Okay.. I couldn't sleep well last night. Kept thinking and thinking and getting kinda sick at it so here I am, trying to do another 'colourful' entry to chase the blues away..
It started when I was struggling with my chocoloate-making (non-existant) skills. I kept getting all non-too-pleased with the result that I think Diana dah tak larat nak layan (haha..!) so she suggested I try something she was enjoying doing at the moment: Apam polkadot a.k.a Telur Dinosaur!
I can't say that I haven't noticed those colourful kuih on her profile but I was still trying my best at the chocolate thingey that it didn't register in my mind that I could do this. However, due to being locked up in the house coz malas nak keluar, I decided to try my hand at it.
Now Diana, bless her soul, had given the recipe along with a few tips she learnt and me being me, didn't ask her any questions and just copied the recipe.
My for my first try, I was quite impressed on how easy and less messy it was compared to cupcakes. I was having fun colouring the batter and all that UNTIL came the time for the polkadots.
I was debating with myself whether to put the dot before of after steaming (halfway la) and was a bit embarassed to kacau Diana and ask her so I decided to steam it halfway THEN only put the dots.
Halfway through, baru la kan terkedek nak buh the dots but after a few apams, I somehow felt there was something wrong somewhere so I didn't continue dotting the other apams..
..and this is the result!

Hahaha.. cam berbisul la pulak sy punye apam! Huduh giler hokey.. (wpun stil consumable laaa)
See the other apams which I didn't dot, jauh lagi lawa dari Apam Bisul sy haha..

So the next steamed batch (stil same mixture sbb dpt bnyk kannn!) I learnt my lesson and did the dots BEFORE steaming and voila!

Yeay! Jadik punnn hehe..
This batch I gave to my students (Ok, nape tetibe rase sedih di sini??!) but the next day I made another batch, nak test skill kah? Hahaha..

u just upgraded the apom kuih to maintstream la ... sgt creatip! ... bila nak bukak kedai ni??? =)
seriously mcm telur dinasour dlm dynomite..& kalau tatau game tu wujud mesti kata nampak mcm crita smurfs punya cendawan heheh
chumell2nya polkadot apam kak ayu.. (-_-).
comellllllllllllll!!!! nak order ayu! cepat cepat tak my order!
kak Rina: Got a lot of cikgus heheh..
kak anis: Haaaaa.. tu la, sy pun tingt Dynomite mase 1st time tgk mende ni ;D
Shitah: Dia cam org yg buat kot.. opssssss! Hahaha
Bai: Erkk.. baru 3 kali buat.. mcm terre hehe..
macam cendawan dalam kartun.. cumell
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