My sister Izati celebrated this raya with her new phone.. ye la, my phone kire dah umor setahun so no longer the newbie in the house la kan. Anyway, she had filled up her phone with a lot of songs (ade la jugak gaye berlagak dia sbb lagu dia banyak kaaannn.. siap gelakkan phone kakak dia yg still using memory card hehe..) Then dia pun berjangkit with Ikram and Iskandar who loves to transfer songs to and fro from their phones to mine.
One of the songs she sent to me was a song during my school years (ye ke school years?). A song from Elite entitled Manisnya Senyumanmu. When this song was among the songs on the top of the chart, I didn't actually like it that much, biase² je. Suke tu suke la, but not the minat giler sort of suke. But..
Haha.. tetibe teringat kat Pojie!
This happened a few years ago when I had that major crush on MBC. At that time, only Pojie knew about it though I didn't tell him who MBC was and I kept moaning to him on how MBC only thinks of me as an adik, IF he even notices me at all la kan..
One day, we had this data collection at Perda. That night when we came back to the campus, Erwan was involved in an accident with some boys from the nearby estate and it became quite huge when the boys bought in their 'big brothers'. We were tired from the data collection but seeing Erwan in trouble, the whole lot of us sat there with him to support him while the police arrived.
While sitting there, feeling a bit bored and tired (It was past midnight and we still had to go to Perda the next morning for a second round of data collection), I was about to doze off when suddenly..
Tadaaaa! MBC came outta the campus. The commotion around us must've caught his attention as he was looking around as he drove outside the gates. Suddenly he turned to me.. and smiled!!!
Okay la.. maybe, just maybe, he didn't smile at all pun. Just turned to me je.. but lovestruck me (or more like crush-struck me) was blind to that and insisted on saying he smiled at me.. ape lagi, Pojie la jadik mangse. Ngan excitednye telah carik Pojie untuk bagitau MBC smiled at me haha!
And Ayu mule senyum sorang² pastu..
Even when we went to the police station reramai untuk temankan Erwan..
Even when we stayed at the police station until 3am, I was still grinning silly..
Even when I couldn't sleep that night sebab terbayang senyuman MBC (Ecehh.. cheesy!)..
Even when we had to wake up at 4.45am to get ready..
Even while sakit kepale amik data sebab tak cukup tido..
And especially when this song was on the radio that morning as I drove to Perda!
Ape lagi, semua orang jadik mangse. I had written the lyrics of the first verse of this song on my phone and forwarded it to almost everyone.. walaupun semua orang konpius with the sms and Pojie sorang je paham nape kak Ayu dia jadik gile pagi tu hahah.. and eventhough kene gelak ngan Pojie that morning time breakfast coz I still had the silly grin yang orang lain cam heran je tengok Ayu sengih sensorg pagi tu!
Ape nak heran.. yang penting, MBC smiled at me (or so I thought la.. bile pk skrg, mcm tak sure plak, betul ke dia senyum hahaha..!)
So when Izati gave me that song, tetibe teringat balik kisah once upon a crush hehe..
P/S Tadi citer kat abg Fadzil, puas la kene gelak ngan dia. Ade ke dia ckp dia tak sangke I can have a crush on someone sampai camtu sekali. To Pojie: Abg Fadzil kate kat akak, "Sib baik la Pojie layan ja hang dok buat gila camtu kan?" Sib baik le dia tak pecah rahisa time tu heheh..
Ku rasa...satu dunia sudah mengerti perasaan ku ini
Mengapa oh! mengapa takkah kau sedar ku mendamba
Ataupun...dikau sengaja diam berpura memendam rahsia
Segeralah oh! segera
ku tahu kau hanya bermain masa
Semakin sering kita bertemu
Semakin terpaut rasa cintaku
Hari demi hari ku tetap menanti
Namun malu mula langkah pertama
( korus )
Mata bertentang mata
adakah kau terasa
Cinta kian memekar
dihati kita
Kau istimewa paling utama yang satu
Betapa manisnya senyumanmu
Debaran penuh makna kelu tidak terkata
Sering kali terjadi bila kau disisi
Namun yang pasti membuat ku jatuh hati
Oh! manisnya,manisnya senyumanmu
Pabila aku terdengar lagu cinta ku terkenang pada mu
Aku merindu oh! merindu
Senyumanmu yang menawan kalbu
Semakin sering kita bertemu
Semakin terpaut hatiku padamu
Jika kau pun juga rasa yang ku rasa
Apa yang kau pinta katakan saja
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