Ayu finally graduated?!?!!
Is it true.. or is it just the same thing she says every year? "I wanna graduate this year! I wanna graduate this year!"
OMG! It IS true!!!!! Hahaha..
Help!!! Seems like hell is freezing over as she did the impossible (Impossible for me la.. kacang je for everyone else :p)
Though I DID have a few problems, knowing that Umi was more excited than Abah about my convo but I couldn't possibly give her the invitation as I should give them to Mama and Abah (still, for a while I considered giving them to Mama and Umi instead haha..) Thankfully, Erwan gave me an extra ticket as his family couldn't come.. and I'm glad I gave them to Umi. As Mama said, Umi was excited for me :) and since Abah chose this day to ignore Mama (God! Why did he have to do that?). Thank God Annisa was allowed to go in, at least Mama had a 'friend' in there looking out for 'Ayong' graduating :) :) :)
Iwan and Adi couldn't come however.. though I don't really mind about Iwan not coming (nasty sister I am!!) His behaviour doesn't actually wanna make me look forward to meet him just yet.. and no, I'm not gonna talk about it in this blog.. Only those FEW people who know about HIS blog know why I'm mad at him right now.. well, not only me la whose mad at him right now! But thats another story.. However, I regretted not having Adi around as he's been one of those great supoorters for me throughout my M.Sc.. Still, he asked Izati to buy me flowers-the biggest bunch I got that day :)
Thanx Adi :) *though I don't seem to see the flowers in my smiling like crazy picture below!*
Even my cousin Nurul who had a class that day (she's in Management) came down there, mekasih ye Nurul.. :)
When I first went into the room, her eldest son, Ayman greeted me by hugging my legs so tightly that I was a bit suprised as this is only the third time I met him (first when he was a new born, second at Baizurah's reception). Very friendly boy, but when I looked around again, he was already missing hehe.. His brother Ammar was a bit shy, I think.. or s it because he regards me as a stranger, huh?
By this time, my feet were killing me. Even Farah was tired following me around haha.. would you believe it, I sent my robes then went to Indah Kembara only to find out the ONLY the pictures and frames were to be collected there, the scrolls and transcript were to be collected at the IPS (which is just a few steps away from the robe storage room..) sheesh! Buat keje dua kali la pulak..
Adeh, by the time we headed back here, my body was already screaming bloody murder telling me I'm neglecting it haha.. Yup, I've also worn my heels (only an inch long, I think.. but thats a first for a flat-shoe-and-sandals person like me) for the two days straight and was I glad to finally wear my perfectly sensible flat sandals that night when I went for my class.. this is what happens when you leave your comfy foot wear at home by mistake..
It took me a few days to finally be in the mood to open my other gifts (Thanx Ajha, adiah 1st akak dapat tapi bukak nye lambat.. sayng nak bukak awal² :p) and here's a poyo me arranging them in my rented home.. minus the flowers I've hung up on the walls (and a few flowers form each bouquet which I pressed, hoping to make a collage outta it--rajin ke idak ntah?) and the choclates which are now in a nice basket on the dining table :)
P/S Oh ye.. there's so many picture I would've liked to put in here.. tp kang byk sgt plak so I'll just update them in my fotopages.. one day nnt haha..
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