...just a place for me to go rambling over everything currently happening in my life, sometimes, even to the tiniest detail. And whatever that's unfortunate enough to happen to cross my mind at the very moment when I feel like jotting down something ;)
Monday, March 31, 2008
Merepek n merapu (tkde idea for the title!)
So Saturday I went to Dgon's with Rusya and we watched the midnight showing of L Change The World. Dulu first heard about Death Note from Pojie and though the way he told me about the anime was interesting, I didn't exactly feel like going out to find a few episodes for my own viewing. Then bile tanye kat Ikram, upenye dia and Adi dah lame gak ikut citer tu.. hahah, Ayu sungguh ketinggalan, tp tak kisah la :) I still haven't watched the series, setakat tgk yang movie punye je but I like all three instalments, wpun citer L tu cam dah lari skit la..
Dgon is gonna go back to Pahang by early April so I didn't know what to buy for her birthday (watching L was actually our way of celebrating her birthday since Dgon is someone whom I think should've been born in Japan by the way she's 'obsessed' with anything Japanese hehe..). Walking around Parit Buntar, I remembered when we went to this fabric shop and she was looking at this beautiful piece of cloth while telling me that her sister had already told her about their 'raya theme' this year but she was afraid if she couldn't afford to buy anything since she was quitting her job.. so, the most simple thing I could think of was to buy the cloth she was admiring and I'm glad she liked it..
Thing is, some people say, giving a cloth to someone is not advisable as old folks tale say that it means you'll be separated from that person in the future. Hmm, alang² Dgon mmg nak pindah pun kan, bagi je laaaa.. tul tak? Heheh..
Hmm, talking about fabric.. Ana (Dgon's sister) works at this shop at Carrefour that sells fabric and hijab. We went there before going to Sunway Carnival for our movie and while looking through the various things on sale (I had a feeling my housemate was hooked on this songket-like fabric.. and I was right as yesterday she went back there to buy it hehe..), it suddenly occured to me yang diriku sudah lame tidak mem'pamper' myself.. so anyone going to Terengganu, please tell me. I wanna buy a sutera Terengganu for myself.. and of course la I'll pay for it! So please, anyone.. sape nak gi, bgtau la ye :)
Hmm.. sbnrnye kinda feeling a bit melancholic here so I'd better dash. See ya ;)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Thanxxxxxxxx :)
I had just received my travel claims last week and since I had promised some of my friends that I'd buy them the famous Nasi Ayam Periuk Besar, I decided, what other day would be greater than treating them on my birthday :D
Actually, I had already known that they were planning a suprise for me (sorry Puga..) as Farah, whom I now know as someone who can't keep a suprise to herself hahah, had told me the day before that they were planning a suprise for me.. duh!! Dah tak suprise dah la cik Farah oiiii.. but ok, I jusy played along (as I did for the past few years jugak where I'd ALWAYS know about it before hand.. sheesh! Can't a girl have her suprises now and then heheh..)..
So well, to let them prepare their 'suprise', I decided to ask Salimin to go with me to Kulim to buy the nasik ayam dot my (my favourite!). Initially, Farah wanted to go with me but she already told me she can't go because they wanted to do a suprise (hahah.. thats how I knew!).
Had a long talk with Salimin. This lil brother of mine dah nak balik Sarawak dah so banyak la nak sembang ngan dia. Besides, lame dah tak merepek² with him..
Then, as I arrived at school.. well, I'll give it to Puga, I had expected a cake but I didn't expect a roomful of balloons heheh.. so thanx!
See the table they used. Curik meje Yee, mentang² la amoi tu tak datang school aritu, then got a table cloth from the pantry. Sanggup korg angkat meje beso and berat tu ek hehe.. sgt sweet! Okay, sile abaikan the way I look, ni gambo candid from abg Fadzil, tak sempat nak senyum lawo² hehe..
And this is the spread. Notice that I have two cakes? Heheh.. apparently, my fellow postgrads weren't the only ones planning a suprise for me. And according to Farah, they had met with kak Sue and kak Bibah (from my colleagues in HiTEG) at the cakeshop near my tuition centre which is my favourite bakery here.
But get this.. because I have 2 cakes, I was 'required' to blow out a total of 56 candles. Talk about feeling young.. just look at what they did to my self-esteem by asking me to blow out 56 candles.. sheesh!!
The rows of individual trifle pudding is courtesy of Shahril who got the recipe from me (nak bgtau jugak tuuu recipe dia!). Sekarang dia dah lupe cake chocolate sedap dia, asyik nak wat trifle pudding je pulakk.. While the kacang², cake and sweets semua tu sponsored by postgraduates yang kalau tak silap, the main organizer is my dear Puga. Co-organized by abg Fadzil, Choong, Farah, Ad, Remy, Shahril.. uhh, Puga, akak ade tertinggal sesape tak?
These ladies are (from left): Ad(yani), Irnis, Farah and kak Win
Ni pulak kakak² ku from opis am and HiTEG: kak Hafsah, kak Jah, kak Sue and (partially hidden) kak Bibah
From HiTEG, yang mampu turun time tu: kak Sue, kak Bibah, abg Azhar.. and sesat plak si Iz ni
And this is among the organizing group: Ad, Elie, Puga ku sayang, Remy, Rashwan who's hidden behind Rini
And ni muke² happy dapat makan byk hari tu (eh, nape my nasik ayam yg 36 bungkus tu takde dlm gambo ek?): Abg Fadzil, Rashwan, Rini and Farah.
Anyway, they really managed to make me smile the whole day.. this family I have in the School of Civil Engineering, and I love them all!!!
And for my birthday, there's a list of people who remembered (ikut turutan ni rasenye) and who I'd like to thank from my heart..
- Rahela (who smsed me around 11.30pm sbb dah tak tahan ngantuk nak tunggu kul 12)
- Farah (around 15min after Rahela, dia pun dah ngantuk time tu)
- Adi.. cett, call me 3 minit jek.. ampeh nye adik :p
- Lah (dia kate ade org dlm mimpi bgtau bday kak Ayu :p)
- Mama (tahun ni dia tak sebut dah, "When I was your age, I had 3 children.." hehe..)
- Ikram
- Izati (yang tak paham nape kakak dia ngaku umo 17)
- Erwan
- Misa (ingt ek awak :p)
- Dinesh (my tuition student)
- Ana Adi.. thank you Ana! Siap bg lagu tu hehe.. (ayat dari Ayu yg baru pandai nak MMS)
- Anep (kembar kuuuuu!)
- Yani (gf Yuhyi yg actually had wished me a happy birthday last month heheh..)
- Sentot a.k.a Baizurah a.k.a Mama Aqil
- Chik Am.. huhu, kali ni baru betul! Mekasih ek kad
- Jutie
- Cik Wa
- Choong (who asked if had completed a marketing plan to market myself.. cett!)
- Umi (Huh.. my stepmum yg wish me, bukan my father.. kecik atiiiiiiii!)
- Aslina.. thanx you for calling me, bz doctor.. ingt ye awak :)
- Pojie.. heheh, sib baik tak salah ari lagi :p Thanx for calling
- Annisa & Irfan.. kunun la padehal Umi yg wish kan
- Kak Wahid.. who promised to give me a boyfriend for my birthday hahah..
- Dgon
- Ramlah
- Salimin.. thanx for the gift!
- Falha
- Winnie.. kad nye chumel la Rini :)
- Rashwan.. mekasih kad tu!
- kak Win.. mug kak Win chumel la.. ade lembu kaki tergantung huhu.. sgt chumel tp sayang nak gune!
- Hasz
- Dayah Doy
- Reen
- Salimin
- Lie (thanx for the gift.. chumel mug tu! Konpem akak gune mlm² bile stay up sampai pagi seperti yang disuruh heheh.. :D)
- Azrul Rezmaini
- My cousin Ikah.. camne dia tau ek?
- Helmi.. mekasih ek call.. tp ade dlm bank aritu.. sowi!
- Alem
- Lini & Salam
- Afizal
- Irnis.. thanx for the gift. Klau dah dealer Tupperware, adiah pun brand Tupperware gak ek hehe.. thanx!! Kad tu siap Umar tandatangan tu.. terre²!
- Jida
- Toroque
- Kak Maria
- Shahnaz.. yg telah menggertak akan tanye soklan menakutkan, tp upenye soklan tak gerun langsung :p
- Yun.. yg wish bile dah nak abis besday dah.. uwaaa :p
- Khairil (ngan ayat cheesy nak jadi the last one to wish me..cehh!)
- kak Zura
- Lily
- Iskandar
- kak Salina
- Ashraf.. nak anto kad dari Jepun ek :p
- Fared
- Awa
- Ami
- Ina Mukhtar.. ye Ina, saya baru 17! :p
- Huda
- En Sam
- Raqib
- Wan
- Jenet
- Sarina
- Hasrul
- Ayeen
- Watie
- Eric
- And sesape yang tertinggal name.. adeh! Ayu baru umo 17, camne leh lupe?
Thanxxxx.. sayang korang!
Monday, March 24, 2008
A little bit of this and that..

I have his picture but today blogger cam susah jek nak attach gambo so will post it nnt lah ye.. Baizurah doesn't look like a mother though hehe.. :p Cam kakak baby tu je, bukan cam mak dia heheh.. But still, congrats to you :) Mcm tak sangke je budak yg suke tarik tudung saya time sekolah dulu dah jadi mak :) :) :)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Dining utensils or bare hands?

Thursday, March 06, 2008
Feels Like Tonight
Anyway, tadi mase searching for the lyrics, turned out, lagu ni masuk Wikipedia hahah --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feels_Like_Tonight.. ke all songs masuk Wiki tapi Ayu tatau ek?
"Feels Like Tonight"
You, you got me
Thinking it'll be alright.
You, you told me,
"Come and take a look inside."
You believed me,
In every single lie.
But I, I failed you this time.
And it feels like tonight.
I can't believe I'm broken inside.
Can't you see that there's nothing that I wanna do,
But try to make it up to you?
And it feels like tonight,
I was waiting
For the day you'd come around.
I was chasing,
And nothing was all I found.
From the moment you came into my life,
You showed me what's right.
And it feels like tonight.
I can't believe I'm broken inside.
Can't you see that there's nothing that I wanna do,
But try to make it up to you?
And it feels like tonight.
I never felt like this before.
Just when I leave, I'm back for more.
Nothing else here seems to matter.
In these ever-changing days,
You're the one thing that remains.
I could stay like this forever.
And it feels like tonight.
I can't believe I'm broken inside.
Can't you see that there's nothing that I wanna do,
But try to make it up to you?
And it feels like tonight.
'Cause there's nothing that I wanna do,
But try to make it up to you.
And it feels like tonight.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Spring cleaning my blog hehe..
Anyway, the past two week jugak la we went to Penang to help Younes (tipuuu.. 'help' mende! Dapat upah RM100 sehari tu yg nak tolong tu, klau tak, jgn harap! Hehe..) with his data. Ok la gak, 4 days.. mate pun dah ade tande RM hahah.. Had to go on all bus routes of Rapid Penang. Naik a round trip, get data of all loading and unloading passengers then mase dia berenti la ape la.. dunno what he's gonna do with the data, cam tak nmpk je the outcome (Hahah.. Ayu yg tak pandai sebenarnye!)
Still, a bit risau gak mule tu. Just a week before, all drivers of Rapid Penang were on strike. So they were a bit wary in cooperating with us at first but after we expained, diorg ok la jugak.. Then, the next week, they started to question us even more. I was even 'locked' in the bus with the driver when he persisted that I answer him truthfully.. gile takut time tu! Then lepas baru tahu, the previous week, Ramadhan (he didn't go the next week, sbb tu dia wat hal) told those drivers that we were sending the data to their HQ. Gile nye marah kat Ramadhan. Dah tau it was a sensitive issue to them, gi acah² diorg nape.. last² me and kak Sue yg kene question..
But very penat la.. dah lame tak naik bas satu hal. Then kene naik the same bus, same route, 3 times the whole day.. b.o.s.a.n! Still, my PhD nye data nnt laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagi bosan.. sape la nak tolong nanti.. uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
On a happier note, Sentot dah nak bersalin in a few days(?) or weeks(?) Baizurah, suh baby awak tunggu ujung bulan ni la.. bg same ngan KAK AYU dia!! Heheh.. Got a text message from her, tak sabaq nak bersalin, tp takut nak bersalin la apa laaaaaa.. Soraya dah 2 kali maaaa (and Ayu blum lagi hahaha..)
After that she'd be moving to her own pad in Sg Ara.. yeay!!!! W/pun sedikit kecewe when she asked me, "Ayu, Sg Ara tu ada wet market tak?" Cittt, menghine tempat ku membesar :p
Then had a chat with Shahnaz a few days ago. Hahah, her calls membuatku gerun! You see, in AlMashoor, we only had one science class with the minority of students in there. Shahnaz was in another class but we loved her company. She's one girl whom I'll always see as a leader :)
Nway, she once contacted me just to ask, "Ayu, aku xpaham la sbb apa rocket naik tak straight? Ataupun dia straight pastu turn ke destination? Sbb apa kena pusing bumi byk kali?".. which left me speechless hahaha.. I mean, aiyoooo Shahnaz, form 5 physics isn't actually rocket science and bayangkan Ayu sendiri pun tatau dia straight tak straight ke, pusing 10 kali ke hahah.. terpakse mengaku ngan humble nye, I tgk 'abg Mus' jadik astronaut je.. tak tgk rocket dia pun hahaha..
Then another time, she called asking me, when a boy plays football, what kind of energy does he use? Kinetics? Mende tah tenage ape lagi.. dah Ayu nganga lagi.. Adeh! Awak buat saya rase bodoh la Shahnaz heheh..
So when the phone rang again, Ayu memandang phone dengan rase gerun sambil berfikir, "Soklan pe plak la si Shahnaz ni nak tanye?"
Turns out, she was searching for a tutor.. fuh! Lege heheh..
Shahnaz.. Shahnaz.. saya akan jadik tua dengan lebih awal klau awak asyik takutkan saya camni :D
Ok la.. got work to do.. Uhhh, penat la bile byk bende kene prepare ye.. lagpiun sbnrnye takde idea nak bebel dah heheh.. chiow!