...just a place for me to go rambling over everything currently happening in my life, sometimes, even to the tiniest detail. And whatever that's unfortunate enough to happen to cross my mind at the very moment when I feel like jotting down something ;)
Monday, June 30, 2008
Don't ask..

Sunday, June 29, 2008
"My firsts".. 5 of them la at least :D

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Semuanye 'SATU'
1 minit yang lalu, apa anda buat?
Bukak² blog n teringat entry Ana pasal tag nih :D
1 hari yang lalu, apa anda buat?
Pagi² bangun, kul 2.30am dah set jam. Bawak bantal ngan air sumer depan tv, tgk deme tengah nyanyi national anthem memasing. Sedo² kan, dah iklan TV3.. ceh! Miss trus.. pastu trus panjat balik katil sambung tido. Datang keje lambat gak cam Ana, tapi bukan lambat 15 minit, lambat 3 jam hahah.. Gi tolong anto thesis abg Fadzil kat Popular Twelve sbb dia nak mntk tolong bacekan.. uhhh! Nape la diorg ni percaye sgt la Ayu tolong bacekan, macam le Ayu paham jek ape deme nulis tu. Sampai school tengok takde sape pun.. bosan la pulak! Pastu Remy call suh siapkan claim Sg Sedim sbb dia nak kasi kat kak Nab ptg tu.. then gelak² bace post-mortem yang Irnis buat yang sedikit membayangkan perasaan TYBK utk projek tu.. sgt tak kaver hahah! Pastu YM ngan Fisha pasal McD (sbb status Ayu pade hari ini ialah tentang McD :p~). Tghari byebye² staf Awam yang ade workshop kat Bt Feringghi pastu gi kaco kak Jah and kak Ros. Kali ni kak Ros plak korek² pasal aktiviti misteri.. uhhh, bahaye! Kak Ros ni bukan leh caye, bukan leh sorok ape dari dia! Then print claim n post-mortem bg kat Remy sblm men Neopet ku yg dah lame ditinggalkan. Balik umah plak, mandi² sambil berangan² and trus terpacak depan tv and pakse diri tgk bende kat tv saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaampai abis citer Narnia malam tu hehe..
*Uhhh, giler panjang!*
1 hari lagi, apa anda akan buat?
1 hari tu esok ke? Hmm.. sok bgn tatau kul wape hahah, tak leh solat ni membuatkan diriku malas bgn awal. Tp dlm kul 10.00 pg plan nak gi school kot, tgk Ayat² Cinta. Fared bg aritu, tatau bes ke tak so nak tgk sbb Puga pun leh kate besh! Then kul 2.00pm gi Arun Lee utk kelas form 3 (2.15-4.15pm) and form 1 (4.30-6.30pm). Pastu gi ke Bagan Serai untuk kelas form 2 (8.15-10.15mlm). Balik umah bese tengok tv la sampai ngantuk. Then mandi (Ishhh, lambat beno mandinye yek!), and tunggu tgk klau midnight movie kat TV3 bes ke tak.. pastu baru tido :)
1 orang yang terakhir menelefon kamu?
Yokies.. mase org tgh drive balik dari aktiviti misteri (bg abg Fadzil tension bace ni hahaha..!)
1 makanan yang baru dibeli?
Chicken McDeluxe meal.. beli kat Juru smlm otw balik. Lapo giler time tu w/pun dah kul 12.00 lebey.. lantak le! Sbb tu status hari ni berkenaan McD!
1 barang yang baru hilang?
Hati.. (Org len leh abaikan jawapan ni.. ni jawapan memperangatkan semangat inkuiri abg Fadzil dan Choong hehehe..!)
1 cerita yang baru ditonton?
Ayat² Cinta.. ade 3 file. Baru tgh tgk file yg 1st..
1 hal yang terakhir digosipkan?
Hmm.. ape yek? Rasenye dok ngate² org² selain TYBK mase meeting semalam heheh.. Bes ooo, kitorg 7 org (Amir dah masuk UiTM) ngate ramai² sambil makan mee ngan kuih ngan teh.. campur ngan gaye² dilakonkan oleh Remy dan Rahim! Antare sessi ngate paling bes pernah dialami hahah..
1 kata yang ingin diluahkan?
Ohhh.. rahsia buat mase ini.. tp klau Ana nak tau, nnt kite msg private² hehe :p
1 buku yang sudah dibaca?
Aiyak! Byk le buku nye.. sekarang pun tengah bace Street Boys buat kali kedua!
1 penyakit yang sering datang?
My allergies! Bersin tak benti..
1 keinginan?
Untuk selesa dalam hidup.. maknenye, tak yah nak pening² pasal duit ke ape ke! Tak kaye pun takpe.. ngam² je pun dah ok :)
Saya nak tag: Ayeen, Misa, Nomi, Pojie, Yuhyi, Dr Dzul, Dr Ina, Jida, Amer and Dgon (Eleeeh, buh le name byk mane pun, bukan diorg nak wat pun.. huh!)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
And the Nescafe marathon continues..

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sg Sedim-Sg Pinang Expedition
Well, this project started when Dr Ismail and his wife kak Nab a.k.a Dr Nabsiah wanted to organize and environmental awareness programme for primary school kids. Remy was asked to help them and in turn, he asked us for help. There was a whole lot of us.. me, Puga, Fared, Salleh, Rahim, Irnis and Amir.
We had a month to prepare.. and in the preparation, a lot of unpleasant things happened but just let me share the not-so-unpleasant ones, k..
This is a picture of us a day before the programme. The whole team-yang-buat-keje (will be known as TYBK after this!) was there arranging the students files, t-shirts, making the book marks, printing the modules (made by yours truly heheh.. and my group la of course!), name tags bla.. bla.. bla.. notice how rajin we looked hahah..
Here is our little helper, Umar.. or known more as the mini Irnis and Rahim. Cute ain't he? Baik je duduk senyap kat mak dia (Ayu tipu.. dia sibuk nak semua ikan kat dalam bilik dr Mail malam tu heheh.. tp dia kaco mak dia je!)
The next morning, me, Puga and Amir took the USM bus to Sek. Keb. Pauh Jaya (SKPJ) to pick up the students. Me and Puga took charge of one bus each with me and the boys and Puga with the girls. I thought I got the easy one as boys are not the ones who are usually motion sick, but turned out, my bus la budak² manje..
"Kak Ayu, saya pening..!"
"Kak Ayu.. saya nak muntah!" <--and sure enough budak tu did THAT! Adeh! Terpakse picit kepale dia sambil tahan hidung.. Ohhh, tidak, kak Ayu nye pulak rase loya hahah..
And this picture here is part of my charges that day..
Arriving at the Sg Sedim area, we had to wait for vans to come pick us up. I told the boys, ladies go first so as a result, I also had to go later.. ceh! Tak caye, sile lihat gambo di bawah. Dari kanan: Amir, Rahim, Fared and Irnis suda siap bervest and topi.. dan Ayu masih tiade ape² di tangan yang menunjukkan dia adelah fasi..
Ini adelah gambo Ayu finally memakai vest yang tertinggal dalam kete Salleh. Topi ilang entah ke mane tah mase ni but you can see Rahim and Puga in fasi gear heheh.. we were waiting for the first activity: the Tree Top Walk. Wish I had pictures of that tapi kamera ku tiade di tangan mase ni.
The Tree Top Walk pade mulenye me and Puga thought it would be boring. Quite nice la.. they had this bridge-like structures built so we'd be level with the tree tops, but if there was no animals, it'd be quite boring after a while. Still, I didn't expect I'd enjoy it with my group as they ooh-ed and aahh-ed at everything. We were lucky enough to catch some monkeys (they say its the Siamang!) playing with each other and Rahim told me my group was the happiest one hahah.. Tengok le fasi dia yang suke gelak itu hahahah..
Lupe plak, down here is the picture of my group. Kumpulan Sungai Hiliran, Terengganu! The one in orange is actually a teacher as each group gets a teacher and fasi. From the left: Farah, Nadia, Nadzatul, Huda, Alia, cikgu Firdaus, Naufal (in red), Hanif yang chumel, Akmal (in white), Naeem yang mengada² memalukan kak Ayu dia ngan buat hal macam² (tall one at the back) and Muaz (in stripey t-shirt), who is actually the son of Dr Farhan's PhD student, En Baderul Amin.
After the Tree top Walk, we had lunch and prayers then went to do some Water Quality tests that were VERY exciting, fasi pun seronok. The JPS was in charge here so me and Firdaus became participants too instead of the guides. We also did some Bio-Indicators where we were to look for organisme (with the help of Salleh who found a river prawn for us!). Sangat seronok masuk air sebenonye heheh..
That night we had a camp fire while listening to Dr Mail's talk. Then JPS took over, discussing about the program we did that afternoon. Here is me and Irnis, smiling happily walaupun sebenonye time ni sgt penat.. dan marah! Heheh..
Halfway through the EJW, the forest rangers suddenly asked us to go down this slope using the crawling trees as our guide. Giler tul! I was in charge of the activities and I DIDN'T KNOW about this. Tapi nak cover depan student, buat la jugak heheh..
But I kinda liked the activity with the rangers. They taught us about the trees and their differances. Measured tree trunks and observed leaves, the bark and all that. Then we did a herbarium where students were asked to find leaves and tie them in sample cards the label it accordingly. I found it the most interesting activity as it was only then that all the students opened up to us :)
That afternoon we went to USM in Penang for our next activities. That night we had the opening ceremony of the program. Boring as usual la.. Except when TYBK served the students la (as usual.. ni pun satu sbb utk marah but biar la kaann..) By then I was known as "kak Ayu yang suke bg kitorg makan sayur" as every meal would find me spooning veges to them while saying "Sape nak handsome/lawo, sile makan sayur" hahah..
Next day went to Botanical Gardens to see the punca Sg Pinang which was a beautiful waterfall. Who would've guessed, it was VERY different from Sg Pinang itself. We had to hike for half an hour (cam tipu je time frame tu heheh..) to a bukit sgt tinggi. The students were complaining and I had to become their cheerleader w/pun sendiri suda semput haha..
This is us as the Loji Rawatan Air Terjun. Muke memasing penat and cari air. Sib baik Remy came with cartons of water hehe..
Then took another hike to go to the waterfall itself. Btw, this is me and cikgu Firdaus (sblm tu, cikgu ni pangkat adik² ye, Amer! And I insisted he call me kak Ayu too..!) Kitorg dah sgt tak larat time ni tapi kene control buat cam tak penat heheh.. terre tak kitorg.. muke tak nmpk penat pun kan?!?! Heheh..
And tadaaaa.. this is the waterfall! Nampak tak muke Puga riang gembire bile dah sampai kat atas (sbb dia pun penat gak heheh..!)
Ni pulak is the only husband-wife team on TYBK.. Rahim and Irnis :)
After some briefings and all that, we went to Botanical Gardens for the next activity which was supposed to be relaxing. We had picture and the student were asked to find the plants in the drawings and colour them accordingly. Upenye it was antara activity paling penat where students went missing after being distracted by the monkeys.. adeh! Nak pengsan cari diorg! Tambah plak when something happened that made me nearly blow my top! Ade ke saje tempah maut, penat org cover his ass, pastu dia buat leceh plak.. mengong tul! Tp bak kate Salleh, dia budak lagi..
Hehe.. this is Muaz when he thought no one was watching heheh.. he got the 'Peserta Paling Ceria' award, though..
After that we had a slot with Jabatan Alam Sekitar where Irnis, Puga and Fared (the environmental engineers amongst us) had a chance to gawp over the tools bought by JAS hehe.. then we went to the actual stinky and black Sg Pinang to do some tests. Ade je gambo nye tapi dah malas nak kecikkan so I'm not putting any here :p
The last day was filled with students scrapbook presentation and all that. We had an award ceremony for all sorts of categories but guess who got Fasi Terbaik hahah.. kire tak aci la kan, fasi pun 5 org, tapi boleh la hahah.. truth be told, the students also said, Kak Ayu ni garang! What with me being the only fasi without a hailer and still my voice was louder that the other fasilitators. Eleee, panggil orang garang pun, ape sikit budak² ni cari kak Ayu yang garang tu jugaaaakkk heheh..
Anyway, during lunch, most students pretended to be suprised when I gave out the chicken instead of the veges hahah.. teruk tul budak² ni! Heheh.. and here is the picture of the complete TYBK. From left: Remy, Fared, Amir, Puga, Ayu (Sheesh! I'm not the shortest, am I?), Salleh, Rahim and Irnis.
All in all, I enjoyed the program and the student.. but as with the other TYBK, we HATED a whole lot more parts of it. Still, we're 'professionals' heheh.. Don't think the students and teachers knew there was something under the surface. Had fun of course.. even if I'm being 'stalked' by the students now who managed to get hold of our hone numbers without us giving them out hahah.. jap je tu, 2-3 minggu nnt, benti la diorg :D
Would I do it again?
Hmm.. it'll need some thinking..
Monday, June 23, 2008
Belajar bende baru..

The class was rather interesting.. for someone with zero knowledge like me la heheh.. at least I now understand Adi a bit more better la kot hehehe..
Sebenarnye I dunno what to write about this workshop heheh.. nak citer belajo ape, panjang sangat plak jadiknye nanti. But it was fun..
Hahah.. sebenonye by the time we finished the course, the instructor tu tengah ngajo kak Sham and sembang with abg Shidi so me and Ija tadek keje amik gambo orang hahah.. before deleting those pictures, I thought I'd just paste them here..
(Actually wanted to write about the Sg Sedim-Sg Pinang Expedition but still waiting for pictures from Fared and ini cume usaha tak mo bg blog berabuk heheh..)
P/S to Sentot: THAT picture takde kat sini :p
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Just to add..

If you come to work in old tattered jeans complete with an old t-shirt you've been wearing constantly for months, with absolutely no makeup at all thinking you look normal even when you know you have a secret deep inside you that you are not prepared to share yet. You're even kinda flushed being on the move since morning, going up and down the building for a few errands. Then suddenly everywhere you go, not one and not two, but a whole lot of people look at your face as if seeing it for the first time and all of them ask you, why are you glowing?
Which actually makes you feel a bit embarassed.. and kinda worried if its that obvious! And yet, secretly thanking and thinking of a certain someone.
So Baizurah (whom I know doesn't have the time to blog anymore since the arrival of Aqil), what do YOU think of that? Hahah..
And yes, I had a GREAT weekend too :)
P/S to Ayeen
Sorry tak dpt sembang lame aritu huhu.. terkejut sangat jumpe Ayeen, tak sangke lak terserempak kat KBJ aritu. Tp terase sgt malu sbb tergamam sampai tatau nak cakap ape.. you look so different.. Dah macam Aunty Shamsiah dah skrg padehal mase kecik you look more like Uncle Rusli. Next time kite jumpe proper, k.. you still owe me some pancakes heheh.. everytime gi Queensbay and lalu that pancake house, mesti ingt kat Ayeen :)
Monday, June 09, 2008
My Trustworthy 'Friend'
A friend once asked me, what product do I use for my skin care? And another friend's blog had this tag on beauty secrets.. Or rather, more than a few of them have this tag and frankly, though I love tags, this kind of tag is one I'd rather not answer since I don't have any special 'thingeys' to do when it comes to skin care.. BUT, I do have something, a not-so-secret 'something' that I've always liked to use and have never stopped using since I was first introduced to it.
Then, a few days ago, I went with Sharil and Mat to Sunway Carnival. I had to buy this not-so-secret item as mine was almost to its last drop. And as I was paying, Mat commented on how 'delicious' my not-so-secret item looked like to him.. and I almost laughed out loud as that was actually what I had first thought about it too!
For this, I have to thank kak Wahid. Me and kak Wahid have been close friends throughout our degree and our main problem was our skin. No matter what I tried, my skin was always oily by 10am. Still, being students and all that, we never really pondered on this problem much.
Anyway, another friend, Awa, commented on her own skin. She had scars and all that and didn't know what to use. Then one day, after not seeing kak Wahid for a long time, we were suprsied to see that she kinda looked different. Thinking she had fallen in love (Cheesy thoughts on 'You'd look beautiful if you're in love hahah..!), we teased her until she told Awa to try the product she was using. I still wasn't convinced though so Awa alone went with kak Wahid to the consultants of this product.. and she came back with bagsful of the Blemish Control set for this product. I just looked at her, thinking she was a bit insane to go all out for this product we only knew about from ONE friend..
But within two weeks, we saw the differance in her and by then, I was itching to try. Especially when I heard kak Wahid had also manage to 'convert' Cik Wa to be a user too. I went alone though, to the counter in Prangin Mall and was greeted by this very nice consultant who helped me choose which one was best for me.. though I was a bit annoyed to find out I was categorized as a set III user.. ughhh! Was hoping my skin was better than that.
I was lucky when I first tried it, they were having this promotion. Where you had jumbo sets of the 3-step and also miniature sets for travelling.. all at not even RM200, which to cheapskate me, was a bargain! Yeah, I also got two cute bags thrown in the offer too.. Very nice!
Thus, started my journey with these trustworthy friends of mine. First time I wore it, I fell in love with the Clarifying Lotion (which is the not-so-secret item I mentioned above.. seriously, you know la kan how 'colourful' those toners are.. wasn't suprising when Mat found them to be 'delicious'! In fact, first time I saw them, I wanted to choose the colour hahah..) Seriously rasa sangat berbeza! I literally felt my skin glow haha <--Okay, too graphic kot my description. but its true.
The soap took a while la for me to fall in love with. I've been used to using facial foams so when I change to 'a bar of soap' it was a bit.. different! But now, I won't choose any other cleanser. I tried the liquid cleanser once when it first came out, but I found out I didn't quite like it. I'll stick to my 'bar of soap', thank you!
No comments for the Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion since I've hated moisturizers from the day MAMA told me I HAVE to wear it even if my skin is already on the oily side. Still, its better than other moisturizers I've been using since I only have to wear a tiny bit. I prefer the Gel though.. but I still hate moisturizers as whole!
And believe it or not, after a month of using it, Hasrul (who ALWAYS comments on how unlady-like I am) commented on my skin. Not that I didn't notice la, but I thought I was just being biased heheh.. then had a few juniors commenting too which kinda made me feel a bit vain for a while hahaha..
After a while, I managed to convince both my housemates on this product, especially the 3-Step.. and they in turn managed to convince our mutual friend. By now, I've had numorous friends asking me about it and I'm always happy to tell them my not-so-secret secret.. especially about my not-so-secret item which I love the most. Even Irnis is planning on trying it, and also kak Chah as she had asked kak Win to ask me about the 3-Step (and I think kak Win also wanted to try!)
So, aside from my living and breathing friends, these are my trustworthy friends! Thank God the first time I tried it, there was an offer coz stringey me wouldn't have tried it if not.. I guess la!
Know something else.. Clinique should give me some royalty or something, tul tak.. hey, free advertising ape! After this, sape nak tau pasal Clinique, I'm gonna just forward the URL to this entry.. aci tak?
And to Sharil and Mat: There ARE products for men tau! :) Sile² try hehe..
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
An old tag, retagged! <--ade ke perkataan ni?
Thought: What the heck.. I'm putting my work off anyway here (supposed to call the Botanical Garden's people but I dunno what to say yet.. and btw, I called En Din yesterday only to find his phone off. So much for wanting to do my job huh hahah <-- alasan! He smsed me at 2 o'clock in the morning.. the cheek of him! Cittt, good thing I wasn't asleep yet so he still had to answer my questions though.. and now I'm waiting for him to call and tell me about our guide tomorrow!) Anyway.. to Adi, this is my tag! :p Saye telah ditag oleh Adi. Hehe.. <--- copy paste dari Adi yang telah copy paste dari Mael hahah...
- I'm back to where I was once.. sangat suke bersin pagi²! I'd already stopped doing this in the past few years after taking Gano and Garlic. But now its starting again.. and I don't have my supply of Gano and Garlic!
- Ticklish.. tolong jangan tickle saya. My siblings know of this and constantly use this to bully me.. ini adelah termasuklah Dgon and Pojie yang suke mengalahkan Ayu dengan care sebegini.. sungguh tak aci! Dan paling tak aci, when my students notice this and dengan beraninye cucuk pinggang Teacher Ayu everytime I lalu sebelah diorg.. ciss!
- I have this secret stash (or once was a secret stach la) that I don't want Dr Ina to see hahah..
- I'm starting to at least TRY to drink 8 glasses of water each day, in fact, I make sure I try to finish my 1.5l water container each day.. but its a problem when I have a small bladder. Tak minum byk dulu pun dah asyik nak gi toilet, so imagine me now! And am seriously considering on NOT drinking that much anymore! So much for healthy living, huh..
- My current books are now mostly chick lits.. *gasps* Seriously..
- *looking around guiltily* My.. my name is Nurikhwani Idayu and.. and.. and.. sob.. sob.. I'm a lazyholic boo-hooo.. I'm addicted to being lazy and putting off everything to the last minute!
- I haven't taken a panadol pill for 2 years now. And 5 years before that too! I took it two years ago after crying too much and having a serious headache, I was afraid I'd have a stroke.. though seriously, ade kene mengene ke nangis with stroke? Hahah.. it was when I knew about IM getting married, btw.. Know why? You ever get this email about how a panadol stays in your tummy even after 5 years from the day you consumed it? That email freaked me out haha..
- Though I pretend I hate tags, I actually love them hahah
9 Questions
1. What does true love mean to you?
Hahah.. I dunno! The usual 'love-me-no-matter-what-and-accept-me-for-who-I-am' I guess.. Tell you what, ask me in another 10 years, okay! :D
Oh God! How am I supposed to answer? When you see that person everytime you think of your future maybe? And everytime you think of the things you're thankful for in your life.. and everytime you feel sad, you can't help smiling when you see an image that person in your mind :D
Once.. maybe! To IM. Hahah.. I dunno, I think la I fell in love that time bcoz I was in pieces when he left. And funny to say that, eventhough I haven't thought of him for a while, he's been in my mind for the past few days jugak ni.. though don't get me wrong la, I'm not gonna do anything stupid!
4. Have you ever fallen out of true love because you were mad at the moment?
Hmm.. outta true love ek? Nope kot.. we were mad at each other and kinda like holding a contest to see who can make each other even more mad. But I still hoped it'd get better.. in fact, I was sure it would get better, thats why I was reduced to the 'taking-a-panadol' incident when I found out he was getting married.. and he couldn't even tell me that himself!
5. Do you feel love and physical attraction are the same thing?
Kate Adi, "Love is the curry... and physical attraction is the spices..." I dunno, I wasn't physically attracted to IM at all. In fact, it took 4 years of close friendship to make me fall for him.. so maybe to me, its not the same.. maybe similar, but not the exact copy of each other.
6. If your true love became ill or disfigured would you continue to love them the same way?
7. Should anyone else be able to tell you who to love or not love?
Nope.. but actually I always listen to people when they tell me this person is good or bad for me.. adeh! Tak dek pendirian hahah..
8. Do you believe people that ended up divorced were ever truly in love?
Yes.. I do eventhough I won't say ALL of them are that way! Only sometimes things change and no matter what you do, its not there anymore. Guess for these people, they're doing the best for each other and I believe that deep down inside, if they could do things differently, they definitely would do it..
9. Would you give up something you want for someone you love?
Like Ana said, we're girls! Being mushy and dreamy comes with the package :)
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
The vices of procrastination

- Call Din from the Tree Top Walk in Sg Sedim
- Call En Dzulkifli for the bio-indicators
- Go to Sg Sedim for the TTW then to Penang Botanical Garden for the Guided Field Observation (OMG! I can't go on the same day, could I? Both places are on totally opposite ways form each other!!!)
- ONLY THEN could I proceed with the modules.. then discuss with Puga on the content and with Amir on the layout and ntah.. I'm not creative! Tolong!!!
- Clear Dr Farhan's room upstairs and reorganize all his papers and journals.
- Do something to bilik dia kat bawah..
- Reorganize the resource room with new books and thesis and journals. Then do something about it (ape la Dr punye arahan.. tak spesifik langsung!) so ACEPRO would be in charge instead of Sharil and kak Ainun who are quite busy with thier own work.. and why doesn't our president do this?? ACEPRO kan keje dia.. but nooooooo, he's too busy with his thesis yang takde la nmpk cam nak siap pun. Dah le malas gile, not ONE activity EVER! Mangkuk!!! Tapi volunteer bukan main lagik.. bongok! (Ayu sedang marah!!!)
- PhD progress report. Aiyak! I could only talk about my literature review.. well, memang la sudah agak banyak but somehow, with me NOT properly registered as a student, suda jadi agak malas la jugak and been putting it off for 3 weeks now!
- Correction for 2 pending papers.. mane correctionnye?? Sape sorokkan?!?! Uwaaaaa..
- Report for grant
- Tests for my students.. I haven't even done the questions yet!
- Betulkan lirik Better in Time kat bawah.. byk salah oooo
Hahah.. okay, the last one tu mmg la nak buat, but its not really the top priority kan. Anyway, when I list it down, takde la nampak byk sangat dak.. n not really that hard jugek..
(Sebenarnye baru balik makan pizza, halfway through this entry Puga ajak makan.. see, I'm even putting off finishing this one entry.. sheesh!!!)
Okay la.. need to start calling the two people in charge, maybe I'll be lucky enough to secure a session with them tomorrow (Yeah right! Once I figure out how to cut myself in half la kaaaann!)..
Monday, June 02, 2008
Ayu suda paranoid!!!
Adeh! Already two weeks from the entry and EACH AND EVERYTIME I have a class (either my own or tolong gantikan cikgu² yang balik bercuti for the school hols) my ex-students keep popping up into my class asking if they could join (padehal not even teaching their year time tu) my class and if I'd wanna teach them next year. Already kinda 'chup' my class for next year. The fifth formers plak give me excuses like, "Form 3 syllabus is still important to us so its not wrong to join this class!".. and its giving me the creeps!
Then, I've been the cikgu ganti for the third branch (unlike before, this year I don't have any class there!) so my ex-students have been coming to my class everytime I'm there even when I'm not teaching their class and asking why I'm not teaching there anymore as well as if I'd like to teach them.. Gile tul! The words I wrote in that entry is haunting me.. Ayu suda paranoid!!!
Uwaaa.. ntah² my 'boss' bace my entry pastu bayo bebudak ni cakap camtu to freak me out sbb dia geram I ngate dia aritu.. uwaaaaaaaaaa, tolooooooooooooooong!!!