Lamenye la haaaaiii nak update on disaster aritu kan hehe.. actually, it should have stopped there and then but dlm hati sgt tak puas hati coz I'd been planning on it for so long now. Kecewe gile bile bende dah lame planned tak jadi camtu je. Perasaan tak puas hati tu la yang lead me to go find jugak strawberries and the cooking choc that I liked (memang tinggal SATU je pun choc tu mase tu)..
When I realized the shop still had a couple of boxes of fresh strawberries and the cooking cho yg I liked, dah mule nmpk 'light at the end of the tunnel'.. cewaahhh, over la plak Ayu ni hahah!
So balik umah and did all the work all over again. Spjg mase tu, hati dok takut je klau tak jadi.. mode crossing-fingers je setiap step tuh. Risau okay.. especially tang nak angkat the cake after pouring the choc ganache and masukkan dlm kotak a.k.a the-step-that-broke-it..
..dan Alhamdulillah la bile in the end, jadik jugak cake ku itu.. yeayyy! Trus je rase hari menjadi lebih cerah ala ade rainbow merate langit dan burung² seakan berkicauan dgn riang (Okay, sgt over!)
Though the choc a bit cair la and the strawberries pun dok main slide² kat choc tu. I used toothpicks to secure the strawberries on the cake.. pastu boleh tak terlupe nak cabut semua hahah..
So tadaaa.. this was the final outcome of the birthday cake (toothpicks and all)

Suke okay.. tetibe sy over lagi dari org yg besday. Dia relek je tak heran pun ngan cake ni hahah..
Anyway, here's the picture of the 'experimental' cake I did on the Saturday before yang dpt kat bdk² umah no 40, Yun's family and Awang.

Ohh.. the cake 'patah' also jadik rezeki ramai org len: Kay, ahli umah no 40, Irnis and Zabidi hehe.. dpt la diorg rase hehe..
As for orders, ni order form Farah for her neighbour yg nak a mix of pink and blue (sy konpius sbb sy tak reti nak buat campur² kaler sgt.. usually pair ngan putih je pun)

..and ni plak cookies untuk Khatam Al Quran anak kak Nurul. Actually couldn't do the fancy schmancy cookies sbb my cutters tertinggal kat umah.. sib baik la ade cutter heart kecik² ni so I packed 3 in one bag.

And finally, ni gambo order from kawan Jaja. Kene deliver to Bkt Pancur. Dia nak same design with the one I did for Mama.

Thanx for the order ye, Iefa!