My favourite 'kedai makan' staple is fried koay teow. My friends must've noticed this as once, when the waitress was taking the order, Yun told the waitress, "Budak tu tak makan bende lain selain koay teow goreng" haha..
Anyway, nowadays I try other things as well but my favourite is still the koay teow.. and of all things, this is the among the things I have never tried cooking myself. To me, it won't look like koay teow if I was to fry it myself.. it might just turn into beehoon if you make me fry it.
Now, a few days ago I opened Mas's blog and found her entry on koay teow you can read here. I was fasting then and you know la nafsu orang pose camne kan so I was VERY tempted to try since she made it sound soooo easy.
An hour later, I found myself meredah hujan in the pasar malam searching for some of the ingredients hahaha.. the next morning pun same, I went to the market to buy the remaining things I didn't get to buy the day before.
Maka bermule lah operasi 'Koay Teow 1st Try Ayu'
I was fasting that day too so it was only around 6pm that I started preparing for the koay teow. And voila..

Heheh.. thats what it looked like in the wok. Not impressive, I know.. but to me, it was an accomplishment hehe..
And this was what I had for iftar.. yeay!

Thanx ye Mas!
P/S The recipe required a whole packet of koay teow which I couldn't really finish by myself. After putting aside some for sahur, I gave the remaining almost a big bowlful of koay tow to my neighbours. Sib bek diorg tak sakit perut ok =p
P/P/S I usually ngade manje with Izati asking her to make some for me coz she makes a mean koay teow goreng. When I sent her an MMS of my own friend koay teow, she replied, "Oittt, jgn curik specialty Ti" Hahaha..
Kak Ayu, samalah macam Nomi. Suka makan koay teow, tapi tak reti nak masak. Er..maksudnya masak koay teow dengan rasa sedap sekali. Takut kalau goreng jadi terhancur terus.
Hari tu ada goreng sekali, google resipi. Dia ada buat pati utk koay teow tu sekali. Nomi dah try,memang sedap. Tapi rupa bentuk muka bumi koay teow memang hancur. Tak dapat diselamatkan. Hahaha.
Wahhh.. ye ke.. klau sedap, nak recipe lahhh :) Boley? Nak try sumer (mentang² la ala² cam jadi kan hahah..)
Nanti Nomi bagi. sebab resipi tu ada kat dalam kuali kat dapur rumah. HaHaHa.
*tepuk tangan..
pergh.. meredah hujan mencari ingredients tu yang tak tahan..
pasni leh buat lagi.. time saya balik ek.. eh, kensel.. time saya balik saya nak cuppies.. kih kih kih
i think we have been destined to be friends! hahahhaa...ddulu i used to be like u. pi mana pun confirmorder keow teow. samapi once tu ada my dad brought us makan mee uddang kat sg dua kot. sedap sebab udang besar2 but i ordered keow teow and refused the mee udang. both my parents bengang ja ngn i they said i wasn't adventorous. hahahhaha
btw, s aya jugak tak pandai goreng keow teow! but urs look goodddddd!!!
Eh it looks sedap giler tu ... bravo on your first attempt tu ... I think u'll be a pro by the time u complete your second attempt ... ^_^
Nomi: Simpan recipe dlm kuali?!?! Apekah..
Mas: Mase tu baru sgt lagi bace entry Mas tu. Trus salin recipe and ke pasar mlm Tmn Pekakacari ape² yg patut.. sanggup ku redahi hujan demi motivasi diberi hehe..
Bai: Ahahahaah.. laa, ye ke.. tu la, my friend smpi boring dok tanye, nape sy takmo order bende len.. tp mee udang tu cam rugi jaaa =p Actually, sy dok risau la kang hancur koay teow, how?
Papakeechee: Wahhh~~ Another motivation hehe.. problem is, sbb yg balance tu bg kat neighbours who are guys, diorg nye perut kan sumer sedap.. huh, takde kritikan membina langsung
Nomi: Simpan recipe dlm kuali?!?! Apekah..
Mas: Mase tu baru sgt lagi bace entry Mas tu. Trus salin recipe and ke pasar mlm Tmn Pekakacari ape² yg patut.. sanggup ku redahi hujan demi motivasi diberi hehe..
Bai: Ahahahaah.. laa, ye ke.. tu la, my friend smpi boring dok tanye, nape sy takmo order bende len.. tp mee udang tu cam rugi jaaa =p Actually, sy dok risau la kang hancur koay teow, how?
Papakeechee: Wahhh~~ Another motivation hehe.. problem is, sbb yg balance tu bg kat neighbours who are guys, diorg nye perut kan sumer sedap.. huh, takde kritikan membina langsung
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