Friday, September 09, 2011

Sy bertuah sebab..

I'm a perasan human being who always considers herself to be independant and strong.

A few years ago when someone tried to molest me through my bedroom window (my bed was right beside the window panes) when I was asleep at 3am, I was terrified at that time. Managed to hide into the middle room of my rented house here while calling 911 (Ehh.. Malaysia bukan 911 kan? Hehe..) I was trembling the whole time, through the time the police arrived and way into the morning as I couldn' sleep after that.. but 2 weeks later, I was again going to school tgh² mlm buta (this means 1~2am la kuar umah) when it suited me klau sy nak buat keje.. but of course la I lebih mengamalkan ayat² Al Quran people gave me to shield me from harm (instead of sebelum tu tidak le ngamalkan sgt)

Before that, when I was still drying my clothes outside, someone had come into the house compound while I was away and stole my undergarments.. all of them! Now, some people believe that that is quite dangerous, especially since I'm a girl coz people could do unimaginable things to them. I'm quite skeptical, but bende² ghaib ni kan mmg ade.. Instead of being afraid, I was pissed.

Well, maybe I wasn't afraid coz they were new undergarments, I had washed them after buying them so mmg tak sempat nak pakai and they say the chances of doing 'anything' to me through those were slim.. but it was also the same reason I was pissed. Oiii, girls nye undergarments mahal ok.. giler makan ratus jugak sumer yg dicuri tu. Marah giler sy, tak leh ke curi bende yg murah skit.. and mine plak is the boring type, takde kaler² provocative ok (I know, coz sales girls pun selalu malas nak layan sy after I tell them, "Sy tanak yg kaler²!" Boring, I know hahah..) So sambil sy mengangkut tempat sidai baju tu masuk ke dalam (I hung my cloths inside since then.. seb baik tgh rumah ni mmg ade tmpt for sidai-ing kain pun), sy menyumpah² je la dlm hati.. tidak la jugak sy berase risau ke ape.

And once my grill buat hal, tak boleh bukak. I had come back letih from my classes and mcm sgt geram je bile the grill was jammed. Didn't know what to do so I called around to ask but it was Friday night maaaa.. sumer org pun kuar kan. Last² I godek² my car for a screwdriver and dismantled it all. Esok tu went to go buy a new knob for the grill and tukar la sy bende tu sensorg. Was told by Ajha, "Camne org nak ngorat kak Ayu klau sumer bende pun nak buat sendiri? Takde sape leh jadik Knight in Shining Armour".. which was also echoed by my Umi hahah..

However, these past few days have left me feeling quite pathetic and loser-like.. not to mention, SGT tak independant.

First was the accident nye incident that left me quite shaken and now terkurung dlm umah..

Second, for the first time ever, this house experienced its first blocked toilet drain pipe.. okay, sblm ni penah la kot tp ni first since I stayed here for the last *gulp* 6 years?!?! Biar btul dah 6 tahun sy duk sini?!? I tried doing what Abah would have done but not one of my efforts were rewarded. In the end, I had to call a plumber.. huwaaaa, klau tau kat Abah, buat malu je sbb sy tak leh buat sendiri padahal bkn tak pernah tolong dia when it happened at our home in Penang.

Thirdly, this morning there was a storm in the Pt Buntar/Nibong Tebal area and this house was flooded.. seriusly! Mcm boleh berenang kot <--Ok, tu nmpk sgt la tipu tp rumah sy mmg berair yang style mengalir dari bilik sy kat depan tu saaaaaaaaaampai la ke toilet yg belakang tu.. and I couldn't do anything about it..

..mcm seriuosly feeling sorry bout myself la kan.. BUT..

I'm actually very lucky bile duduk² balik and pk (sambil melihat air yg masih blum berenti mengalir itu) Why?

Sy bertuah sebab.. mase accident tu, wpun sy sorg² and serius panik tatau nak buat ape, there was this Indian uncle yg sgt la baik hati who saw through the 'machoness' I tried to put on in front of the guy yg dok menyumpah seranah me. He told me he couldn't stay with me sbb dia nak balik, but he was there beside me right until kemunculan kak Ros kat Shell tu. Uncle tu tak kenal sy pun but he was very kind to tell off the guy bile laki tu melampau sgt marah kat sy.

Sy bertuah sebab.. tetibe ade kak Ros yang sblm ni sy tak pernah jumpe kat luar wpun kitorg both teach at Arun. And though kak Ros had to send her mother back home, she helped to drop me off at the police station to file a report.. klau tak, jenuh jugak sy tatau camne nak gi balai polis tu. Terpk nak jalan kaki je dah time tu.. N balai polis tu is like from AlMashoor gi One Stop.

Sy bertuah sebab.. ade Mat yg sudi bantu wpun klau nak ikutkan dia tak payah pun sbb sy bukannye rapat sgt ngan dia. Yun, Arep and Rashid had already gone home and I was feeling so lonely and alone. Tatau nak mntk tolong kat sape coz I had no one here but then teringat kat dia. And when the process went a bit longer that I had anticipated, I had told him takpe la coz I could probably take a cab. Mase tu dah nak buke sgt dah tu and I was feeling like a burden pun ye.. but he still came to help send me home, and even offered to take me to the bazaar since sy mmg tak sempat nak beli makan pun. A few days ago pun, dlm demam² tu still he called nak tanyekan if he could help with anything dan sy rase sgt malu ngan dia sbb dia tak penah pun mntk tolong kat sy.. thanx Mat! Akak bertuah ade kawan cam Mat ☺

Sy bertuah sebab.. the next day after the accident, dlm takde transport to go to the workshop to send my insurance policy, grant bagai, tetibe the 'adik' from the workshop contacted me to help send me there and send me back home.. mcm baik tak? Padahal ni langsung la, mmg tak pernah kenal pun.. and he didn't even grumble! Thanx Nathan

Sy bertuah sebab.. ade adik jiran seperti Rashid who sent me to the workshop after raya to send Abahs IC and license copy (the car is under his name) and to check on my car. Then Rashid took me to Econsave dgn cara paksa rela kot coz sy mcm segan nak mntk tolong kat org utk gi kedai beli brg umah kan. Dpt la jugak buy a few supplies for home yg usually I just go buy myself.

Sy bertuah sebab.. ade AREP! Thanx bwk akak tgk Smurfs hahah.. ok, ape kene ngene?! Tetibe dok berjimba laaa kann.. Sbbnye, bile sy takde kete, sy tak leh gi kelas. So mlm²ku sgt la sunyi dah bosan. Before this, since kelas je tiap mlm, tak boleh nak kuar lgsg pulak kan. Maka, Arep ngan baik hatinye menambahkan Statistic Tengok Wayang Kak Ayu 2011 demi merawat hatiku yg lara dan membuang segala habuk dan lumut yg tumbuh di badan akibat terperuk di rumah. Rasenye last tgk wayang tahun ni was for Merong Mahawangsa kot (tu pun tgk time pegi Pahang with Yun, Bani, Ashraf, Jaja, Rashid and Azam). Seb bek Merong Mahawangsa bes and lagu dia cam giler suke.. Ohhh, ailapyu Anuar Zain~~ Ooohh.. n jugak thanx sbb kasik akak can amik Papa Smurf utk Happy Meal aritu

Sy bertuah sebab.. awal bln aritu mase nak byr duit kut, kak Sue bgtau kat sy, I had 'over-paid'. See, gaji sy tak same ngan org len, diorg dpt ujung bln, I get mine around the 15th so in order to make sure I don't pay dgn lmbt, I had paid up a few months in advance. Therefore, di hujung cycle kut kitorg ni, they found out that sy telah lebih byr RM100.. yeay! And jugak, suddenly Dr Meor called and insisted to pay me for teaching his son last year (which awalnye I refused sbb sy ajo pun 2~3 kali je kot) but in the spirit of Ramadhan, Dr Meor still wanted to pay so ade la jugak duit lebih sy bulan ni skit --> which went to bayar plumber smlm (RM100) AND to help pay the accident summon (RM300) and insurance access (RM200). Tidak lupe jugak, setelah bertahun tak mntk duit kat my parents, Mama gave me RM50.. to help anak dia byr sumer² bende ni hahah.. adoiiii~~ Sy ni dah 31 16 dah tauuuuuu..

Sy jugak bertuah sebab.. tadi time husband and anak² kak Fauziah (my landlord) dtg to check on the damages, diorg dgn obviously la perasan takde kete so they asked. I didn't really wanna tell them tp sbb 3 beranak cam tunggu jwpn sy. Then, they seemed to be discussing something which mule tu I thought was pasal bumbung yg bocor ni la.. sekali diorg tanye, "Bole bawak motor tak?" Ohhh.. cam terharu tak? Seb bek la sy mmg tatau bwk moto, tp klau boleh pun, segan aiiiiiiiiihhh nak minjam motor nye.. I am so lucky to have them as my landlords. Lepas tu, diorg mmg offer la to send me anywhere klau I needed to go sbb anak dia 2 org tu tgh cuti kan (rasenye anak dia sbnrnye gian nak bwk kete jugak kot hahah..) Tetibe rase cam terkebil² tahan air mate hahah..

So kesimpulannye:
1. Sy ni ade buat dosa kat org kot yg sy tak sedar sbb bnyk sgt dugaan bln ni
2. Tp Tuhan still sayang kat sy sebab dia letakkan org² sgt baik wpun yg takde pertalian darah ngn sy disekeliling sy
3. Tak pun, dosa sy Tuhan nak hapuskan ngan cara bg dugaan bnyk² gini, kan?

Ape pun, I'm thankful, ya Allah ~ ♥

Ehh.. ok.. husband kak Fauziah udah sampai to try fix the roof so I gotto go.. Tp sempena Jumaat ni, I am thankful that I've suddnely realized how blessed I actually am throughout all of this. Moga mereka semua ni sentiasa dibawah lindungan rahmatNya.. dan yg non-Muslim pula diberi hidayah olehNya.


along nordin said...

bertabahlah dlm saja ujian yg kita terima,thats the way Kak Ayu,setiap permasalahan mesti ada jalan keluar,go go Kak Ayu,sweet je baca entri hari ni :)

Ayu Ikhwani said...

Tu la Elie.. hari time accident tu, akak mmg cam down giler la. Sampai demam².. pastu dok rase cam serabut sgt..

Tp ari yg bumbung umah bocor tu, akak cam tpk balik and prasan yg sbnrnye Tuhan dah tolong akak sblm tu ngan bg akak rezeki tak disangka.. tolong akak mase accident ngan bg kat akak org² yg tolong akak wpun dah nak buke sgt time tu.. and jugak lepas tu pun Tuhan bg kat akak ramai org yg sedia je nak tolong.. so sbnrnye, akak bertuah sgt kan..

Time ni baru nak sedar.. selalu je dlm sehari² tu tak ingt kat Tuhan sgt.. tp Dia ingt gak kat akak kan =)