Sgt jarang utk parents hantar budak baru skola menengah sampai ke class but I shrugged it off as mak dia nk tgk² class canne kot..
And it became a nice suprise when it turned out my new student rupanya adik a former student

But it became a bit awkward (in a good way, boley?) when the mum masuk class and salam me while thanking me non-stop for teaching the abang for the past two years

Masalah dia is: si abang tu mmg pandai

I always wondered nape dia amik tuition but he just smiled whenever I asked and mcm a bit malu bila diorg put me in the place of among the people responsible for his straight A results pdhl I only teach ONE subject
And its a subject he's very good at pulak tu

I said that to his mum but she wouldn't hear any of it and kept telling me dh lama teringin jumpa cikgu Ayu which made me feel even more embarrassed sbb I really don't know what I did right with this boy, esp in the class last year with 30++ students which made me worry if I'd given each of them enough attention.
But it was enough to make this tiring day so much more brighter to know, somehow, I did something right

Dan hati berbunga riang sepanjang class after the kind words of the mother and the abang wpun termalu balik masa balik to see the mother waiting for me habis class just to give me gifts (yaaa, plural!) Alamak kak, tak perlu hadiah pun
đ Those words were much more than enough

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