- Call Din from the Tree Top Walk in Sg Sedim
- Call En Dzulkifli for the bio-indicators
- Go to Sg Sedim for the TTW then to Penang Botanical Garden for the Guided Field Observation (OMG! I can't go on the same day, could I? Both places are on totally opposite ways form each other!!!)
- ONLY THEN could I proceed with the modules.. then discuss with Puga on the content and with Amir on the layout and ntah.. I'm not creative! Tolong!!!
- Clear Dr Farhan's room upstairs and reorganize all his papers and journals.
- Do something to bilik dia kat bawah..
- Reorganize the resource room with new books and thesis and journals. Then do something about it (ape la Dr punye arahan.. tak spesifik langsung!) so ACEPRO would be in charge instead of Sharil and kak Ainun who are quite busy with thier own work.. and why doesn't our president do this?? ACEPRO kan keje dia.. but nooooooo, he's too busy with his thesis yang takde la nmpk cam nak siap pun. Dah le malas gile, not ONE activity EVER! Mangkuk!!! Tapi volunteer bukan main lagik.. bongok! (Ayu sedang marah!!!)
- PhD progress report. Aiyak! I could only talk about my literature review.. well, memang la sudah agak banyak but somehow, with me NOT properly registered as a student, suda jadi agak malas la jugak and been putting it off for 3 weeks now!
- Correction for 2 pending papers.. mane correctionnye?? Sape sorokkan?!?! Uwaaaaa..
- Report for grant
- Tests for my students.. I haven't even done the questions yet!
- Betulkan lirik Better in Time kat bawah.. byk salah oooo
Hahah.. okay, the last one tu mmg la nak buat, but its not really the top priority kan. Anyway, when I list it down, takde la nampak byk sangat dak.. n not really that hard jugek..
(Sebenarnye baru balik makan pizza, halfway through this entry Puga ajak makan.. see, I'm even putting off finishing this one entry.. sheesh!!!)
Okay la.. need to start calling the two people in charge, maybe I'll be lucky enough to secure a session with them tomorrow (Yeah right! Once I figure out how to cut myself in half la kaaaann!)..
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