Yesterday, I woke up early to go and have a game of tennis ala AyuNDgon. One thing about playing, I laugh a lot and it helps me forget whatevers been keeping me awake at night. However, as I went home, I was overcome with this feeling of tiredness that I just wanted to take a nap.
I had set my alarm at 10, hoping to just jump into the shower for a quick bath then get ready but at 9.30am, kak Maria called and I couldn't sleep a wink after that. Suddenly, one of the things thats been bothering me came up into my mind and I found myself sending an sms to a certain someone regarding it.. somehow, I had hoped it'd clear a few cloudy issues, but I was wrong!
So while sending the sms back and forth, I made a decision to not go to school and go to Megamall to catch a movie or two. It was Wednesday to the tickets were down to RM5. I had wanted to watch Cinta (c'mon, don't tell me I'm the only one who thinks the promo is great!) and had thought of watching Happy Feet too as I hadn't got the chance to watch it yet. Heck! Even if the movies weren't that good, at least I've got a dark and quiet place as a good place for me to cry out the tears thats been threatening me eversince that morning.
So off I was to Megamall while trying my best to stop myself from crying, a hobby I've picked up since a few weeks ago whenever I'm alone. when I arrived, I headed straight to the Cineplex and was thanking my lucky stars that I was able to watch both movies and still could get back in time for my tuition at 5.00pm.
The first movie I watched was Cinta. I went in 3 minutes late but the story had yet to start as they were just showing a narration or something first so I just sat down at my seat and waited for movie to really start.
Lets just say, I must've had a too high expectation of the movie as it wasn't really up to what I thought it was. Still, its the greatest malay movie I've ever seen (and thats to say something about my expectation of the movie, huh? Heheh..)
I loved it! Really loved it.. Fortunately, I went alone, so in the teary bits, I had the luxury of crying without the fear of being laughed at haha.. There were 5 part where nearly all characters were connected to each other as colleagues or college pals or clients and others. Two of the stories were quite normal:
Sh. Amani+Pierre = Simply put by Dgon when I told her about it, it was KL Menjerit all over again (didn't quite watch it but even Ramlah says the same thing) where the girl comes to city to find boyfriend who made her pregnant, then falls in love with stranger who helps her.
Eizlan+Fasha = Rich boy mets 'normal' girl and fall in love. Then they fight, then he finds her and proposes in an LRT or train, I dunno, and they live happily ever after.
Hahah, yeah! I know, its just like the soap operas on tv.. but the other 3 stories were good! I especially loved the old couples (with the famous tagline of, "Isteri bukanlah hakmilik, tapi anugerah!" one where it wasn't only a story of old couples, but also about the love of a grandson towards his grandad. How much the grandson loves his grandad eventhough his grandad always calls him by his fathers name and how heavy his heart was to send his grandad to the old folks home. Then having mak cik Rubiah as someone who appreciates love as she herself had lost it when her husband left her for another woman. I loved it when she told Amir, "Satu hari dengan orang yang kita sayang, lebih baik dari seumoq hidup dengan orang yang kita tak sayang!"
The second best story (to me la at least) was Nanu and whatever-was-the-guys-name tu. They were a pair of misunderstood siblings who really loved each other but kept on each other nerves, fighting and all that. They had fought at mak cik Rubiah's shop and she told the sister, "Kadang² orang yang paaaaaaling kita sayang la orang yang paling susah nak disayangi!" I was touched to see the brother still keeping a piece of paper his sister had given them when they were smaller during a storm, when they hid under the bed as he was afraid. The sister had wrote down something like, she promises to take care of her borther so her brother shouldn't worry about anything. When he shove that paper to his sister in a moment of anger, I noticed to whole cinema get all quiet and all.. or was it just me ah? Heheh.. Even after they fought, the sister would quietly watch her brother on the streets.. made me wonder, am I as good a sister as that? Anyway, the end was quite surprising as I had thought another person was the one who's gonna die. Who you may ask? Pi tengok sendiri laaaaa hehe.. This was the only story with the truly sad ending among the 5.
The last one which is also very good with an estranged husband and wife and their daughter. The wife had found someone else while her husband was busy working and it revolves around how the husband tried to come to terms with the fact and how it affects the daughter. Its one of the stories without a happy moment in it except in the end where Rashidi met Vaneeda (hahah..) with his daughter but I liked the end of his relationship with his wife where he gave her a boxful of letters that ended in a note that said".. because a young girl (his daughter) taught me that love means letting go!"

"Cinta" finished around 1.20pm so I went to pray since Happy Feet starte at 1.45pm. When my mind wasn't on the movie, once again I felt like crying again and even considered on just going back home but I told my mind, even if the story wasn't good, at least I could cry shamelessly in the dark cinema.
However, I didn't get to cry much hahah.. Even when I started thinking, there was suddenly a small humorous moment in the story that before long, I was engrossed in it. I had expected it to bit a bit boring as we could only expect penguins.. even if I had read great reviews about it. Really, it was worth watching it.. even made me search on info about penguins hahah..
There were lots of songs that all generations could relate to, from oldies to funky newbies. you find yourself rooting for Mumble throughout the way. You love the mother, Norma Jean (which by the way is Marilyn Monroes real name), who always believed in Mumble though he was different, and Nemphis, the father who tried to pretend he wasn't proud of his son.
You'd love the way it showed that a small person could certainly change things, given the oppurtunity and I was laughing at the right spot and sad at the sad ones. Hehe, I wouldn't mind watching both movies again.. so that says a lot about the movies!
Anyway, you guys should check these movies out. It'll be worth your ringgit.. really, trust me!
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