...just a place for me to go rambling over everything currently happening in my life, sometimes, even to the tiniest detail. And whatever that's unfortunate enough to happen to cross my mind at the very moment when I feel like jotting down something ;)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
No wonder I have low self-esteem
Gobi: Cikgu, kenape budak darjah 5 tu lagi tinggi dari cikgu?
Teacher: Huh? Sape..
Nabil: Tu, yg pegi tandas tu..
Justina: Ha'ah la, teacher..
Nabil: Ni mesti cikgu tak makan vitamin kan mase kecik² dulu..
Kate Nabil dgn muke sgt innocent dan kesian kat cikgu dia.. tanpe sedo diri dia tu kenit je.. cisss!
Setengah jam kemudian.. Justina and Nabil sedang bergaduh. Nabil bnyk jadi mangse sbb dia kecik and very talkative.
Dinesh: Diam la, Nabil! Aku nak buat keje ni..
Justina: Teacher, tgk Nabil dia tiru sy..
Nabil: Mane ade cikgu, sy buat keje sy je..
Tetibe Justina and Jessica berbisik² and terus gelak²
Nabil: Cikguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Tengok Justina nii
Teacher: Kenape pulak korg ni?
Nabil: Dia mengate sy cikgu
Teacher: Ape yg dia ckp yg awak sakit ati sgt ni?
Nabil: Dia kate idung sy ngan idung cikgu same sebijik!
Teacher: (Dalam hati: Buruk sgt ke idung sy?)
Huhhh.. budak² niiiiii!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Another birthday in PPKA ~ Kak Iyra

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
PPKA Family Day 2010

Know whats nice?
Friends who know you = PRICELESS!
Thanx Sid.. you really made me smile ☺☻☺
Monday, January 25, 2010
Birthday kak Jah and Hurman

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
New year entry
Oppsss.. I'm not too late for THAT yet, right?
Anyway, the previous new years found me laughing through everyone's FB status. My brother Adi even asked, if there was a message from FB that told everyone to update their new year status.. kill joy kan!
One of my friend, Amin, had put this on his status: happy new decade... another one before the life may begin~?
I frowned before realizing he was talking about the infamous 'Life begins at forty' and realized: I'm actually entering my 4th decade this year! (Okay, this is a one-time confession that I'm turning 30 this year.. lepas ni I'm back to telling people I'm 16!)
How time flies huh.. pejam celik pejam celik dah berdekad² dah hidup dlm dunia ni kan?
So yes, yesterdays entry was a long and winding one full of regrets and a bit of hatred maybe.. but today, the only thing I wanna say is, I hope this new decade for me brings me a lot of great suprisee.. good ones!
The last decade also gave me a few suprises.. bad ones! And I was actually full of hope at the beginning of it.. ye la, being in your 20s, anything seems possible. Dreams seemed reachable. But this time around, I'm wiser (I hope!) I won't have any high hopes, but I'll still maintain a level of it, just so I can enjoy the gift of life.
So here's to a better 30s hahaha.. (NOT that I'm thirty yet, okay!)
Friday, January 08, 2010
Entry makan ~ Abih la klau Aloy bace nih, mampus kak Yong dia kene kutuk!

Saturday, January 02, 2010
Last day of school holiday intensive classes