat, since
1. She has finally submitted her thesis (Congratulations, kak Shima)
2. She been talking about Star Wars non-stop since the past two weeks
Kak Shima had already booked the tickets yesterday afternoon so after maghrib, all of us trooped to Megamall, first to get our tickets and then to grab a bite at McDonalds (the most logical choice since there are only two fastfood outlets at Megamall, and the other one is KFC, which is also the ONLY choice of fastfood in Parit Buntar). Kak Zura and kak Zai went to order our food while I went with kak Shima to the ticket booth. She must have 'senyum sampai ke telinga' when the adik at the booth handed our tickets.
Throughout the dinner, kak Shima kept talking about the movie, clearly, she was the one most excited about it. 5 minutes to 9.15pm (the time of the movie), kak Shima took out her purse to take out the tickets and SUPRISE! The tickets weren't with her. We thought this was a practical joke of her,just to get us worked up since we didn't show as much enthusiasm as she did, but one look at her worried face, confirmed that she wasn't lying.
Trying our best to calm her down, we helped to search for it but with no avail. I suggested we retraced our steps to the ticket booth up at the 5th floor from McDonalds at the very bottom floor. Alas, no tickets lying around were in sight. What crossed our minds was that someone must have found it and since it was a Star Wars movie, he/she must have used it. This thought must show how little faith I have in the human race, but, c'mon la, as if all of you won't think the same thing too.
Trying to be positive, we marched up to the adik who earlier gave us our tickets and told her our story, in hoping that the person who found our tickets had returned it to the counter, but realistically, JGN HARAP LAAAA.. Luckily, she remembered us (sapa tak leh lupa, kalau suara memasing cam speaker masjid hehe..) but since we didn't remember which theatre we were supposed to be in (our luck, they had two theatres with the same movie) she couldn't really help us but she asked us to go to the 'apek koyak ticket'. Now, usually, this apek is very strict. He'd even sometimes check our bags, just to make sure we don't have any hidden cameras or outside food. But last night, maybe because of the panicked face all of us wore, he asked one of the asistants to help us (who turned out to be a group of assistants hehe.. mesti sbb semua perempuan, tu yg berebut nak tolong tu..)
The only thing me and kak Shima remembered was that our seats were numbered 16,17, 18 and 19 but we couldn't, for the life of us, remember which row (but I'm positive it was either C or D, even kak Shima agreed coz I remembered THAT when we were choosing which seats we wanted) or which theatre. But since only theatre 4 had seats up to 19, it was our only logical choice. Stumbling into the already dark room, with the group of assistants in tow (haha, really appreciate la.. siap nak call sape ntah pasal ticket kitorg yang hilang.. then tolong carikan seat yg kosong la, and calming us down) we found our seats, hey I remember la either C or D, were already taken. Me and kak Shima stood there and saw that in the D row, a family of 6 were sitting there while in the C row, a group of guys and a girl were sitting there. I purposely (haha, I can be really 'teruk' when I want to) said out loud, "Kak Shima, rasanya seat kite kat sini la" and I was not suprised when the four of them, like robots, looked the opposite way abruptly, at the same time.. haaaa, gotcha!!!
But like I said, the assistants were sweet dolls. They found us some seats, though waaaaayy in front and apologized to us, making us relax instantly. It wasn't even their fault. See, somehow, my faith in the human race, was restored, though only a bit, by their good gestures!
Haha, anyway, we only relxed for a while. See, since we were sitting on the second or thrid row from the front, we were hit with full force by the special effects of the movie. I felt giddy just sitting there watching the first scene were the was a fight in space when Anakin and Obi-Wan went to save the Chancellor. It was as if I was in there with them. I thought I was the only one until I heard kak Zura and kak Zai giggling about feeling dizzy and all that. THAT started to make us feel mad again at those ticket thieves. But as the story enfolded, the pace started to slow down and were were finally into the movie, relaxing, laughing and crying at the right scenes.
All in all, it was a sad story, especially the part when Padme told Anakin that he was breaking her heart by turning to the dark side, and when Obi-Wan got upset and told Anakin how he loved Anakin like his own brother. Also in the parting of the twins as well as when both Padme and Anakin were 'hospitalized' (nope.. wrong word here!!) at the same time, but on different sides of the force and how touched you feel when you hear their first question once they gain consciousness. But the effects were great, though, its expected since its the new milleneum la, guys! Kalau tak, how could I feel so dizzy watching all that at the third row.. pening giler! Hehe.. The fighting scenes pun quite good, kak Shima voiced out her amazement (which I only thought to myself la hehe.. perasan jugak ek kak Shima part tu tp, best kan?)about how Obi-Wan was already in the fighting position eventhough he had just jumped out of his just-landed shuttle. You could also see the sequence in the character of Anakin which slowly turned to the dark side. There's betrayal, anger, sadness all rolled in one!
Anyway, sambung citer ticket hehe, at the end of the movie, kak Zura and kak Zai rushed up to see the people who were sitting in our seats. That group was unlucky enough to be held up by the traffic of people going out of the cinema so we had a good look at them and then, kak Shima, kak Zai and kak Zura talked out loudly that I had to stop myself from laughing
"Best tak tengok citer tu.. mesti best kan, ticket free"
"Ticket kutip la.."
"Takde manners langsung, tak pulangkan pun kan.."
"Sapa la yg amik ticket kite ni? Bleh duduk tgk plak tu"
"Takpe, nnt jumpa kat 'dacing' nnt"
"Best la kaaan, dpt ticket free la katakan.."
"Apasal la tak tinggalkan kat counter" <-- My half a cent worth
"Tu la, best sgt ke tgk cite ticket free, macam la kaunter tak dak"
"Macam la ticket tu tak dak tuan"
"Mmg nnt jumpa kat 'dacing' la nnt, jawab la masa tu.."
Hehe.. The group that those words were dedicated to, didn't even look back at us, when logically, if you have a group of 'speaker masjids' talking like that, of course la you'd look at them, paling kurang just a glance, at least just to think, "Gila ka apa ka depa ni?" They just held their head up high, a bit stiffly la haha, and walked straight in front, never once glancing back. Only the girl, hid her face with her right hand (she was walking beside us at our left side) and had the conscience of looking guilty.
Haha.. quite childish, maybe, but SAPA TAK MARAH! Mentang² la citer tu semua orang nak tengok.. Thats why I said in my earlier blog, some Malaysian are just sooooo %^$#@*.. but not all, thanks to the cinema staff! We laughed at ourselves all the way back to Parit Buntar. Well, sometimes, the child in us just wants to go and help the helpless adult we sometimes become, right.. lgpun, bukan selalu haha..
Anyway, thanks to kak Shima for the treat and good luck for your viva nanti.. I enjoyed yesterdays outing, even with the lost ticket and all! Helped me to forget that yesterday was exactly two years to the dot since I first had THE one and only fight with my invisible bestfriend, that lead to our broken friendship today :'( I do miss him, though. It's been a long time since I last talked of him to you even if I do think of him now and then, especially in the recent days..
For my borther, Adi.. Eleeeh, id tu dah la kenoby7, but if you haven't watched Star Wars III yet, tak guna gak hehe.. <-- This is my brother who's an ardent fan of the force, thats why his id is taken from Master Obi-Wan. I, myself, am not a real fan though I watch it just for the fun of it. The closest thing I did for Star Wars was to buy the 3-in-1 Star Wars book set (Episodes 4,5 and 6 je la masa tu) for my brother Ikram on his birthday a couple of years ago.
And for the rest of you out there, including the ticket nabbers haha.. May the force be with you!!
1. She has finally submitted her thesis (Congratulations, kak Shima)
2. She been talking about Star Wars non-stop since the past two weeks
Kak Shima had already booked the tickets yesterday afternoon so after maghrib, all of us trooped to Megamall, first to get our tickets and then to grab a bite at McDonalds (the most logical choice since there are only two fastfood outlets at Megamall, and the other one is KFC, which is also the ONLY choice of fastfood in Parit Buntar). Kak Zura and kak Zai went to order our food while I went with kak Shima to the ticket booth. She must have 'senyum sampai ke telinga' when the adik at the booth handed our tickets.
Throughout the dinner, kak Shima kept talking about the movie, clearly, she was the one most excited about it. 5 minutes to 9.15pm (the time of the movie), kak Shima took out her purse to take out the tickets and SUPRISE! The tickets weren't with her. We thought this was a practical joke of her,just to get us worked up since we didn't show as much enthusiasm as she did, but one look at her worried face, confirmed that she wasn't lying.
Trying our best to calm her down, we helped to search for it but with no avail. I suggested we retraced our steps to the ticket booth up at the 5th floor from McDonalds at the very bottom floor. Alas, no tickets lying around were in sight. What crossed our minds was that someone must have found it and since it was a Star Wars movie, he/she must have used it. This thought must show how little faith I have in the human race, but, c'mon la, as if all of you won't think the same thing too.
Trying to be positive, we marched up to the adik who earlier gave us our tickets and told her our story, in hoping that the person who found our tickets had returned it to the counter, but realistically, JGN HARAP LAAAA.. Luckily, she remembered us (sapa tak leh lupa, kalau suara memasing cam speaker masjid hehe..) but since we didn't remember which theatre we were supposed to be in (our luck, they had two theatres with the same movie) she couldn't really help us but she asked us to go to the 'apek koyak ticket'. Now, usually, this apek is very strict. He'd even sometimes check our bags, just to make sure we don't have any hidden cameras or outside food. But last night, maybe because of the panicked face all of us wore, he asked one of the asistants to help us (who turned out to be a group of assistants hehe.. mesti sbb semua perempuan, tu yg berebut nak tolong tu..)
The only thing me and kak Shima remembered was that our seats were numbered 16,17, 18 and 19 but we couldn't, for the life of us, remember which row (but I'm positive it was either C or D, even kak Shima agreed coz I remembered THAT when we were choosing which seats we wanted) or which theatre. But since only theatre 4 had seats up to 19, it was our only logical choice. Stumbling into the already dark room, with the group of assistants in tow (haha, really appreciate la.. siap nak call sape ntah pasal ticket kitorg yang hilang.. then tolong carikan seat yg kosong la, and calming us down) we found our seats, hey I remember la either C or D, were already taken. Me and kak Shima stood there and saw that in the D row, a family of 6 were sitting there while in the C row, a group of guys and a girl were sitting there. I purposely (haha, I can be really 'teruk' when I want to) said out loud, "Kak Shima, rasanya seat kite kat sini la" and I was not suprised when the four of them, like robots, looked the opposite way abruptly, at the same time.. haaaa, gotcha!!!
But like I said, the assistants were sweet dolls. They found us some seats, though waaaaayy in front and apologized to us, making us relax instantly. It wasn't even their fault. See, somehow, my faith in the human race, was restored, though only a bit, by their good gestures!
Haha, anyway, we only relxed for a while. See, since we were sitting on the second or thrid row from the front, we were hit with full force by the special effects of the movie. I felt giddy just sitting there watching the first scene were the was a fight in space when Anakin and Obi-Wan went to save the Chancellor. It was as if I was in there with them. I thought I was the only one until I heard kak Zura and kak Zai giggling about feeling dizzy and all that. THAT started to make us feel mad again at those ticket thieves. But as the story enfolded, the pace started to slow down and were were finally into the movie, relaxing, laughing and crying at the right scenes.
All in all, it was a sad story, especially the part when Padme told Anakin that he was breaking her heart by turning to the dark side, and when Obi-Wan got upset and told Anakin how he loved Anakin like his own brother. Also in the parting of the twins as well as when both Padme and Anakin were 'hospitalized' (nope.. wrong word here!!) at the same time, but on different sides of the force and how touched you feel when you hear their first question once they gain consciousness. But the effects were great, though, its expected since its the new milleneum la, guys! Kalau tak, how could I feel so dizzy watching all that at the third row.. pening giler! Hehe.. The fighting scenes pun quite good, kak Shima voiced out her amazement (which I only thought to myself la hehe.. perasan jugak ek kak Shima part tu tp, best kan?)about how Obi-Wan was already in the fighting position eventhough he had just jumped out of his just-landed shuttle. You could also see the sequence in the character of Anakin which slowly turned to the dark side. There's betrayal, anger, sadness all rolled in one!
Anyway, sambung citer ticket hehe, at the end of the movie, kak Zura and kak Zai rushed up to see the people who were sitting in our seats. That group was unlucky enough to be held up by the traffic of people going out of the cinema so we had a good look at them and then, kak Shima, kak Zai and kak Zura talked out loudly that I had to stop myself from laughing
"Best tak tengok citer tu.. mesti best kan, ticket free"
"Ticket kutip la.."
"Takde manners langsung, tak pulangkan pun kan.."
"Sapa la yg amik ticket kite ni? Bleh duduk tgk plak tu"
"Takpe, nnt jumpa kat 'dacing' nnt"
"Best la kaaan, dpt ticket free la katakan.."
"Apasal la tak tinggalkan kat counter" <-- My half a cent worth
"Tu la, best sgt ke tgk cite ticket free, macam la kaunter tak dak"
"Macam la ticket tu tak dak tuan"
"Mmg nnt jumpa kat 'dacing' la nnt, jawab la masa tu.."
Hehe.. The group that those words were dedicated to, didn't even look back at us, when logically, if you have a group of 'speaker masjids' talking like that, of course la you'd look at them, paling kurang just a glance, at least just to think, "Gila ka apa ka depa ni?" They just held their head up high, a bit stiffly la haha, and walked straight in front, never once glancing back. Only the girl, hid her face with her right hand (she was walking beside us at our left side) and had the conscience of looking guilty.
Haha.. quite childish, maybe, but SAPA TAK MARAH! Mentang² la citer tu semua orang nak tengok.. Thats why I said in my earlier blog, some Malaysian are just sooooo %^$#@*.. but not all, thanks to the cinema staff! We laughed at ourselves all the way back to Parit Buntar. Well, sometimes, the child in us just wants to go and help the helpless adult we sometimes become, right.. lgpun, bukan selalu haha..
Anyway, thanks to kak Shima for the treat and good luck for your viva nanti.. I enjoyed yesterdays outing, even with the lost ticket and all! Helped me to forget that yesterday was exactly two years to the dot since I first had THE one and only fight with my invisible bestfriend, that lead to our broken friendship today :'( I do miss him, though. It's been a long time since I last talked of him to you even if I do think of him now and then, especially in the recent days..
For my borther, Adi.. Eleeeh, id tu dah la kenoby7, but if you haven't watched Star Wars III yet, tak guna gak hehe.. <-- This is my brother who's an ardent fan of the force, thats why his id is taken from Master Obi-Wan. I, myself, am not a real fan though I watch it just for the fun of it. The closest thing I did for Star Wars was to buy the 3-in-1 Star Wars book set (Episodes 4,5 and 6 je la masa tu) for my brother Ikram on his birthday a couple of years ago.
And for the rest of you out there, including the ticket nabbers haha.. May the force be with you!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Happy Teachers' Day
Yesterday, the whole world celebrated individuals who are among the most loved people of all, our teachers.
Teachers have played an important role in everyones lives --> whoaa hooouuwww ayat skema tu.. ni bukan karangan budak sekolah Ayu!!!
Hehe.. ok, ok! The truth is, yesterday I was suprised when my student presented me with a gift for Teachers' Day and I was smiling like crazy till I went to sleep last night. What touched me wasn't really the gift itself, though the photo frame was cute. What moved me was what she had written to me, which I prefer NOT to write down here in case of 'showing off'. Suddenly, all the weariness of being a tuition tutor for 6 outta 7 days, with 15 hours of teaching per week, just went away. The 'Thank You' was more than enough to make up all the time I spent for my young charges.
I must admit, though I like teaching, sometimes, I DO get a bit irritated especially when all the students want to do is play around. There are times that I feel like just quiting, especially after a hard day at work when I feel like detesting my tuition class that has robbed me of afternoon rests. I mean, there are a lot more people out there who'd give their right arm to take my place. Even when I spend my time marking their exercises, there are moments I'd like to scream just looking at their answers though most of them make me smile when I know they understand or when I come across a mistake I, myself, made years ago when I was their age.
There are some teachers' who've made great impacts on me. Sadly, when I hear the word teacher, not ALL my teachers come to mind. I guess, the ones who most influence me are the ones I remember totally.
Lets start with my teacher in Ashfield Nursery. She was my guradian as well as Iwan and Adi's. We called her Miss MacPhill (I THINK la this is the right spelling). She had long hair and always plaited her hair down her back. Since I had long hair too, I always asked my mother to plait my hair that way too. She was kind and patient. She was the one who taught me to bake my Gingerbread Man with baking powder so it won't run away when we open the oven, just like in the childrens tale haha.. I really believed it! She was also the one who taught me the joys of Christmas Crackers and she always shared what she got with us.
Two years later, in Canning Street School, I was introduced to Mrs Dowsland. A motherly teacher, who also has the face of a mother. She taught me the love of flowers and nature. She even asked us to do some plant projects in school. We also had this incubator (or whatever its name is) where we hatched chicken eggs and watched the eggs hatch together. I still have my book I used in her class. Her class was the most colourful one in school and I'm glad I was in it.
In standard 1, I got to know Cikgu Noerida. She wasn't actually my first teacher in SK Sg Gelugor, but she's the first I remember whenever I think of my primary school. She was the type of teacher you'd want to hug everytime you sit down and learn something from her. Since I was used to school eversince I was 2, I wasn't really afraid, so while others spent their time terrified of school, I spent my time worshipping Cikgu Noerida. I wanted to be kind like her and tried so hard but still, as a primary school goer, being good just wasn't my aim in life especially while having friends like Adam who loves to tease and ganging up with Soraya to have our go at Adam whenever we had the chance. I guess, the real reason we despised Adam was because he was, sort of, Cikgu Noerida's pet. His brothers have all been her students so she was quite close to Adam.
I had a good 3 years with her, from standard one up until standard three. She must have had quite an interesting 3 years with us. What with me as the cry baby of the class, Adam and Soraya head to head quarelling over everything, quiet Ilah who refuses to speak, cunning Alfy who looks quiet on the outside, but just as cheeky as Adam inside, our 'kumpulan A' that's supposed to be the cleverest group in class but also the noisiest with Srly, Iswadi, Nazrein, Anurra and the list goes on. Makes me wonder, what happened to my childhood friends from this class? Hmm..
In standard 5 and 6, I was in Cikgu Zaharah's class. Now, to tell you the truth, she isn't really one of my favourite teachers but she also wasn't the least favourite. Biasa² je. It was mostly becaues she wasn't really quite fair (sorry to my classmates who read this entry.. but betul ape?). She was attentive to those who took tuition classes with her but the small percentage of us, including me, who didn't take her class could feel that she wasn't very keen about us. It saddens me a bit but still, I'm lucky!
Why, you may ask? It's because Cikgu Zaharah is one of the BEST teachers I've ever known. Being with her made me memorize my mathematical tables faster than I could imagine. Every morning we'd have this multiplication drill where you can't sit down til you've answered her correctly. She also taught me how to write good malay compositions. She has a knack for making you fall in love with the language, even turned shy Asfalela into a bold poet. She pushed all of us to the limit, with her knowing more than us of what we were capable of and for that, I thank her. She was a real eye opener to most of us so if anyone needs any 'pushing', she's the man (or lady in this case)! Thank you, cikgu!!
In lower secondary, one of my most memorable teachers is Ustazah Fatimah. She taught me Arabic in form 1 and was also the hostel warden. A very strict lady (still remember when I had to run around the netball court for failing my arabic test), yet very gentle when she called me into the caunselling room to talk to me. She was worried when she saw that I was quite shy and quiet (and because she heard stories of how strict my father was, really) so she just wanted to find out. You know you can trust her once she opens her mouth. She got married when I was in form 2 and went away. It was a sad event for a lot of us.
Then there Ustazah Che Maznah who was my form teacher in form 3. She was also a warden, but at the Perak Road Hostel. It was easy to 'bodek' her, to go out or balik kampung and all that but when she gets into her interrogation mood, you'd better watch out. A motherly figure, she sometimes had to 'reposition' my tudung that didn't really want to stay nicely round my face (I stil have problems with my tudung though I've been wearing it for more than 14 years now) and she always asked me to smile since my own natural face wasn't quite a smiley one (AND most of the time, I didn't quite feel like smiling anyway.. like Baizurah said, I was with this 'me against the world' attitude). Funnily, in form 4, she told me, she doesn't know anyone who likes to smile so much like me, and I wanted to tell her, I mostly smile at her cause she likes it and I mean, who wouldn't smile at her, she's the most lovable Ustazah there is in AlMashoor.
Haha.. another one I'll never forget is Sir Chong. He taught my class History but also teaches English and Kemahiran Hidup to other classes. He's one of those teachers who just loves to tease his students and joke around so in form 2, he gave us this history test. Me, being a girl who hates history, nearly failed the test while my classmates scored. I didn't really care much about it, UNTIL he asked my classmate to announce my marks for the test. I was so humiliated, there I just shouted ,"Siiiiiiiiiirrrrr!" and burst into tears while hiding under my desk (I was a small girl then.. masa tu la, skrg, jgn tanya la.. hehe..). Sir Chong panicked, seeing me like that, that he came to me and apologized but I refused to look at him (Stubborn silly girl!).
After the incident, I didn't want to have anything to do with him so, even as a class monitor, I always passed my duty to my assistant whenever it included Sir Chong but he was always understanding, always trying to make it up to me (shame on you la, Ayu) by asking me if I understood his lesson, once he came in class with his camera and slyly took my picture when I least expected it so he could laugh at me when I was taken by suprise but I still held my head up high. Really malu la when I think about it balik, I mean, the other girls all wanted their picture taken but I just didn't care. All of my friends scolded me for treating a TEACHER like that when Sir Chong was everyone's favourite.
In form 3, he'd help me with my KH project whenever I was stuck, while I just looked on. Hey, I didn't ask for his help though I desperately needed it. My friends all told him that he was unfair but he just laughed and said,"Ayu kan marah lagi kat saya" Hehe.. By then, I already felt a bit ashamed of myself but still proud to admit it and when my friends sent him a farewell card (he was going to further his studies, but coming back to AlMashoor after he completed) he came and said, "Thank you, Ayu" much to my classmates dismay.
He came back when we were in form 5, I think. By then I was already big enough to admit how stupid I was to to that to my TEACHER. My friends were happy when he came back and so was I but I was so ashamed of myself that I didn't dare to meet him. It so happened, I was walking with Shikin one day and we met Sir Chong half way up the stairs so Shikin greeted him, I was too ashamed of myself. But then he replied, "Good morning, Ayu" and laughed when Shikin scolded him for ignoring her greeting. At least I knew, he, unlike the childish me, held no grudges for my childish behaviour towards him years ago. I was forgiven!! Funnily, he's the only teacher I'm in touch with now. All my friends couldn't believe it but I guess, its because he is the most forgiving teacher alive! Thank you, Sir Chong!
How about, Cikgu Nab! She's one of those teachers you'd label as 'GARANG' until you get to know her. Known for her strict rules, we juniors were so afraid of her while we got amazed seeing our seniors so close to her. But then, miracles of miracles, on the few last day of puasa, she bought us a whole sack of harmless fireworks and crackers.. with some duit raya for the whole hostel.. hurray! Once we found her soft spot, we wondered how on earth could we be so afraid of her.
She taugh me history in form 4 and 5. Always calling me 'Layu' since I still hated history and was always day dreaming in class. I once was even punished by her for coming in late to class and was asked to 'jalan itik' around the class while maintaining a straight face when she herself was laughing hehe.. But she did something, Sir Chong couldn't do. When I was in form 5, I started loving history! Not really the sort of 'favourite subject' punya love, but more like I got interested in history and even began reading form 1 to 3 history revision books. Though she was very talkative and liked to 'berleter', ALL of us loved her.
Hurray to Cikgu Nooriah! She's another miracle worker. I'd always been quite good in maths but I never loved it UNTIL she taught me the wonder of numbers. In just a few months, she turned me from an A1/A2 maths girl to a wanting-to-get-100%-je-in-maths girl. I liked to see her face whenever I got full marks up until I was in form 5. She introduced me to number games which I became quickly involved in that I always kept my small basic calculator in my pocket, just in case I saw interesting problems that I immediately wanted to solve.
To be frank, from form 1 to 3, I never really liked doing maths though I found it quite easy for me. Maths was just another subject to help me score in exams. Even my homework was done, 'kalau rajin' *ashamed*. But with Cikgu Nooriah, I just wanted more. She helped us build the Pusat Kecemerlangan Matematik (PCM) where we had all kind of activities with numbers, all kinds of games, in fact, it made maths seem so much fun. I wonder if the PCM is still in AlMashoor?
Cikgu Nooriah is also the computer teacher. She helped us with our school bulletin and very first school magazine our school ever had. She was our advisor, as well as Cikgu Pah (Oooooo, I'd get to her later). We were once scolded by her for using the computer till 5am in the morning for Pertandingan Cerpen Sains or something. She didn't want to smile for a week and I felt so guilty eventhough I wasn't there when the incident happened. I was supposed to restrict my classmates since I was class monitor and I failed her. But she was back to her ownself not long afterward *phew* Thank God! It was good to have her back.
I met her once, when I was in my second year, I guess. She looked so tired. I wanted to tell her how much I appreciated her but the words just got stuck in my throat. I regret now, not telling her then, cause only now do I understand how meaningful a word of thanks IS to a teacher and to Cikgu Nooriah, I owe A LOT to you after all you've done for me! Thank you for everything. In a way, you changed the outlook of life for me and helped me move forward when I was too afraid to take even a small step.
Then there was Cikgu Shariffah Affiffah or more affectionally known as, Cikgu Pah. If I ever make a dictionary, she'd be the definition of 'strict' hehe (Sorry, cikgu Pah!!) BUT, she'd also be the definiton of 'dedicated' and 'most spirited'. She taught me Additional Maths, but also in her own way, taught me the importance of discipline and rules (but I guess I took a step further so now I always follow rules blindly, no question asked, if compared to my friends, eg, "Ada ka peraturan suh pakai kasut dlm lab comp? Tak logik langsung" <-- tu ayat kak Wahid hehe.. me on the other hand --> "Biaq la.. ikut je la, dah nama pun peraturan"). She encouraged us to be brave and confident. She's also responsible for my habit of saying 'sifar' instead of 'kosong' for the number zero. Sometimes I'd be laughed at by my students ("Kak Ayu ni skema la..") But I don't mind. If you were puinished RM10 everytime you say 'kosong', you'd understand too hehe..
She was a no nonsense teacher, though sometimes, its hard for you to take her seriously whenever she starts laughing and talking in her high-pithced voice. I remember how funny she looked when she wanted to hide a laughter from me in my prefects interview. Now, as a rule, everyone hates prefects so I didn't want to be one but when I was called for the interview, I must have given the lamest excuse ever in order not to be one --> "Nanti kalau saya tak buat keje rumah, cikgu yang malu sebab lantik saya jadi pengawas". Cikgu Pah looked as if she wanted to burst out laughing, I guess she did laugh out loud coz when I exited the room, I could hear the high-pitched laughter, that only she has, threatening to shake the whole school building!
Hehe.. those were the school days. I feel as if I've gone back in time now. Hmm..
Anyway, for all the teachers out there, keep up the good work! You're essential to the progress of the country, and to the kids out there (who are just like me once upon a time ago) who need your support and help. Happy Teacher's Day
Teachers have played an important role in everyones lives --> whoaa hooouuwww ayat skema tu.. ni bukan karangan budak sekolah Ayu!!!
Hehe.. ok, ok! The truth is, yesterday I was suprised when my student presented me with a gift for Teachers' Day and I was smiling like crazy till I went to sleep last night. What touched me wasn't really the gift itself, though the photo frame was cute. What moved me was what she had written to me, which I prefer NOT to write down here in case of 'showing off'. Suddenly, all the weariness of being a tuition tutor for 6 outta 7 days, with 15 hours of teaching per week, just went away. The 'Thank You' was more than enough to make up all the time I spent for my young charges.
I must admit, though I like teaching, sometimes, I DO get a bit irritated especially when all the students want to do is play around. There are times that I feel like just quiting, especially after a hard day at work when I feel like detesting my tuition class that has robbed me of afternoon rests. I mean, there are a lot more people out there who'd give their right arm to take my place. Even when I spend my time marking their exercises, there are moments I'd like to scream just looking at their answers though most of them make me smile when I know they understand or when I come across a mistake I, myself, made years ago when I was their age.
There are some teachers' who've made great impacts on me. Sadly, when I hear the word teacher, not ALL my teachers come to mind. I guess, the ones who most influence me are the ones I remember totally.
Lets start with my teacher in Ashfield Nursery. She was my guradian as well as Iwan and Adi's. We called her Miss MacPhill (I THINK la this is the right spelling). She had long hair and always plaited her hair down her back. Since I had long hair too, I always asked my mother to plait my hair that way too. She was kind and patient. She was the one who taught me to bake my Gingerbread Man with baking powder so it won't run away when we open the oven, just like in the childrens tale haha.. I really believed it! She was also the one who taught me the joys of Christmas Crackers and she always shared what she got with us.
Two years later, in Canning Street School, I was introduced to Mrs Dowsland. A motherly teacher, who also has the face of a mother. She taught me the love of flowers and nature. She even asked us to do some plant projects in school. We also had this incubator (or whatever its name is) where we hatched chicken eggs and watched the eggs hatch together. I still have my book I used in her class. Her class was the most colourful one in school and I'm glad I was in it.
In standard 1, I got to know Cikgu Noerida. She wasn't actually my first teacher in SK Sg Gelugor, but she's the first I remember whenever I think of my primary school. She was the type of teacher you'd want to hug everytime you sit down and learn something from her. Since I was used to school eversince I was 2, I wasn't really afraid, so while others spent their time terrified of school, I spent my time worshipping Cikgu Noerida. I wanted to be kind like her and tried so hard but still, as a primary school goer, being good just wasn't my aim in life especially while having friends like Adam who loves to tease and ganging up with Soraya to have our go at Adam whenever we had the chance. I guess, the real reason we despised Adam was because he was, sort of, Cikgu Noerida's pet. His brothers have all been her students so she was quite close to Adam.
I had a good 3 years with her, from standard one up until standard three. She must have had quite an interesting 3 years with us. What with me as the cry baby of the class, Adam and Soraya head to head quarelling over everything, quiet Ilah who refuses to speak, cunning Alfy who looks quiet on the outside, but just as cheeky as Adam inside, our 'kumpulan A' that's supposed to be the cleverest group in class but also the noisiest with Srly, Iswadi, Nazrein, Anurra and the list goes on. Makes me wonder, what happened to my childhood friends from this class? Hmm..
In standard 5 and 6, I was in Cikgu Zaharah's class. Now, to tell you the truth, she isn't really one of my favourite teachers but she also wasn't the least favourite. Biasa² je. It was mostly becaues she wasn't really quite fair (sorry to my classmates who read this entry.. but betul ape?). She was attentive to those who took tuition classes with her but the small percentage of us, including me, who didn't take her class could feel that she wasn't very keen about us. It saddens me a bit but still, I'm lucky!
Why, you may ask? It's because Cikgu Zaharah is one of the BEST teachers I've ever known. Being with her made me memorize my mathematical tables faster than I could imagine. Every morning we'd have this multiplication drill where you can't sit down til you've answered her correctly. She also taught me how to write good malay compositions. She has a knack for making you fall in love with the language, even turned shy Asfalela into a bold poet. She pushed all of us to the limit, with her knowing more than us of what we were capable of and for that, I thank her. She was a real eye opener to most of us so if anyone needs any 'pushing', she's the man (or lady in this case)! Thank you, cikgu!!
In lower secondary, one of my most memorable teachers is Ustazah Fatimah. She taught me Arabic in form 1 and was also the hostel warden. A very strict lady (still remember when I had to run around the netball court for failing my arabic test), yet very gentle when she called me into the caunselling room to talk to me. She was worried when she saw that I was quite shy and quiet (and because she heard stories of how strict my father was, really) so she just wanted to find out. You know you can trust her once she opens her mouth. She got married when I was in form 2 and went away. It was a sad event for a lot of us.
Then there Ustazah Che Maznah who was my form teacher in form 3. She was also a warden, but at the Perak Road Hostel. It was easy to 'bodek' her, to go out or balik kampung and all that but when she gets into her interrogation mood, you'd better watch out. A motherly figure, she sometimes had to 'reposition' my tudung that didn't really want to stay nicely round my face (I stil have problems with my tudung though I've been wearing it for more than 14 years now) and she always asked me to smile since my own natural face wasn't quite a smiley one (AND most of the time, I didn't quite feel like smiling anyway.. like Baizurah said, I was with this 'me against the world' attitude). Funnily, in form 4, she told me, she doesn't know anyone who likes to smile so much like me, and I wanted to tell her, I mostly smile at her cause she likes it and I mean, who wouldn't smile at her, she's the most lovable Ustazah there is in AlMashoor.
Haha.. another one I'll never forget is Sir Chong. He taught my class History but also teaches English and Kemahiran Hidup to other classes. He's one of those teachers who just loves to tease his students and joke around so in form 2, he gave us this history test. Me, being a girl who hates history, nearly failed the test while my classmates scored. I didn't really care much about it, UNTIL he asked my classmate to announce my marks for the test. I was so humiliated, there I just shouted ,"Siiiiiiiiiirrrrr!" and burst into tears while hiding under my desk (I was a small girl then.. masa tu la, skrg, jgn tanya la.. hehe..). Sir Chong panicked, seeing me like that, that he came to me and apologized but I refused to look at him (Stubborn silly girl!).
After the incident, I didn't want to have anything to do with him so, even as a class monitor, I always passed my duty to my assistant whenever it included Sir Chong but he was always understanding, always trying to make it up to me (shame on you la, Ayu) by asking me if I understood his lesson, once he came in class with his camera and slyly took my picture when I least expected it so he could laugh at me when I was taken by suprise but I still held my head up high. Really malu la when I think about it balik, I mean, the other girls all wanted their picture taken but I just didn't care. All of my friends scolded me for treating a TEACHER like that when Sir Chong was everyone's favourite.
In form 3, he'd help me with my KH project whenever I was stuck, while I just looked on. Hey, I didn't ask for his help though I desperately needed it. My friends all told him that he was unfair but he just laughed and said,"Ayu kan marah lagi kat saya" Hehe.. By then, I already felt a bit ashamed of myself but still proud to admit it and when my friends sent him a farewell card (he was going to further his studies, but coming back to AlMashoor after he completed) he came and said, "Thank you, Ayu" much to my classmates dismay.
He came back when we were in form 5, I think. By then I was already big enough to admit how stupid I was to to that to my TEACHER. My friends were happy when he came back and so was I but I was so ashamed of myself that I didn't dare to meet him. It so happened, I was walking with Shikin one day and we met Sir Chong half way up the stairs so Shikin greeted him, I was too ashamed of myself. But then he replied, "Good morning, Ayu" and laughed when Shikin scolded him for ignoring her greeting. At least I knew, he, unlike the childish me, held no grudges for my childish behaviour towards him years ago. I was forgiven!! Funnily, he's the only teacher I'm in touch with now. All my friends couldn't believe it but I guess, its because he is the most forgiving teacher alive! Thank you, Sir Chong!
How about, Cikgu Nab! She's one of those teachers you'd label as 'GARANG' until you get to know her. Known for her strict rules, we juniors were so afraid of her while we got amazed seeing our seniors so close to her. But then, miracles of miracles, on the few last day of puasa, she bought us a whole sack of harmless fireworks and crackers.. with some duit raya for the whole hostel.. hurray! Once we found her soft spot, we wondered how on earth could we be so afraid of her.
She taugh me history in form 4 and 5. Always calling me 'Layu' since I still hated history and was always day dreaming in class. I once was even punished by her for coming in late to class and was asked to 'jalan itik' around the class while maintaining a straight face when she herself was laughing hehe.. But she did something, Sir Chong couldn't do. When I was in form 5, I started loving history! Not really the sort of 'favourite subject' punya love, but more like I got interested in history and even began reading form 1 to 3 history revision books. Though she was very talkative and liked to 'berleter', ALL of us loved her.
Hurray to Cikgu Nooriah! She's another miracle worker. I'd always been quite good in maths but I never loved it UNTIL she taught me the wonder of numbers. In just a few months, she turned me from an A1/A2 maths girl to a wanting-to-get-100%-je-in-maths girl. I liked to see her face whenever I got full marks up until I was in form 5. She introduced me to number games which I became quickly involved in that I always kept my small basic calculator in my pocket, just in case I saw interesting problems that I immediately wanted to solve.
To be frank, from form 1 to 3, I never really liked doing maths though I found it quite easy for me. Maths was just another subject to help me score in exams. Even my homework was done, 'kalau rajin' *ashamed*. But with Cikgu Nooriah, I just wanted more. She helped us build the Pusat Kecemerlangan Matematik (PCM) where we had all kind of activities with numbers, all kinds of games, in fact, it made maths seem so much fun. I wonder if the PCM is still in AlMashoor?
Cikgu Nooriah is also the computer teacher. She helped us with our school bulletin and very first school magazine our school ever had. She was our advisor, as well as Cikgu Pah (Oooooo, I'd get to her later). We were once scolded by her for using the computer till 5am in the morning for Pertandingan Cerpen Sains or something. She didn't want to smile for a week and I felt so guilty eventhough I wasn't there when the incident happened. I was supposed to restrict my classmates since I was class monitor and I failed her. But she was back to her ownself not long afterward *phew* Thank God! It was good to have her back.
I met her once, when I was in my second year, I guess. She looked so tired. I wanted to tell her how much I appreciated her but the words just got stuck in my throat. I regret now, not telling her then, cause only now do I understand how meaningful a word of thanks IS to a teacher and to Cikgu Nooriah, I owe A LOT to you after all you've done for me! Thank you for everything. In a way, you changed the outlook of life for me and helped me move forward when I was too afraid to take even a small step.
Then there was Cikgu Shariffah Affiffah or more affectionally known as, Cikgu Pah. If I ever make a dictionary, she'd be the definition of 'strict' hehe (Sorry, cikgu Pah!!) BUT, she'd also be the definiton of 'dedicated' and 'most spirited'. She taught me Additional Maths, but also in her own way, taught me the importance of discipline and rules (but I guess I took a step further so now I always follow rules blindly, no question asked, if compared to my friends, eg, "Ada ka peraturan suh pakai kasut dlm lab comp? Tak logik langsung" <-- tu ayat kak Wahid hehe.. me on the other hand --> "Biaq la.. ikut je la, dah nama pun peraturan"). She encouraged us to be brave and confident. She's also responsible for my habit of saying 'sifar' instead of 'kosong' for the number zero. Sometimes I'd be laughed at by my students ("Kak Ayu ni skema la..") But I don't mind. If you were puinished RM10 everytime you say 'kosong', you'd understand too hehe..
She was a no nonsense teacher, though sometimes, its hard for you to take her seriously whenever she starts laughing and talking in her high-pithced voice. I remember how funny she looked when she wanted to hide a laughter from me in my prefects interview. Now, as a rule, everyone hates prefects so I didn't want to be one but when I was called for the interview, I must have given the lamest excuse ever in order not to be one --> "Nanti kalau saya tak buat keje rumah, cikgu yang malu sebab lantik saya jadi pengawas". Cikgu Pah looked as if she wanted to burst out laughing, I guess she did laugh out loud coz when I exited the room, I could hear the high-pitched laughter, that only she has, threatening to shake the whole school building!
Hehe.. those were the school days. I feel as if I've gone back in time now. Hmm..
Anyway, for all the teachers out there, keep up the good work! You're essential to the progress of the country, and to the kids out there (who are just like me once upon a time ago) who need your support and help. Happy Teacher's Day
Thursday, May 12, 2005
I'll Be by Edwin McCain
This is a song that needs no introduction. I first heard it in matrics one night, while we were studying. I didn't automatically like this song but eventually, I fell in love with it. I was listening to this song a few moments ago and suddenly felt like adding it as an entry here.
I lurrrrrrrvvvveee this song.. now the problem is, finding WHO will be the person to dedicate this song to me????
I'll Be – Edwin McCain
The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
And emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth
Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above
I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life
And rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
You're my survival, you're my living proof
My love is alive and not dead
Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above
I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life
And I've dropped out, I've burned up
I fought my way back from the dead
Tuned in, turned on
Remembered the things that you said
I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your...
I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life
The greatest fan of your life
I lurrrrrrrvvvveee this song.. now the problem is, finding WHO will be the person to dedicate this song to me????
I'll Be – Edwin McCain
The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
And emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth
Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above
I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life
And rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
You're my survival, you're my living proof
My love is alive and not dead
Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above
I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life
And I've dropped out, I've burned up
I fought my way back from the dead
Tuned in, turned on
Remembered the things that you said
I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your...
I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life
The greatest fan of your life
Monday, May 09, 2005
A goodbye to my temporary 'home'.. :'(
In about 20 days, kak Kathy, kak Shima and yours truly will be officially 'kicked out' of our rented home (Yes, I call it home!) that we've stayed in for the past 2 years and 10 days.
Wow! More than 2 years already, huh? I can still remember the first day we moved into that house, 45 Lengkok Pekaka of Taman Transkerian (a.k.a Taman Sempadan). The first thing I did was to inspect my would-be room. Though the room was supposed to be the masters bedroom but the size of all three rooms were quite similiar. The house seemed quite cozy too.
That afternoon, we made a few trips to and fro from Desasiswa Lembaran to our home. Naturally, girls DO have a lot of 'luggage' and I don't mean clothes here! After all the things were arranged in the living room, and all our helpers had gone home, all of us starting cleaning our respective rooms.. sweeping.. mopping.. wiping.. all the works! We retired happily that night, glad that we'd finally got rid of the guilty conscience of staying in the hostel longer than allowed --> Though I can't remember how we slept that night, with no mattress and all.
The next few days, our meager furniture arrived--> mattresses, closets, desks BUT no bed. Since we requested wooden beds, we had to patiently wait for it because the apek had to order them from Alor Setar or something. I remember one night, being unfortunate to know it the hard way, that I had a leaking ceiling. Sleeping peacefully, I was suddenly engulfed in this vision of a beautiful waterfall only to realize that water was literally 'cascading' on me, just like a real waterfall, through the ceiling. I had to spend the night in kak Kathy's room.
Through the months and years to follow, we had a great time in this home of ours. You may be asking, why do I call it home instead of just plainly call it a house since its only rented. Well, lets just say, at this time in our lives, this is what we call home. Even when we go back to our respective real homes, we find out that we really look forward coming back here. For example, during the raya holidays, we'd spend days counting the days we'd be spending raya at our 'kampung'. Its good to go back to 'kampung' but after all the festivities and up to the end of our raya holidays, we'd find ourselves impatiently waiting to go back here. I find myself smiling on the drive back here whenever I think of this house. I thought I was the only one, until I discovered that kak Kathy and kak Shima also feel the same.
We've had our share of laughter and pain. Tok Hassan and also kak Shima's Tok died while we were staying here and these walls were the witness of our grief but countless birthdays, promotions (kak Kathy as a lecturer) and suprises were also celebrated here. Even the goodbye to abg Achai's washing machine was a sad affair but only for a short while until we 'celebrated' the coming of the new washing machine, compliments of kak Kathy, the 'richest' one living here. Gebu also has her share of memories here, I guess. All the rooms have her 'mark of territory' haha..
Many things have happened to me during my stay in this home. It is in this home, that I learned how it felt to have my heart broken repeatedly, and at the same time, by two people I cared for. It was my refuge during those times of sadness. If my room could speak, it'll tell you how dreadful I was feeling during that time. It is in this house that I learnt what real friends mean. Who didn't just stay with me during the sunshine, but also during the downpour that didn't seem like it wanted to stop. It was here too when I realized how afraid I was of losing my dear friends and where I understood that these people whom I loved and cared for would always be in my heart, no matter what.
I feel as if, I came to this house, though 23, but still a giddy teenager at heart and now, I'll be leaving this house, two years older but a more matured young lady (though still childish in some ways). I'll miss this house. I really would. But I hope all the lessons learnt here won't be forgotten.. all the ties made, to grow stronger.. and all the memories made here, engraved in my heart forever..
Wow! More than 2 years already, huh? I can still remember the first day we moved into that house, 45 Lengkok Pekaka of Taman Transkerian (a.k.a Taman Sempadan). The first thing I did was to inspect my would-be room. Though the room was supposed to be the masters bedroom but the size of all three rooms were quite similiar. The house seemed quite cozy too.
That afternoon, we made a few trips to and fro from Desasiswa Lembaran to our home. Naturally, girls DO have a lot of 'luggage' and I don't mean clothes here! After all the things were arranged in the living room, and all our helpers had gone home, all of us starting cleaning our respective rooms.. sweeping.. mopping.. wiping.. all the works! We retired happily that night, glad that we'd finally got rid of the guilty conscience of staying in the hostel longer than allowed --> Though I can't remember how we slept that night, with no mattress and all.
The next few days, our meager furniture arrived--> mattresses, closets, desks BUT no bed. Since we requested wooden beds, we had to patiently wait for it because the apek had to order them from Alor Setar or something. I remember one night, being unfortunate to know it the hard way, that I had a leaking ceiling. Sleeping peacefully, I was suddenly engulfed in this vision of a beautiful waterfall only to realize that water was literally 'cascading' on me, just like a real waterfall, through the ceiling. I had to spend the night in kak Kathy's room.
Through the months and years to follow, we had a great time in this home of ours. You may be asking, why do I call it home instead of just plainly call it a house since its only rented. Well, lets just say, at this time in our lives, this is what we call home. Even when we go back to our respective real homes, we find out that we really look forward coming back here. For example, during the raya holidays, we'd spend days counting the days we'd be spending raya at our 'kampung'. Its good to go back to 'kampung' but after all the festivities and up to the end of our raya holidays, we'd find ourselves impatiently waiting to go back here. I find myself smiling on the drive back here whenever I think of this house. I thought I was the only one, until I discovered that kak Kathy and kak Shima also feel the same.
We've had our share of laughter and pain. Tok Hassan and also kak Shima's Tok died while we were staying here and these walls were the witness of our grief but countless birthdays, promotions (kak Kathy as a lecturer) and suprises were also celebrated here. Even the goodbye to abg Achai's washing machine was a sad affair but only for a short while until we 'celebrated' the coming of the new washing machine, compliments of kak Kathy, the 'richest' one living here. Gebu also has her share of memories here, I guess. All the rooms have her 'mark of territory' haha..
Many things have happened to me during my stay in this home. It is in this home, that I learned how it felt to have my heart broken repeatedly, and at the same time, by two people I cared for. It was my refuge during those times of sadness. If my room could speak, it'll tell you how dreadful I was feeling during that time. It is in this house that I learnt what real friends mean. Who didn't just stay with me during the sunshine, but also during the downpour that didn't seem like it wanted to stop. It was here too when I realized how afraid I was of losing my dear friends and where I understood that these people whom I loved and cared for would always be in my heart, no matter what.
I feel as if, I came to this house, though 23, but still a giddy teenager at heart and now, I'll be leaving this house, two years older but a more matured young lady (though still childish in some ways). I'll miss this house. I really would. But I hope all the lessons learnt here won't be forgotten.. all the ties made, to grow stronger.. and all the memories made here, engraved in my heart forever..
I'm a winner!! *smug look*
At precisely 10.19 this morning, I, Nurikhwani Idayu bt Zainal Abidin, has managed to be one of the escapees of the Viridian Room and I now have my name proudly displayed among the others.
Wheww.. so tiring la this game but worth it haha..
I almost couldn't believe it. I mean, if you've read my previous posts, you'd see that I've told you how I'd already collected all the items in the room. I even solved the number puzzle and the dice brain-teaser BUT still I couldn't get out.. how frustrsting that was. I got stuck two times with everything ready but "These are still not complete"
Then suddenly this morning, Nomi gave me a hint she heard so I tried and walaaaaa! I succeeded!! Though..
Of all things, the one I missed was just this teeny-weeny thing. No wonder all the winners asked us to pay attention to the diary. I thought the diary was just for the number puzzle..
And.. how hilarious the ending was.. nope! I won't tell you, but lets just say that the person involved is very 'mengada²' hahah.. I laughed out loud watching the ending with Nomi and Ramlah.
I've started on the third room, The Blue Chamber but it doesn't seem as interesting. The room is way smaller and doesn't seem to have much in it. I'm not as excited with it as the previous rooms. However, I await the release of the Pink Prison and Tangerine Room. Hmmm.. Hope it'll be more interesting!
Wheww.. so tiring la this game but worth it haha..
I almost couldn't believe it. I mean, if you've read my previous posts, you'd see that I've told you how I'd already collected all the items in the room. I even solved the number puzzle and the dice brain-teaser BUT still I couldn't get out.. how frustrsting that was. I got stuck two times with everything ready but "These are still not complete"
Then suddenly this morning, Nomi gave me a hint she heard so I tried and walaaaaa! I succeeded!! Though..
Of all things, the one I missed was just this teeny-weeny thing. No wonder all the winners asked us to pay attention to the diary. I thought the diary was just for the number puzzle..
And.. how hilarious the ending was.. nope! I won't tell you, but lets just say that the person involved is very 'mengada²' hahah.. I laughed out loud watching the ending with Nomi and Ramlah.
I've started on the third room, The Blue Chamber but it doesn't seem as interesting. The room is way smaller and doesn't seem to have much in it. I'm not as excited with it as the previous rooms. However, I await the release of the Pink Prison and Tangerine Room. Hmmm.. Hope it'll be more interesting!
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Some Malaysians are soooo *%^
I just came back from Sid and Anuar's wedding reception. A delightful affair, more like a reunion ground for friends from my batch. Everyone has soooo much changed.. but I know what they'd say about me,"Ayu dah bulat laaa" hehe..
Had a fun time with kak Wahid this morning, when we went gift hunting.. soooo last minute punya perangai la hehe. Good thing there were many shops to choose from if you happen to be at the KOMTAR/Prangin Mall area. I mean, hey, I practically grew up there so lets say, that gives you the privelleage to know your way around those buildings. We got a something-like-pewter photo frame for Sid and Anuar, strictly for their most eye-catching wedding photo and I bought a set of embroided towels for them, from Kak Maria, Ogy and Bob. Wanna know the name of the set? --> Lake of Romance!
Anyway, thats no really my point for this entry. What I wanted to say was about what happened this maghrib.
As usual, on Sundays, my housemate and I would head to the pasar malam at Taman Pekaka for our weekly dose of pasar malam goodies. I got my favourite roasted chicken wings, bihun soup and soy milk while kak Shima.. hmmm, what did she buy huh?
Anyway, from home, kak Shima has been asking us to remind her to buy nescafe drinks. She wanted to stay up for the final touches of her thesis so after we had our fill at the pasar malam, we headed to Muaz to buy her canned Nescafe. While me and kak Zura were waiting for kak Shima, we drank the drinks we bought and since I had finished my drink, I looked around for a dustbin to throw away my plastic cup.
Luckily, here, all the shops have this big black bin outside for rubbish. Some use the big green one with wheels provided by the Municipal Council. So, like I always do, I headed to the nearest black bin, that was already half full of rubbish and threw my plastic cup away. Upon turning back, I heard someone shout,"Oiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. oiiiiiiii". Turning around, I saw the owner of this shop (a scowling woman who thinks she sooooo pretty wearing clothes meant for the younger generation --> I'd never say this before, but now I'm mad.. and that is the truth, you should know!)
She said something unaudible but pointed her finger to my face and the dustbin. I didn't quite understand what she was saying, what with her mouth full of food, but I guess she didn't let me throw rubbish in her bin. Guiltily, I smiled a her a said sorry before retriving the cup and throwing it at another bin, a bit humiliated though coz people were looking at us and it was like such a big deal. But what made me mad was, as I headed to the car, she almost shouted, "Lu olang ingat kita mau kutip lu olang punya sampah ka.. lu olang buang sendili la.. lu tatau apa² ka? Bodo punya olang.."
I was like, "Huh! What did I do wrong here?" I threw my rubbish in a rubbish bin, NOT around her shop anyway and I guess that says more than the fact that here shop is littered with HER OWN rubbish. Posters of goods, promotional cards were all over the place. How come, my small cup could litter her place?
She continued her 'shouting' and kept showing me her fist until I went in the car. Still, she made faces at us in the car. Really, I just wanted to asked her, wasn't it the council's job to get the rubbish? I mean, the garbage man has never failed to retrieve our trash on time, and they've never told us to send our trash to the waste dump. She talked as if she had to send the rubbish to Pulau Burung every morning.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.. so *&^#% la! I said sorry la, mangkuk (This is the first time I'm using this word, though for the life of me, I couldn't understand why a 'bowl' is used to insult people). Besides, its not as if I burnt your shop down, though for a while, I wanted to ram my cup right down your throat. C'mon la, its just a stupid plastic cup!
Some people really have to learn communication skills here. For me, I'm not setting a foot in that shop any more.. enough said!
Had a fun time with kak Wahid this morning, when we went gift hunting.. soooo last minute punya perangai la hehe. Good thing there were many shops to choose from if you happen to be at the KOMTAR/Prangin Mall area. I mean, hey, I practically grew up there so lets say, that gives you the privelleage to know your way around those buildings. We got a something-like-pewter photo frame for Sid and Anuar, strictly for their most eye-catching wedding photo and I bought a set of embroided towels for them, from Kak Maria, Ogy and Bob. Wanna know the name of the set? --> Lake of Romance!
Anyway, thats no really my point for this entry. What I wanted to say was about what happened this maghrib.
As usual, on Sundays, my housemate and I would head to the pasar malam at Taman Pekaka for our weekly dose of pasar malam goodies. I got my favourite roasted chicken wings, bihun soup and soy milk while kak Shima.. hmmm, what did she buy huh?
Anyway, from home, kak Shima has been asking us to remind her to buy nescafe drinks. She wanted to stay up for the final touches of her thesis so after we had our fill at the pasar malam, we headed to Muaz to buy her canned Nescafe. While me and kak Zura were waiting for kak Shima, we drank the drinks we bought and since I had finished my drink, I looked around for a dustbin to throw away my plastic cup.
Luckily, here, all the shops have this big black bin outside for rubbish. Some use the big green one with wheels provided by the Municipal Council. So, like I always do, I headed to the nearest black bin, that was already half full of rubbish and threw my plastic cup away. Upon turning back, I heard someone shout,"Oiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. oiiiiiiii". Turning around, I saw the owner of this shop (a scowling woman who thinks she sooooo pretty wearing clothes meant for the younger generation --> I'd never say this before, but now I'm mad.. and that is the truth, you should know!)
She said something unaudible but pointed her finger to my face and the dustbin. I didn't quite understand what she was saying, what with her mouth full of food, but I guess she didn't let me throw rubbish in her bin. Guiltily, I smiled a her a said sorry before retriving the cup and throwing it at another bin, a bit humiliated though coz people were looking at us and it was like such a big deal. But what made me mad was, as I headed to the car, she almost shouted, "Lu olang ingat kita mau kutip lu olang punya sampah ka.. lu olang buang sendili la.. lu tatau apa² ka? Bodo punya olang.."
I was like, "Huh! What did I do wrong here?" I threw my rubbish in a rubbish bin, NOT around her shop anyway and I guess that says more than the fact that here shop is littered with HER OWN rubbish. Posters of goods, promotional cards were all over the place. How come, my small cup could litter her place?
She continued her 'shouting' and kept showing me her fist until I went in the car. Still, she made faces at us in the car. Really, I just wanted to asked her, wasn't it the council's job to get the rubbish? I mean, the garbage man has never failed to retrieve our trash on time, and they've never told us to send our trash to the waste dump. She talked as if she had to send the rubbish to Pulau Burung every morning.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.. so *&^#% la! I said sorry la, mangkuk (This is the first time I'm using this word, though for the life of me, I couldn't understand why a 'bowl' is used to insult people). Besides, its not as if I burnt your shop down, though for a while, I wanted to ram my cup right down your throat. C'mon la, its just a stupid plastic cup!
Some people really have to learn communication skills here. For me, I'm not setting a foot in that shop any more.. enough said!
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Viridian Room
Here I am..
Initially I came to finish up my work BUT I made the mistake to open the Viridian Room. So, bubye work and hello crazy game!
Now, I'm back in this puzzling game. Yesterday, I told you guys that I was still in the midst of it. After that blog entry, I finished collecting all the collectibles in the room and also managed to solve the mystery of the numbers AND the dice.. phew! Smiling triumphantly, I was sure I had cracked the puzzle, already imagining my name to be among the escapees of the room. Thought I'd be able to get outta the room by then, but imagine how frustrating it was to be told "There's still one thing missing"
This game is driving me nuts! I spent some time before sleeping trying my best what else have I missed. I mean, helloo, I've got all the available items there are in the room. Even had to wirte my own version of Chinese calligraphy to solve the dice puzzle but still "these aren't complete yet". I'm going crazy just sitting in front of the pc.
The worst thing is, I started the game around 10.00am yesterday and until AFTER office hours at 5.05pm, I still couldn't get out of the room. Me and Nomi spent a whole lot of time trying to figure it out, not to mention that it made me neglect the work I wanted to do! Then, since I had tuition at 5.15 and Nomi wanted to go home, we had to close the game. What I meant by worse is: to continue the game the next time, you have to start right at the beginning. Duh!
I wouldn't have minded it much really, I mean, I now know where all the items are hidden but what drives me bananas is the wastepaper basket that refuses to budge until you're 2-3 hours into the game, when it would suddenly topple down easily enough, you can't believe you weren't able to move it earlier. I've learned that it'll take its own sweet time, you don't have to imagine the tiniest pixel and try to click at the right spot, coz it doesn't work that way. Hey, take it from me, how stupid I feel trying my best to click every single dot that made up the image of the dustbin. When it wants to be found, it would move easily and it'll make you really fuming to see how easily it is to move after that. Another thing is the tiny piece of paper hidden at the lamp which won't show itself until it thinks we're ready to burst with impatience.
Right now, my patience is being tested by the damn dustbin! I hate the dustbin. Not only me, but Ramlah and Nomi also have the same problem with it. The creator of this game really meant to test our patience, huh!
I just read the list of escapees for this room. Some took days like me, but quite a number managed to escape in a couple of hours. Ooowwhh, how stupid I feel now! Can't I match up to them? I mean, never thought myself stupid but now... U-huh, this game seems to have a psychological effect on me now. I'm not stupid! I'm not stupid! Haha.. better complete this game quickly, not only for me, but also for the sake of my masters degree which I plan to finish in 6 months time!
Well, back to the game.. I want out, right now!!!
For those trying the game for the first time.. you have been warned!
Initially I came to finish up my work BUT I made the mistake to open the Viridian Room. So, bubye work and hello crazy game!
Now, I'm back in this puzzling game. Yesterday, I told you guys that I was still in the midst of it. After that blog entry, I finished collecting all the collectibles in the room and also managed to solve the mystery of the numbers AND the dice.. phew! Smiling triumphantly, I was sure I had cracked the puzzle, already imagining my name to be among the escapees of the room. Thought I'd be able to get outta the room by then, but imagine how frustrating it was to be told "There's still one thing missing"
This game is driving me nuts! I spent some time before sleeping trying my best what else have I missed. I mean, helloo, I've got all the available items there are in the room. Even had to wirte my own version of Chinese calligraphy to solve the dice puzzle but still "these aren't complete yet". I'm going crazy just sitting in front of the pc.
The worst thing is, I started the game around 10.00am yesterday and until AFTER office hours at 5.05pm, I still couldn't get out of the room. Me and Nomi spent a whole lot of time trying to figure it out, not to mention that it made me neglect the work I wanted to do! Then, since I had tuition at 5.15 and Nomi wanted to go home, we had to close the game. What I meant by worse is: to continue the game the next time, you have to start right at the beginning. Duh!
I wouldn't have minded it much really, I mean, I now know where all the items are hidden but what drives me bananas is the wastepaper basket that refuses to budge until you're 2-3 hours into the game, when it would suddenly topple down easily enough, you can't believe you weren't able to move it earlier. I've learned that it'll take its own sweet time, you don't have to imagine the tiniest pixel and try to click at the right spot, coz it doesn't work that way. Hey, take it from me, how stupid I feel trying my best to click every single dot that made up the image of the dustbin. When it wants to be found, it would move easily and it'll make you really fuming to see how easily it is to move after that. Another thing is the tiny piece of paper hidden at the lamp which won't show itself until it thinks we're ready to burst with impatience.
Right now, my patience is being tested by the damn dustbin! I hate the dustbin. Not only me, but Ramlah and Nomi also have the same problem with it. The creator of this game really meant to test our patience, huh!
I just read the list of escapees for this room. Some took days like me, but quite a number managed to escape in a couple of hours. Ooowwhh, how stupid I feel now! Can't I match up to them? I mean, never thought myself stupid but now... U-huh, this game seems to have a psychological effect on me now. I'm not stupid! I'm not stupid! Haha.. better complete this game quickly, not only for me, but also for the sake of my masters degree which I plan to finish in 6 months time!
Well, back to the game.. I want out, right now!!!
For those trying the game for the first time.. you have been warned!
Friday, May 06, 2005
A sudden craze befalling room 3.27
Hah! I've always loved playing online games but only the simple ones such as the ones on or In fact, the whole office has been frequent visitors to these sites. Like me, I'm mostly addicted to Zuma, Dynomite, Text Twist, What Word and so on and so forth. I could play for hours and neglect my growing work load.
However, a new craze has suddenly infected my room here. Thank God, the other rooms have not yet been afflicted with this diesease hehe.. though, Ramlah who's room is at the end of the corridor has also been caught up in this whirlwind of a game.
It was first introduced to us by my colleague, Nomi. She forwarded an unfamiliar URL to my YM and when I turned to asked her what is was, I instantly saw what she was doing. At first I wasn't really interested. I mean, it just looked like a normal interactive program, duuuuh! But then, a few minutes later made my curiosity go up to its peak when I saw the frustrated look on Nomi's face while she tried the game so I tried to open the URL.
I didn't get hooked instantly but I was suddenly jolted into this cyber world of mind boggling puzzles. The game starts with a narration from the supposed captive of the Crimson Room. A bit boring though until you enter the room. It looks like a simple room but in nearly every nook and cranny is hidden certain clues or items that would help you escape from the room. What baffles you most is the lack of hints you get from your first impression of the room. Just a simple room, with a bed and chest of drawers with a hi-fi stereo on top. But once you get engrossed in the game, you'll see what makes it interesting.
You really have to use your head and imagination, though not really too much. And patience is another virtue. My friend who started playing yesterday kept pestering me for the final answer tsk.. tsk.. that just made me more obstinate NOT to help him. In his impatience, he overlooked logical matters. Ironically, he's an engineer!
Anyway, I managed to get out of the room but it took me nearly a day.. and that is with help from Nomi. Without hints, I might take a little bit later to get out.
Right now, I'm at the second stage of the game --> The Viridian Room. I'll paste the URL below
Now, this is certainly more challenging. While the Crimson Room took only a day, this room has made me lose sleep for 2 days and I still haven't figured out HOW to escape this room. It's basically a continuity of the Crimson room where you find out, you haven't really escaped at all. I've collected all the items in this room but still can't figure it out and it really is frustrating.. huh!
Well, wish me luck, you guys! I might emerge a winner today.. till then cheerio!
You should try it out if you're the type who loves to tease your mind
However, a new craze has suddenly infected my room here. Thank God, the other rooms have not yet been afflicted with this diesease hehe.. though, Ramlah who's room is at the end of the corridor has also been caught up in this whirlwind of a game.
It was first introduced to us by my colleague, Nomi. She forwarded an unfamiliar URL to my YM and when I turned to asked her what is was, I instantly saw what she was doing. At first I wasn't really interested. I mean, it just looked like a normal interactive program, duuuuh! But then, a few minutes later made my curiosity go up to its peak when I saw the frustrated look on Nomi's face while she tried the game so I tried to open the URL.
I didn't get hooked instantly but I was suddenly jolted into this cyber world of mind boggling puzzles. The game starts with a narration from the supposed captive of the Crimson Room. A bit boring though until you enter the room. It looks like a simple room but in nearly every nook and cranny is hidden certain clues or items that would help you escape from the room. What baffles you most is the lack of hints you get from your first impression of the room. Just a simple room, with a bed and chest of drawers with a hi-fi stereo on top. But once you get engrossed in the game, you'll see what makes it interesting.
You really have to use your head and imagination, though not really too much. And patience is another virtue. My friend who started playing yesterday kept pestering me for the final answer tsk.. tsk.. that just made me more obstinate NOT to help him. In his impatience, he overlooked logical matters. Ironically, he's an engineer!
Anyway, I managed to get out of the room but it took me nearly a day.. and that is with help from Nomi. Without hints, I might take a little bit later to get out.
Right now, I'm at the second stage of the game --> The Viridian Room. I'll paste the URL below
Now, this is certainly more challenging. While the Crimson Room took only a day, this room has made me lose sleep for 2 days and I still haven't figured out HOW to escape this room. It's basically a continuity of the Crimson room where you find out, you haven't really escaped at all. I've collected all the items in this room but still can't figure it out and it really is frustrating.. huh!
Well, wish me luck, you guys! I might emerge a winner today.. till then cheerio!
You should try it out if you're the type who loves to tease your mind
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Wedding bells part 2
Now what's with everyone? Why the sudden matrimonial rush to the pejabat kadi? Am I the only one not involved in this crowd who've suddenly created a Wedding/Engagement Festival or something?
A few days ago, I thought I'd get over the wedding blues in a jiffy. But then, suddenly I received a wedding invitation from an old friend, who's younger than me at Iwan's age. Eszereen, the girl who once used to call me everyday with when she had this crush on my brother. I mean, what? Even she's getting married. And I still think of her as a school kid.
Then, after having a chat with Milin, I got to know that Piko was having (at that time kire 'was' la, now kire 'already had') his akad nikah at Kelantan. At that precise moment, I also suddenly remembered Aziah's (alMashoor) wedding which I totally forgot to attend so now I'm going to have to make it up.. but when? Hmm..
Two days ago, Amoi (alMashoor) smsed me telling me she just had her engagement ceremony and she reminded me that her kenduri will be in November/December so she didn't want any excuse from me for not going. I told her, if I don't have a partner by then, I won't be going haha.. and she told me that Shikin (alMashoor) also had her engagement on the same day so I quickly smsed Shikin to congratulate her.
Just now, I received an sms form Nemie (my ex-dormate in alMashoor)asking for my address to send her wedding invitation. Talk about spooky.. now all my AlMashoor friends are getting hitched!
And did I tell you about how I went out with Ramlah, Salam and Hamid (Salam's housemate) to help Salam find a 'tudung' for Lini. His brother, Dr Ismail, asked him to find a 'tudung' for his 'merisik'. Tsk.. tsk.. that 'budak kecik' is more fussy than us girls when finding a 'tudung'.
By the way, I also just got to know that Huda is now 2 months pregnant. I'll congratulate her once I get out of this self pity feeling haha..
God.. now I REALLY DO feel left out!
On Friday will be Sid's akad nikah and on Saturday I'll be joining Yati (now, Mrs Yati) and kak Wahid for Sid's wedding reception. Guess we'll have a good time meeting old friends AND trying to get the bride and bridegrooms 'berkat', huh?
A few days ago, I thought I'd get over the wedding blues in a jiffy. But then, suddenly I received a wedding invitation from an old friend, who's younger than me at Iwan's age. Eszereen, the girl who once used to call me everyday with when she had this crush on my brother. I mean, what? Even she's getting married. And I still think of her as a school kid.
Then, after having a chat with Milin, I got to know that Piko was having (at that time kire 'was' la, now kire 'already had') his akad nikah at Kelantan. At that precise moment, I also suddenly remembered Aziah's (alMashoor) wedding which I totally forgot to attend so now I'm going to have to make it up.. but when? Hmm..
Two days ago, Amoi (alMashoor) smsed me telling me she just had her engagement ceremony and she reminded me that her kenduri will be in November/December so she didn't want any excuse from me for not going. I told her, if I don't have a partner by then, I won't be going haha.. and she told me that Shikin (alMashoor) also had her engagement on the same day so I quickly smsed Shikin to congratulate her.
Just now, I received an sms form Nemie (my ex-dormate in alMashoor)asking for my address to send her wedding invitation. Talk about spooky.. now all my AlMashoor friends are getting hitched!
And did I tell you about how I went out with Ramlah, Salam and Hamid (Salam's housemate) to help Salam find a 'tudung' for Lini. His brother, Dr Ismail, asked him to find a 'tudung' for his 'merisik'. Tsk.. tsk.. that 'budak kecik' is more fussy than us girls when finding a 'tudung'.
By the way, I also just got to know that Huda is now 2 months pregnant. I'll congratulate her once I get out of this self pity feeling haha..
God.. now I REALLY DO feel left out!
On Friday will be Sid's akad nikah and on Saturday I'll be joining Yati (now, Mrs Yati) and kak Wahid for Sid's wedding reception. Guess we'll have a good time meeting old friends AND trying to get the bride and bridegrooms 'berkat', huh?
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