So on Thursday I had my final intensive class for the year. For my class in Jawi, we had finished the first 6 chapters so I wasn't planning on starting the next chapter since I knew I won't finish it. As for Pt Buntar, we were a bit slower here ("Cikgu la ni.. suke main²" said a student yang suke masuk lambat dek membuke 'kilang' between classes!), I just proceeded to finish the 6th chapter with them.
However, due to demand (hahah.. demand la sgt kaannn), I made some cakes for my students. One of them kep asking me to do a coffee flavoured one this time so I thought I'd give it a try.. and it turned out quite well if I must say so myself haha.. I'm not really a fan of coffee, except that tinned Nescafe Latte, so I didn't really like the thought of plain coffee flavoured cakes. And since I''ve been such a fan of choc chips recently, I put in a packet of it in the mix ☺

Didn't actually have time to decorate (alasan bg sy yg tidak pandai deco) since my class started at 11.30am and I only made them that morning..
Another proof of my 'choc chip fetish'. Made some peanut butter muffins and also dunked a whole packet of choc chips in the mix.. yummy!

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