Actually, I've a few makan² pictures I'd like to put up here. It all happened on different days so instead of doing three different entries, I decided to lambakkan je semua in one entry, aci?
Numero Uno
On Saturday, feeling a bit domesticated, I decided to go through a few recipes I've been meaning to try. A quick inventory check in the kitchen revelaed that I could only make a recipe I got from Ana a few weeks ago: Bread and Butter Caramel Pudding!
Tadaaa.. This was how it look like right outta the oven..jpg)
..and this is how it looked like after 'distribution' to the usual suspects ☺.jpg)
Yummy too.. something different kaaannnn..
2nd one
This one plak saje nak tunjuk what we ate @Seoul Garden. Went with Rashid, Anim and Jaja. Salleh had told me about this place years ago but only then did I get the chance to go.
My rating: Yummy la.. but won't go selalu!
The 'lunch'

The dessert of yummy Cookies and Cream Icecream plus Raspberry Ripple Icecream

Last but not least
Its Fareese's birthday and he's the Terrible two today! Happy birthday to Fareese and selamat berseronokkan besday Fareese to the mummy, kak Zai ☺
Made this for him..

Actually berangan wanted to do a Thomas one, tp tangan sy sgt keras okay haha.. tak cantik jadiknye so settled with a theme ala² Shahril nye aritu. And yes, I know, my fish mcm sgt cipuuuuttt and my ketam actually ilang kaki.. huwaaa..
To top it up, as I was placing them in the fridge last night, bleh plak accident with the fridge and abis terbalik sumer. Adoi laaaaa.. had to do some 'repairing' *sedey²*
Then, the leftover cuppies, buttercream and gumpaste telah dijadikkan ini:

Jadik la kaaaannnn
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