A few weeks ago, while waiting for my turn to shower, I sat down with Elie to watch this pilot episode of a Taiwanese drama. Not really a fan of these soap operas (my weakness is, not matter how boring the thing is, I'd usually stick around to watch it till the end if I started watching one), I had really wanted to pass time while waiting for Yana, but it turned out, I got hooked!
Its just a simple story, as can be told by other viewers of this drama, but I didn't expect to actually wanna watch the drama through and through. For Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays when I had afternoon tuition classes, I'd rush back home (my classes end at 6.45pm) to sit in front of the tv for this drama. And on days I have night classes (Tuesdays till Thursdays), I'd sneak to get ready during commercial breaks eg. 1st commercial break: wash my face and brush my teeth, 2nd commercial break: a quick bath, 3rd commercial break: Maghrib prayers.
Tuesdays and Thurdays are the hardest coz I have to get outta the house at least after the third commercial break as my class is in Bagan Serai (an around 20-minute drive), thus miss the final quarter of the current episode.
Me and Elie get a kick outta watching this. Ok.. ok.. real word here: EMOTIONAL!
Haha.. we'd be shouting at the actors, oohing and aahing at the right places, even nearly cried together at some scenes, give sighs of relief at certain scenes and so on and so forth hehe.. I might even laugh at myself if I had to watch myself in emotional stress during the drama hehe..
Whenever one of us misses an episode, the other one would always be ready to talk about it once the one who missed it arrives home. Gives me and Elie a topic to talk about nearly everyday :) In fact, during those nearly-six-weeks, my life revolved around this mini series, where I'd plan my activities around the showtime of the drama.. even broke my fast (ade ke perkataan tu?) at 8pm, due to not being able to tear myself away from the tv from 7pm to 8pm.
Then, while browsing to Ayeen's blog (which btw was the site I 'stole' this image), I found out she too was having the same experience.
But yesterday was the last episode for it. We nearly shrieked pretty well emotionally when they did a typical 'hindustani' scene where Shen Shen finally found her voice just to call out Wei Yi's name as he was fighting his diesease at the swim meet. The ending was thankfully not 'hindustani' enough where no miracle came to Wei Yi's rescue..
Now, my days at 7 o'clock are empty..
Btw, there's this english song in the drama that I've grown to like.. Ayeen, lagu pe tu eh?
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