Actually nak update paal new years resolution and aim.. tp kan, dah 22 hb la pulak hahah.. aledi mau masuk bulan baru maaa.. malu je nak tulis pasal bende lame². So kite cari topik baru ☺
(Ceh! Budget org dok bace sgt la blog ni kaaaannn hahah..)
Anyway, yesterday Fared came to school. Cuti 2 minggu katenye, musti rindu kat kitorang sesgt tu yg sibuk nak dtg school kan hehe.. I knew about him coming from kak Jah but didn't know bile. Then he text me on Wednesday wanting to order some cupcakes for his 1-year-old niece so I knew he was coming on Friday (yesterday).
I was busy preparing the cupcakes inthe morning that I didn't come to school then. After Jumaat prayers, he called me. Risau sy lupe pasal cupcake la tu hahah.. then told me he had something on my desk for me (mase tu sy singgal bilik Rashid and Yun for some dadih yg Yun excited buat hari sblm tu).. dgn perasaan sgt curiousnye, I went to my cube and tadaaaa~~

Yeay! Hahah.. I got an apron and oven mitts. Memang dah lame nak beli apron pun coz decorating cakes sometime lead to me jugak kene decorate ngan segala buttercream ngan fondant hahah.. tp kan Fared, akak cam sayang je nak gune 2-2 ni. Ade yg simpan jek tak pakai kan hehe..
*Anyway, itu ade lah hint ye bile sy ckp sy dah lame nak carik apron.. besday sy lagi 2 bln ye* <--YaAllah! Statement tak malu tuuuuuuu haha..
Then sblm dia balik, since ramai yg tak dtg school, he asked me to help pass some souveniers to other friends in school.. dan sebagai upah (la kotttt!), I got another thing.. 

Chumel ok! Ni pun cam syg nak gune tp nak gune gakkkk hehe..
Suke tau dpt brg chumel =p
Anyway, in pulak gambo cupcakes untuk anak sedare Fared itu (Huhhh.. ni buh last la kan sbb sibuk nak tayang adiah chumel yg dpt smlm!)

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