I'm waiting for housekeeping to come so I have some time on my hands (once he comes, I'm gonna do our laundry in the laundromat downstairs before I continue with my Supernatural marathon 😝) Might be able to squeeze one entry so here we go..
Our first weekend here and we weren't sure of where to go. The place most people asked about, Universal Studios, felt a bit too pricey since we still had 2 and a half weeks here so I didn't want to suggest that but we found a lot of other places to go to and Anuar come across Gardens By The Bay.
Now, in Penang itself we have so much greenery but among the first things that amazed me when we arrived was how green Singapore was. I always thought they were more like KL, you know. More metropolitan buildings that are quite pleasing to the eyes because of the esthetic designs but boy, was I wrong.. In the best way possible! 💕
Of course I wanted to see Singapore as close to nature as possible so Anuar bought the tickets. We initially planned to go out early, to beat the crowd but when we got to know of the dancing light, we decided to go in the afternoon so we might catch the lights when nightfall comes.
We booked a Grab right after Zohor and the trip only took around 20 minutes from the hotel. THIS was what greeted us..
Giant man-made 'trees'! I thought this was where the dancing light would be held but I was wrong. This was just a replica of what was to come 😁
Close up of decorations on one of the 'trees' |
So the first place we went was the Cloud Forest. I don't remember how much the tickets cost because Anuar made the purchase.. Sorry!
There were few entrances to the paid part of the garden and we were glad the lines weren't that long, still wishfully thinking we had beat the crowd haha..
And this was the sight that greeted us once we entered the Cloud Forest..
Majestic, right? 😍 |
The entrance was such a cool place.. And I mean it both ways! Love how it felt so soothing and people were taking turns taking picture. Saw most ladies wore sundresses just for this, I think, because the breeze blew at the dresses making them swirl so gracefully. I might have taken a picture too if I was that type of a person but since I mostly shy away from cameras, we just went our way. Tp nampak daaakkk, even someone who hates cameras like me pun would love to take a picture with this sight in the background 😁
Among the first places we stopped at was the orchid section. So many favorite flowers of mine in one spot 😍
Vibrant colours, kan? |
Orchid Arch |
..and of course, my fav person with my fav flowers 💕 |
More pretty orchids |
..and US!💕
I would've spent more time near the orchids if it wasn't because more orchid lovers were around us too so we moved on, reluctantly 😅 I actually have a video of the whole experience under the orchid dome there but I can't find it in this laptop yet. Must've not transferred it along with the photos the other day.
The walk was filled with some interesting, what shall I call it? Art?
Near the orchid dome |
Mother monkey cari kutu ke tu? |
Family of monkeys |
Of course la not real 😝
Then there was this..
My picture taking skills need to improved because this place looked ethereal 💕
Then we managed to get up to the platform first seen in the entrance I posted earlier. Couldn't take a decent photo since there were too many people but believe me, it was beautiful!
Harus la selit my fav person kt situ 😂
This reminded me of Sedim..
..but with a more breathtaking view (Disclaimer: Maybe I thought 'more' sbb kt Sedim dh pegi bnyk kali sgt kot 😝)
Don't remember the name of this flower tp Anuar siap ckp, "Boleh la buat mcm ni kt Bukit Panchor" 😂😂😂 Amboiiiii, dia punyaaaaa perli tuuuuu.. Mentang² la rumah tu slalu kene tinggal so mmg bnyk laaaa pook melingkar² kt pagar cenni 😂😂😂
Orchid Dome view from above |
View from lower point of the sky bridge |
The Tree Top Walk ni had a sky bridge 7 floors high. We had to get on the elevator to the 7th floor then jalan kaki turun to enjoy the view and surroundings.
Again, I took some videos tp lupa nk transfer in this laptop 😅
It was an enjoyable walk back to the lower grounds with so many flowers and greenery. World smallest orchids pun ada. Ade quite a few species that you can only see detailed through the magnifying glass provided kt the glass screens.
Here's a few more orchids on the way down..
Macam orchid hantaran 😍 |
Very small one tp world's smallest laa.. |
All in all, this one was amazing! Kalau dapat peluang, I wanna come here again 😁