The reason I came to school on this weekend was because my 2.45pm class has been cancelled since my student couldn't come. So instead of waiting till 4.30pm for my next class, I thought of coming here to finish my report for Dr Razip. However, I'm feeling abit lazzzzzzyyy hahah.. so here I am, writing about something that I've been meaning to write about but haven't got the time before..
Conversations in the final week of teaching my intensive class for Form 5.
Earlier in the week
My form 5 class was in its usual chaotic environment, with the students being hyperactive wanting more and more exercises (which I'm very glad for even if I was feeling a bit dizzy with their, "Cikgu, nak tanye!".. "Cikgu, betul tak saya buat ni?".. "Cikgu, macam lawak ja jawapan saya ni.. betoi dak?") and their teacher still not quite well from the annoying fever she just had. Wanting to make them a bit quiet since I was having a headache, I thought of chatting with them a bit.
Me : Korang dah ade plan ke lepas SPM?
Whole class: gsjakfsahkv kjvklsgh gjglkjdf
Me : Aiyak, sorang² la cakap. Akak sakit kepale ni..
Hana: Saya nak sambung amik engineering, kak!
Hani: Hang bukan nak jadi lawyer ka?
Hana: Tukaq²..
Anith: Saya tak tau lagi, tapi USM bes ke kak?
Me: Jangan la tanya akak, konpem la akak bias..
And the conversation went on until..
Aiman: Cikgu, tanak dengar ke plan saya?
Me: Ape dia Aiman?
Aiman: Saya lepas ni nak masuk matrik, pastu masuk U..
Me: Ok la tu.. U mane?
Aiman: Kejap la cikgu, saya tak abis cakap lagi ni..
Me: Ooo.. ok.. ok.. teruskan..
Aiman: Pastu mesti saya dapat keje bagus kan?
I didn't want to burst his bubble telling him even graduates find it hard getting good jobs!
Aiman: Pastu umur 24, saya nak kawen!!!
Me: Aik.. detail nye plan. Dah ade calon ke?
Hana: Ada ka orang nak kat hang?
Shahrul: Calon dia lagi ramai dari hang la, Hana!
Aiman: Hangpa diam la, aku nak jawab soalan cikgu ni..
Me: Ok, jawab la hehe..
Aiman: Tadak lagi cikgu, tapi kan, mesti la umo 24 saya dah ada kan?
At that, I wanted to laugh but just kept a straight face la.. ok la, not really straight face. I was smiling, trying my best not to laugh.
Me: Kenape 24?
Aiman: Sebab umo tu macam sesuai je, cikgu..
Me: Kenape tak 25?
Aiman: Hmm.. bleh gak, tapi macam dah tua la cikgu.. dah lambat!
Ok, now I was hoping they didn't know I was 26 hahah..
Me: Kenape tak 26?
Aiman: Ish cikgu ni.. klau 26 tak kawen lagi, makna nya TAK DAK HARAPAN dah tu..
Cesss.. Had to pretend I wasn't offended haha.. But I laughed at how naive they were!
Then, at the final intensive class for them
My voice was nearly non-existant at this time so just gave them some exercises, avoiding having to talk loudly. But being me, I couldn't stand not talking at all, thus..
Me: Korang lahir tahun berape ye?
Hana: 1990
Hani: Tapi Anith tahun 1991
Me: Kenape Anith?
Anith: Saya lompat kelas cikgu..
Haziq: Hang muda dari aku ka? Aku ingat tua lagi..
Anith: Hang diam laa..
Me: Korang tau tak, korang betul² mude 10 tahun dari akak?
Haziq & Hana & Hani: Haaaa.. dah kategori mak cik ke?
Me: Oiiiitt, mude lagi la..
Shahrul: Leh panggil mak cik ke?
Nabil: Aunty la.. aunty.. bunyi sedap skit..
Me: Oittt.. orang mude lagi la.. tak nampak ke?
And we were laughing about it with them teasing me on how ancient I was. But all the while, Aiman was silent, while giving me his devillish smiles.. Feeling something come up..
Me: Aiman, kenape diam?
Aiman: Takde ape, cikgu
Me: Akak tak caye.. baik cakap!
Aiman: Takde.. heheheh.. patut la cikgu tanye pasal kawen umo 26 ari tu ye.. Cikgu ni yang takde harapan la tu ye..
Me: Aimaaaaaaaaaaaaann!!!
I thought he had forgotten about THAT conversation and couldn't help laughing along with them when they started asking me about it haha..
At the end of the class..
Aiman: Cikgu, saya tarik balik lah.. cikgu ade harapan la
Me: Nak bodek akak la tu..
Aiman: Kang tak berkat plak cikgu ajar saya. Takpe, saya doa cikgu kawen cepat ye..
Hahah.. I really miss those guys. And I hope for the best for them :)
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