I've been teaching secondary school for almost 8 years now. Normally I'd decline whenever asked to be the relief teacher for primary school classes, but since Aza asked me ever-so-nicely the other day, I just had to agree..
Bukan tanak ajar sekolah rendah, but I actually think you really have to be patient klau nak ajo sekolah rendah. Sgt tabik kat cikgu² yg boleh, ok! Like the first time I taught primary school was a few years ago. English for standard 1 (English plak tuuuu.. huuu, sgt tak pandai ajo bahase!). Teacher Sheile had given me the 'props' for teaching. A passage with a few simple sentances with simple questions at the end of it.
Ayat pertama: My name is Swee Lan.
Dekat setengah jam kat ayat tu je. Why? Bkn sbb budak² tak faham the meaning of it, but because they were still kids and loved to asked additional questions such as;
Teacher, kenape name dia Swee Lan?
Teacher.. maknenye dia ni perempuan la kan?
Teacher, teacher.. kawan saya name Swee jugak, tapi bukan Swee Lan..
Teacher, Swee Lan ni name org cine kan, Teacher?
..and so on and so forth!
Heheh.. sabo je lahhh..
Anyway, kelas smlm, Teacher Sheila gave me this exercise to give to her students. Ade 3 pictures and a few key words utk diorg buat passage.
The 2nd picture was of an old lady tengah bawak raga and plastic with fruits yang dah terkoyak with the fruit dok berterabur atas jalan. The keywords were old woman - bag of fruits - tore - pavement. Nampak cam senang kan?
Ayat pertame sorang budak:
They saw an old MAN walking and her bag of fruits tore the pavement.
Aiyakkkk! Hape ni.. 'tore the pavement'.. Sakit mulut sy nak tahan gelak mase tu.. dah la old woman dah tukar jantina.
So, sorg budak ni baru berani nak tanye (gamak nye sbb tak kenal teacher ni, diorg segan nak tanye)
"Teacher, pavement tu ape?"
"Pavement tu mcm jalan" <--kate teacher Ayu ngan konpidennye
So ayat kedua yang terhasil ialah:
The old woman did not notice that her bag of fruits had torn so she continued to pavement.
Erkk.. continued to pavement?
Adehh.. upenye budak ni ingat I said jalan=walking instead of jalan=road.. hahah, time ni terpkase gelak skit sbb tak tahan dah..
They say the third times the charm tapi ayat ketiga ialah:
After her bag of fruits tore, the old woman just look at the pavement.
Adoi laaa.. terpakse la plak terangkan yg kene buat ayat ikut gambo yg diberi. Ade ke tetibe nak look at the pavement.
In the end, diorg berjaya jugak la hasilkan ayat² yang okay.. tu pun terpakse tahan gelak banyak kali hehe.. kelakar la budak².. tp sporting! Tu yg suke ♥
Still, sy tidak la fit to teach primary la kot.. and paling tak fit to teach English.. but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy that class. Buat sy tersenyum sampai arini ☺
HaHaHa kalau Nomi sure dah gelak terbahak-bahak sampai terangkat kaki dah. Kelakau betul la budak2 nih. Ayat no.3 paling tak tahan..
comel. tp zha xley jd cikgu. sy garang. hahaha
Nomi: Tu la pasal.. akak pun tak tahan.. dah la muke sorg² ngan innocent.. konpiden je ayat diorg btul
Zha: Akak pun garang gak.. tp ngan skola rendah tak reti la nak marah².. tak sampai ati.. tu tak leh ngaja skola rendah sgt ☺
that's what I've been through for all these years... :) enjoy, sis...
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