I'm feeling like an idiot for now haha..
I bought my phone a few years ago, and a few months after my purchase, my brother Adi also bought a new phone. But though our phones were only a few months apart, mine was a bit ancient compared to his at that time haha.. so most of the time I was content with being laughed at =p
Now, I have this annoying habit of MMSing pictures to my family and friends. The usual MMS are about my baking la and usually I send them to all my siblings all at once and wait for their comment. One of those incidents found me sending the usual MMS to my siblings as well to a few students and I got a reply from Adi 'kutuk'ing his kak Yong haha..
A few minutes later, my student Irfan asked me about this particular number he just received an sms from. I didn't recognize the number (ye lah, whats the use of the address book in your phone, right? =p) but when he told me of the content, I realized it was from Adi. He received the sms Adi apparently sent in response to my earlier MMS.
Terus terkagum la saya.. phone sekarang boleh "reply to all" rupenye! Jeles gile, ok, since I usually had to mark the numbers in my phonebook if I wanted to send an sms to multiple recipients dan sangat la terase rendah diri with my phone yang terase sgt sikit function.
Takpe lah, sy pujuk hati. Told myself, bukan susah sgt pun nak mark recipients yang sy nak kan?
That was around a year ago, I think..
Then yesterday, Ikram sent this MMS to our siblings about a routine he just created for his martial arts demo and he wanted feedback. Since I got it in the midst of a class, I didn't watch it that much and only managed to watch it again a few hours ago.
As I wanted to reply on his message, I noticed the screen displayed this:
* reply
* reply to all
Sumer phone memang ade ke function nih?
Ahahahahaha.. and sy baru tau ke?
Adehhh~~ Aparaa Ayu..
my fon takdak pong???? ka ada tapi i never knew it macam u jugakkk???? hehehehe
jap jap nak check. hahahaha!
Bai & Nomi: Rasenye dia cume akan kuar klau message kite receive tu utk ramai² kot.. haha, tp seryes, baru pasan.. padahal sblm ni mcm dok kagum giler la kat phone Adi haha
kalau adie tau ni mesti dia jadikan modal gelakkan ayu.. kena sorok entri ni kat dia hehe...
ana rasa dulu pon ana lambat tau...masa gune nokia 3315... bile nak reply ada reply to all... dlu2 tak reti nak hantar mesej ramai2.. lepas dah tau tu reti la hantar sekali ramai2
Ahahaha.. kaaaannn.. mesti kene gelak nye =p Tp aritu mmg cam tergelak sorg² la bile pasan sumer phone pun ade 'reply to all' kat menu tu :D
Ahahaha.. kaaaannn.. mesti kene gelak nye =p Tp aritu mmg cam tergelak sorg² la bile pasan sumer phone pun ade 'reply to all' kat menu tu :D
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