"Here By Me"
I hope you’re doing fine out there without me
‘Cause I’m not doing so good without you
The things I thought you’d never know about me
Were the things I guess you always understood
So how could I have been so blind for all these years?
So how could I have been so blind for all these years?
Guess I only see the truth through all this fear,
And living without you…
And everything I have in this world
And all that I’ll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
I can’t take another day without you
‘Cause baby, I could never make it on my own
I’ve been waiting so long, just to hold you
And to be back in your arms where I belong
Sorry I can’t always find the words to say
Sorry I can’t always find the words to say
But everything I’ve ever known gets swept away
Inside of your love…
And everything I have in this world
And all that I’ll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
As the days grow long I see
That time is standing still for me
When you’re not here
Sorry I can’t always find the words to say
Sorry I can’t always find the words to say
Everything I’ve ever known gets swept away
Inside of your love
And everything I have in this world
And all that I’ll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
And everything I have in this world
And all that I’ll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
Ok, thats the lyrics I promised a few days ago.. lovely lyrics huh? Didn't even know I had this song in my pc hahah.. but its the song I'm currently repeating (yeah, and everyone else has already stopped listening to it 5 years ago hahah!). I'm thinking of making Izati listen to this song, she hates it when I do it coz she'll end up liking the song :D
Back to the intended entry..
Hmm.. like I said in an entry a few days ago, I've been organizing the files in this borrowed pc. The pc I was actually using years ago is still in 'my room' upstairs and I think I haven't even touched it for a year and a half now. THAT pc, I've already cleared all my files and whatsoever that I've been storing in there, mostly my MP3 collection and files on my data analysis.
This pc however was supposed to be Erwan's UNTIL he decided he didn't wanna use the postgraduate room and wanted to return the pc to Hasrul (the RO in charge of 'harta projek'). Since I had already decided to use the postgraduate room, my chair in my cube doesn't have my butt print hahah but at least I managed to 'lend' it a couple of friends who were 'cubeless' then (Pojie and kak Maria ONLY, I think!), and imagining the burden of having to lug around my upstairs pc down here, I decided to swap pcs with him, thus, the reason I've been using this pc for almost two years now.
Anyway, imagine 2 years worth of junk!!! Heheh.. Ok la, I DO have my thesis (or rather, the chronicles of my thesis-YES! I keep ALL drafts of it!) and the rest of my analysis files in here, but I also have a few 'rubbish' in here too.. Rubbish here would mean MP3s (what else?), thousands of pictures, games installers, flash files, media files, Word files with quotes collected through the years that I haven't managed to put in my quotes blog, inspritional stories I also collect and yeah! Wow, the list is actually endless.. :D
Well, going through all of these, deleting files that need to be deleted but mostly copying them in cds (Hey! I need all those files hehe..), I realize that aside from procrastinating when it comes to my thesis (which I still can't believe I finished haha..) and pretending my world revolves around the games, things actually DO happen in my life.
Take the inundated collection of picture I have! I mean, wow! I actually did have a life aside from my thesis, huh? Hehe.. and I actually SMILED at the camera too on some of these photos! Yeah, people who know how I hate taking pictures might be suprised, just as much as I was. Usually I'm the one to offer myself as the unoffical photographer, but I realize that in some of these collections, especially the recent ones, I'm actually IN the picture.. and even looking at the camera instead of pretending the camera is not right in front of me.
I mean, ok, from the pictures, of course la its apparent. I can see the smaller version of myself a few years ago (haha, VERY long time ago, me thinks!) then the ballooned up version.. then, I believe, a bit smaller one of me, though not la like a few years ago.. thats like wishful thinking! C'mon la Baizurah, you guys keep saying it so maybe la my mind is making me see it in recent pictures haha (Sapa suh cakap camtu kat saya aritu? Hehe..)..
Oppss, that wasn't was I planned to talk about hehe.. Anyway, from the pictures, I see that some of the time, I really did have a great time hahah.. Birthdays, kenduri s, school activities, our own personal activities, graduations.. I caught myself smiling while going through those as I relieved the memory from each and every photo, and suddenly I realize how much I'm gonna miss all of these :'( Even our room now is quite quiet, gone are the voices and laughter I used to hear every single day..
Errkkk, now how did I get so teary-eyed suddenly hahah? We're totally off the topic now with the sentimental me coming out here :D
Well, going on to the other files, gosh! I DO have a lot of games installers.. the ones I collected during my procrastinating period! And I also realize that eversince I really sat down for my writing, I haven't even got around to downloading recently released games.. but still, there are hundreds of games in here haha..
Then talk about my MP3s!!! Haha, I don't usually go out to find current songs, I'm usually content with the MP3s I get from the cds sold in Parit Buntar. But then again, some close friends usually like to send me songs they are currently listening to (I think the song above was one of them). Like 'Hanging by a Moment'. I really love this song when I heard it on the radio and I was trying to find the MP3 but believe it or not, I didn't know the title even if I've been listening to it for years. More than a year ago, I think it was Pojie who sent me this song but it was left in its folder as I didn't update it in my playlist.. that was until Baizurah wrote about this song in her blog so I told her I think I have it in my pc. Imagine my suprise when I FINALLY realized the song I've been searching for so long was actually sitting quietly in my pc? Hahah..
Another thing is about the file sharing these kids are doing. I didn't know about it until Pojie taught me how to retrieve them and believe me, after that, I've been quite a frequent visitor hehe.. that explains the other songs in my pc here.
The other files, I don't think I have time to write it down here.. but well, as the title, I can't really believe this is my pc, with so much junk.. and a bit disorganized especially in the pictures and MP3 department where its cluttered everywhere!! And the real reason I wanted to organize this pc was because I wanted to copy ALL personal files into cds and 'arrange' some files for a friend too and copy then give it to him..
I thought it'll be a one-day affair.. now I don't really think so hehe..
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