Ahaha.. suda lame tidak blog-hop sampai tak pasan award ni kat blog Mael. Thanx Mael! Suke je tag², award² ni kan, sbb you can compose a new entry dgn idea sedia ade =p (Kes malas nak pk idea sendiri lah tu)
Tho' I must say, rasenye icon for the award ni dah di edit oleh Mael since katun yg dok pegang award tu nmpk sgt sinonim ngan Mael ☺
Okay, so here goes!
I would like to give this award to:
Aiman (tho I dunno her latest blog nye URL)
7 things about myself includes: (Uhh, cam akan ulang je ape penah tulis sblm ni coz takde idea)
7 things about myself includes: (Uhh, cam akan ulang je ape penah tulis sblm ni coz takde idea)
- I am 30 years old but only have 29 teeth haha.. aci ke baru tumbuh 1/2 of my wisdom tooth. Tu pun mcm nak kene buang je sbb tumbuh sgt tak cantik and scraping my cheeks
- I ♥ snail mail! Like, really crazy about them! Even in the age of e-mails and stuff, nothing tops snail mail. I can write 7-8 pages average for each letter and I like pasting mcm² on the pages or envelope. And eventhough I don't expect people to reply it that much, I ♥ getting replies and replying jugak to that reply hehe..
- Sy tak pandai masak dan sy sgt heran nape ramai org ckp camtu haha.. even kwn² skola also say that so I'm like, bile mase korg makan bende sy masak? But its a good motivator to make me really try to cook ☺
- I'm not a risk-taker. In fact, I run away from anything that I have NO inkling of the outcome if I try it but I recently did something I would've never imagined myself doing in a million years. well, that was before la, now that I've done it, I can't really say that la kan..
- I'm also a very private person.. though recent happeneings have made me question on how 'private' I am hahahah..
- I'm a lefty.. and proud of it! And no matter how many tags I have to do 'about myself', I'm always gonna write this down
- and last but not least, I love collecting quotes where my current favourite is pasted on my FB wall: "Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less."
oowwwhhh!!! thanks!!! ... nak kena tulis cam tu gak ker?? heheheh ... will do when I have the time ^_^
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alhamdulillah dapat award! last dapat award masa sekolah rendah untuk kot..nampak sangat tak cemerlang tak produktif kan? kan? hehehehe btw, i love snail mails too!! tapi takdak sapa nak tulih kat kita...yang dapat snail mail pun bills and bank statement ja:P
cam ni nak pinang kak ayu la..jd mak no 2. ley???
jgn mara~ t kna jual~
Kak Rina: Ye kot hehe.. ni actually an old tag.. baru pasan kat blog kawan tuh hehe..
Liza: Ahahah.. jgn la ckp camtu.. mcm la akak selalu sgt dpt award kan =p And yeayyy! Snail mail rules!!
Zha: Heheh.. ish, camne nak jadik mak klau takde anak nak kasik kat akak lagi ni =p
wohoho...tak penah lagi jumpak orang suka snail mail..but yeah..sriusly, dapat snail mail is like sangat best sebab ley baca banyak2 kali dan pegang the papers..dulu i gila dok beli set kertas yang bentuk comey2 from silverho and post surat kat kwn2..ehehehe budak2 nowadays ada lagi ke yang wat camtuh?
CuteAngel: Hehehe.. same la.. selalu je kene beli sbb mmg suke sgt tulis surat.. kirenye stock stamp tu mmg sentiase ade
Tahniah. Thanks for your visit.
Ayu,kena tag utk award ni maknanya dpt award ni ka? pehtu kena wat mcm Ayu buat jgk ka? kurang faham la syarat2 dia hehe
Heheh.. a'ah.. sile-silelah kak Anis :) Nnt copy paste gambo award tu letak kat blog
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