(Please excuse the tak senonoh picture that was Googled heheh..)
This Ramadhan is the first Ramadhan which I don't have class throughout the month, sgt suke ok! The first week we still had classes as usual, thus the 'syahdu bukak pose sensorg dlm kete' status on my FB last week, but until a week after raya, we are free.. yes!
(Thought sedikit risau la kan sbb gaji pun tak dpt la sebulan klau dah takde kelas.. aiseh!)
Anyway, for years I've only been able to go for tarawikh on Sundays je since I usually have classes every night, this year I was looking forward to tarawikh every night. So on Sunday, check! Monday pun check! Then Tuesday tak pegi coz I went for iftar at kak Zura's and she did a birthday celebration for her twins gak so I tarawikh alone kat umah je after that..
..which made yesterday cam over skit semangat nak pegi la kan!
I made sure I didn't eat much during iftar as to make sure tak la ketat perut nak solat kan hehe.. then since the musolla was just a few meters from my house, I went about a minute or two before azan. As usual, sampai surau wat ala² dara sunti pemalu (Okay, tipu! Ni sbb segan tak kenal sape kat surau tu je pun kan =p) waiting for the azan la sume kan.
Then just as I finished my solat sunat, I felt this urge to pee. But not the REALLY need to pee nye la.. just the feeling you get when you know you wanna pee. I looked at the watch and thought, "Takpe je ni nak tahan sejam.."
But then, as the minutes went by, the feeling intensified dgn sgt cepat, parallel with pertambahan orang di surau itu. Dah la I was in the first saf, dah mule rase uncomfy dah ni but still pujuk ati, ok kot.
When the imam started to Iqamah my bladder was starting to buat hal. I look behind me and saw the saf behind me was already full. Dah malu dah rase nak kelaur tetibe kan celah² orang time dah nak solat sgt so I told my bladder to behave..
..but of course la it refused!
Then tak tahan, as the imam was reciting Fatihah (the womans saf dah ramai start solat while us in the front saf still ade yg dok betulkan saf lagi), I couldn't stand it anymore. Luckily the mak cik beside me hadn't started her solat yet so I aksed her wher the toilet was, grabbed my keys and practically ran outta the musolla..
Adoiii.. ape lagi, berlari balik rumah la pulak kaaaaaaannn.. sheeshhh!
Terserempak la pulak ngan my neighbour a few houses yg agak la alim kan, makin malu plak rasenye. Ntah ape dia pk seeing me in my telekung. bkn going towards the surau but away from the musolla and back home.. adessss!
After doing what I had to do, tetibe malu la pulak kan nak balik ke surau.. sekaligus terase sorg lagi makcik pun mesti rase, "Tak leh buat menantu ah budak ni" (The first being the makcik I talked about in my FB status)
Maka sekali lagi lah sy solat di rumah..
wakakakakkaka! ni boelh buat menantu lagik. kalau awat kencing kat tempat orang semayang tu confirm takleh buat menantu. hehehehhehe. lawak lah!
haahaha ... lawak ah ... i was actually imagining you in the musolla trying to control ur bladder ... can make a short sitcom la ... staring YOU!!! ... ^_^
Bai: Ahahah.. tu mmg tak pi dah surau tu klau camtu =p Tp I've always had a weak bladder, cumenye tak sangke la plak dia buat hal time nak tarawikh kannn
Papakeechee: Actually, my mum says I'm like that. Whenever I wanna pee, mmg nmpk sgt coz i'd be squirming like bdk² yg tak tahan gi toilet hahah..
hahaha za imagine akak lari mcm...ala..ade watak org tua lam harry potter yg syg kuceng dia tu, mr flinch ek lau xslap..hahaha TERimagine akak lali2 cm dia..hahahaha
Ahahaha.. mane tau, ntah² akak mmg lari camtu tp dok kaver je kat sini =p
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