A few days ago.. silap, a few weeks ago, Remy ade tanye pasal Prison Break episode yang latest. Sbnrnye, I didn't actually know if I had the latest ke tak, sbbnye, w/pun Lie dah bg episode² yang dia ade, lum tgk pun lagi huhu..
I AM a fan of Prison Break tapi tatau la nape kali ni cam liat skit nak tgk, sbb gang dah takde kot :( Tpnye, sibuk gak cari episode² baru kat sumer org and when I get it, dah content, tak tgk lagi pun takpe.. Ingt bebile leh wat marathon tgk sumer..
Anyway, aritu la, Lie amik my portable hardisk and save Prison Break 1~7 sekali ngan a few episodes of CSI (also my fav tv show!) and Criminal Mind (jugak adelah my favourite!) and Gossip Girl (tak penah tgk but Lie assured me it was interesting). Sbnrnye the portable hardisk was for my PhD nye purposes tp dah dirasmikan sbg tmpt simpan my fav tv shows hahah.. So sonok la jugak sbb ade sume citer² tu, tp tak cadang nak tgk pun lagi..
Then baper ari pastu Remy mntk citer² yg bleh ditengok sbb dia boring so instead of sending the files to him, I just left my portable hardisk kat tmpt dia and totally forgot about it..
Until a few minutes ago!
Tetibe rase boring and ingt nak start tgk Prison Break dari 1st episode. Tp bile pegi tmpt Remy, tgk² my portable hardisk dah takde. Ingt Remy bwk balik hostel ke so trus sms dia tanye where it was.
After a few minutes, Remy replied saying he thought it was Dr Ismail's so he had given it to Choong. I wasn't worried at this point sbb knowing that when Choong bukak bende alah tu n perasan ade my fav tv shows, dia mesti tau tu bukan dr Mail punye.. But still, I text him asking about it..
Then Choong called..
Cautiously he told me, "Ayu, saya dah format la bende tu!!!"
Upenye he had called Dr Mail and somehow Dr Mail must have forgotten but he claimed that that was his. Then, Choong still feeling a bit odd told him that there were tv shows in it and nothing else and Dr Mail told him, yes, he kept tv shows in his portable hardisk too..
We had a good laugh over it.. though I felt a bit.. what do you say.. lost! Hahah..
Padan muke Ayu.. sape suh tamau tgk awal².. kan dah miss sume trus! Ngan Prison Breaknye, CSI nye, Criminal Minds nye..
Uwaaa, Lieeeee, akak nak citer² tu baliiiiiiiiiikkkkk!!!!
Padan muke Ayu!
Pengajaran: Len kali bile org bg tu, tgk cepat².. jgn dok simpan²!
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