Hehe.. to tell you the truth, the first time I learnt doing the ketupat was with Pak Yang during one raya a few years ago, but I didn't get the hang of it and gave up after a few attempts. Then a few years later, I sorta promised IM I'd go learn about ketupat making with his mother. which of course la according to present circumstances (and things that happened after that), memang Ayu tak pegi la belajar ngan mak cik..
This time, I told Fared, "Akak nak belajar betul².." So mari kite lihat usahe Ayu dalam membuat ketupat ribbon hehe..
Firstly telah di bully oleh Salleh.. "Kak Ayu kene belajar dari asas, belajar dari bawah.. so tugas pertame, gunting ribbon.."

Gunting ribbon pun gunting ribbon laaa..
Then the process of ketupat making.. naik juling mate Ayu. But after a few minutes.. tadaaaa..

Okay la, ni tipu skit sebab yang ni 50% Ayu buat sendiri, another 50% Fared kene ajo step by step. Tapi jadik la kaaannn hehe..
Dan mari kite lihat cubaan kedua Ayu..

So kesimpulannye: Leave the ketupat making to the experts :D
Sian Salleh, dia tolong repair dekat 3 ketupat Ayu tp name tak masuk pun dalam blog sebagai pakar buat ketupat so untuk Salleh, mekasih ye tolong repair ketupat akak yg asyik tak jadik je tu heheh.. salute²!
Also got this from Ellie. Filled with yummy chocolates yang dah selamat masuk perut and tak sempat diambil gambar nye heheh..

P/S 2
Made this for Remy. Iyer iyer, saya tahu saya tidak kreatif, tapi ok whaaaaatttt :p

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