Hohoh.. di pagi Sabtu ini, Ayu berade di school! Miracle!! Selalu time ni berguling lagi ngan selimut sambil memeluk bolster kesayanganku itu..
Ini semue gare² nak berubah selepas mendaftar.. tp kot ye pun, sweet mind o mine, tunggu la Isnin! Of course I planned to be a good student after I've registered.. that means coming to school before 8am and do my research for most part of the day (Ye, saye sedie maklum, addiction to read other people's blog tetap menjadi agenda utame diriku setiap hari.. berserta rase tanggungjawab untuk memberi Neopetku makan dengan secukupnye agar dia membesar bagai juare!) Tapi tolong la wahai Ayu's conscience, hari ni Sabtu laaaaa.. kasik la can bgn lambat!!
Yesterday after registering, dan jugak bersempene Salimin menghantar final 3 copies of his thesis AND menggunekan jugak sebab Falha boleh grad tahun ni, the three of us decided one final movie together (before Salimin goes back to Sarawak this afternoon.. and before, seperti doa Ayu, Salimin sambung PhD gak temankan kak Ayu dia ni heheheh.. Klau Salimin tau, konpem roll his eyes sampai nak terkuar matenye ahah!) We went to watch the Mummy (apetah tajuk nye kali ni?) but were quite disappointed. Hmm, maybe we had to high of an expectation here, sbb tu kot.. the movie was ok² laaaa.. but I won't say great movie. I like the previous two Mummies better la, in short.
Then pagi ni, we went for breakfast together (Yup! Us Three Stooges again) at the nasik lemak kuning shop. Gile lame tak makan sini.. dah lupe dah rase nasiknye hehe.. the adik air there sengih je nampak me, tanye nape la akak dah lame tak datang makan sini, dah tak suke ke? Hahah.. nice to know you are remembered kan! :)
So now I'm in school coz I know, going back home to try and sleep jugak would be pointless. I'm having my class at 2.15pm though so by 1pm I'm going back home.
Truth is, perasaan terketor pas bayo yuran semalam is still with me (wpun sedikit konpius coz the whole week I've been insomnic, then last night plak I selpt like a baby!). Sheesh! Seriously, smlm termimpi² beli oven uwaaaaaaaaaaaa! Mane tak nye, once I've registered, it means no turning back.. and frankly, that scares me! (And I'm not just talking about the semesterly fee yang jugek akan membuatkan rambutku beruban-hepp! Blum beruban lagi yeeee!)
Yesterday, talked to Fahmi (also an RO like me but he's my junior by a million years! Yup! Thats how old I feel..) and told him, "Pasni akak nak serious la, tanak buang mase cam MSc dulu. Kali ni nak banyak konsentret research so cepat habis. Nak bykkan publication semua tu.. so pasni I have to be serious, takde nak main².."
Dan hatiku telah menjerit, "Cetttt!" apebile Fahmi menggelakkan diriku yang sedang serious. Hahah.. mmg cett! Bukan nak bg sokongan, ade dia gi gelak.. Okay la, now when I think of it, it DOES seem farfetched hehe.. uhh, tapi tak baik la gelak kat org.. dah le suh org jadik mentor dia (mane dia dpt the ridiculous idea pun tatau)! Babap jugak kang budak kecik sorang tu..
Hehe, still remember yesterday when taking the picture for the smartcard, Ija rechecked her photo, wanting a 'nice' picture. But the technician was a bit dumbfounded kot when I didn't wanna check my photo. Ughh, still hate taking pictures, lantak le gambar ku macammane nnt.. Had smsed Dr Farhan (He too, 'registered' at the ministry today hehe..) and mesti dia lege, klau tak risau je kang student penakut dia ni lari haha..
Anyway, still wondering, can I manage?
Ayu ni dah la pemalas..
..tak pandai plak tu!
..tambah plak pemalas lagik
..pastu otak pun tak berape bijak
..dan dia jugek sgt malas!
Tgk tu, tak sempat ape lagi dah ngeluh.. ape ni, Ayu?!?!
Haha.. I dunno! Sometimes I wonder, where does the path of my life lead to? Tau², Tuhan dah tetapkan semua tu even before we were born, but I wish I had a bit of a clue here. Other people would muntah hijau dah asyik duk USM jek.. and if you count those years when I practically was raised in USM since I was small, I think mine won't just be green, but various shades of the rainbow.. (Okay, its starting to sound gross here!)
Alamak! Starting to feel the startings of self-pity here.. shooh! Shooh! Okay la, better stop.. kang I ramble tah pa per la pulak nanti hehe.. till next time! Ciao!
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