Opsss.. almost forgot another one. This one was actually 'inspired' by the Desperate Housewives when it was 'featured' in one of the episodes. Most of my friends remembered this cake when I posted it in my FB after I made it hehe.. that'll make Mama proud! Someone even called it 'kek Mak Ayu' hehe..
..and tada!

Yup, the evergreen, ever-popular and ever-sought-after type of cake most people know: Pineapple Upside Down! Though the surface is a bit too light in colour for must. Must add more brown sugar nihhh..
And yes, I've added it to the type of cakes I'm gonna sell too since the feedback from my friends were encouraging.. and I enjoyed making it as it reminded me of my childhood. Thank God la kan jadik since the last time I made it was in form 3 ke ape tah =)
So.. any orders? Heheh..
wahhhh! ayu dah start buat bisnes!ok tunggu bulan puasa confirm i nak order! apa lagi kek yang ada cik ayu? buat la blogshop senang nak tengok. can delivery to sg ara meh? ;-)
satu bok mai sini pweeeeese ... boleh custom made tak?? ... letak durians plak?? heheheh ....
Bai: Hehehe.. tak lah.. just for suke² only laa.. bkn la serious biznes =p
kak Rina: Ahahahah.. my friend pun suggest same thing.. durian jugak.. siap bg code durian tu lagik haha..
hahahaha....pertama kali aku bertentang mata ngan kek ni ialah lam buku masakan betty yew (kalau tak silap nama dia) semasa berusia 6 tahun...buku tu dibeli lam tahun 70-an...tapi sampai skrg tak pnh merasa...tak dak catalog ka ayu untuk aku memilih apakah yg nak diorder? ;)
Aik.. mane jumpe ni Shahnaz hehe.. a'ah, dia dulu columnist utk NST kan pasal masak² nih.. buku dia pun mcm best² je dok tgk kat Popular
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