It's been a strange few days for me. Not that I'm complaining, it's been the good kinda strange actually. I'm still trying to understand and pinpoint exactly where and when this change happened but I guess this is one of those things that are better left alone.. Lest you go back to the way things were before this welcomed change happened.
I remember going through more than halfway of the day (on Sunday, to be exact) before realizing my mind had not once wandered into the place it seemed to reside the past few months. It suprised me enough to make it memorable because most days it felt like those thoughts would never leave me alone. But, nah, even the mind gets tired of being stupid, I suppose.
I could say maybe it was because I was busy so tkde masa nk berfikir sgt. But Sunday? Busy? The day before, Saturday, is my busiest day of the week because of classes from morning to night and even on that day I found myself hiding from my (old) students once in a while just to avoid their questioning looks. I went to sleep unsettled, as usual, so I was really surprised at this, should I say, abrupt change the very next day.
I even had a student scrutinize me a few days ago, making me feel very uncomfortable (Tak zip seluarkah? Baju terbalik kah?) But when I asked her, she merely said there was something different about me and she loved it 
That, of course, made me smile 
I thought it would be a one day thing only, and the next day I'd be back to the state I hate myself to be in but Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday has passed and I feel fine 
I feel okay 
I feel so much better that I've been the past few months 
And I like it! 
So today I've decided to not think about why I feel better and just embrace it.. Mau pulak, it's Friday! Hari paling barakah for Muslims 
I got this and I'm gonna be okay 
So I still have sleeping issues (my kambings have mogok sbb tiap malam dok overtime je sampai diorg tak leh rest so I can't do any sheep counting anymore since they've locked themselves up in their kandang and thrown away the key) but instead of dwelling on things I can't change and I can't force, I'm actually using the time to fill up my reading journal which is a double yeay since it's one if my #2018resolutionsofMissAyu and I'm doing it instead of biar jadi angan² saja 
So in this spirit I wish to all: May you have a great day ahead. May there be a happy suprise in store for you today that would lift your spirits up to the highest heaven and may there be, today, a little more than usual, moments to cherish for a lifetime 
Love ya.. 
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