NOT that I'm complaining :)
Last year we only had Fared's personal camera so pictures were limited and senang nak pilih. AND Fared was also a fasilitator so not many pictures could be taken due to us being busy with the kids.
This year, not only do we have cameras assigned to EACH group. We also have 2 more photographers, Mazlan and abg Fauzi who were in charge with the pictures and video only so we got loads of pictures from both of them combined.. I'm guessing thousands here! And ikutkan hati I wanna put all in my blog hahah.. but kene la pilih kan. Thats why I still haven't updated <--lousy excuse or what?
Anyway, I WILL post the entry in due time (still going gaga over the pictures as I wanna chose pictures for my scrapbook jugak)..
*Ceh! Mcm org tunggu sgt pun kannnn hehe..*
Anyway.. sementara tu I'll put in a few pictures during 'the night before'..

Okay, nnt sy sambung balik. Hafta choose the pictures for the first day dulu :p
P/S This entry punye pics not from Mazlan nor abg Fauzi tau. Ni from the camera assigned to my group though bukan me la amik gambo. Mase ni sumer take a hand at trying the camera so can't really say who the photographer was :p
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