...just a place for me to go rambling over everything currently happening in my life, sometimes, even to the tiniest detail. And whatever that's unfortunate enough to happen to cross my mind at the very moment when I feel like jotting down something ;)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Monday, April 05, 2010
Finally.. my big 3-0 birthday entry ☺
Bak kate Nomi, this is my 'entry wajib' everytime my birthday comes around hehe..
Usually, I'd list down all the well-wishers in my blog as a token of my appreciation.. cehh! Mcm la blog ni bagus sgt kan.. bes abis la tu klau name tersenarai haha.. But taking a leaf outta last years book, I decided against it. This is because, last year I seemed to miss out so many names and was constantly editing the said entry to add all other names I forgot. Malu okay, being reminded that you've forgotten someone haha..
So this year, I'll just talk about my birthday.. boley?
*Sgt narcisstic je bunyi nye haha..*
It started with me being kidnapped by my neighbours the night before. Salleh kept asking me what time I finished my class and I just thought they wanted to go for some late supper. I became a bit suspicious when I realized their whole house was going out too.. alamak! Nak ngenekan ape plak ni diorg nih?
I rode with Rashid and was relieved when he said he wanted to pick up Ija, Anim and Jaja. We arrived at Anisani and waited for Salleh, Dayah and Arif to arrive. Sementara to, we looked through the menu for something to eat la kan.. lapo la jugak..
When they arrived, Dayah came bearing a cake.. tadaaa.. my 1st cake for the start of my 4th decade in this world (NO! I'm NOT 40 laaa.. I said start of my 4th decade.. I'll only be 40 at the start of my 5th decade kaaannn.. ramai yg konpius hehe..) 

Chumel!! Suke! Then Sepul (who had a lighter in his pocket) was in charge of lighting the candles..

..and I was told to blow the candles.. with a wish la.. not less! :) Wanna know what I wished for? Heheh..
Then it was the 'cutting-the-cake-stage'. Sayang woo nak bukak those cute colourful candles..
And here's me with the one responsible for my 1st cake :)

After that, bermula lah sesi makan for us yg sedikit la lapo jugak..

The next morning, I came to school and was greeted by another 'cake' by Irnis.. chumel kan this hand towel :)

Then that noon, Remy came for his promise to belanja us. Little did I know, he also bought a cake with him.. yeayyy!
So here's us waiting for Salleh and the gang. Ternampak persamaan muke Irnis ngan Rahim here kan :)

Then here's us when Salleh and the gang dah sampai..

..and another angle of our long table. Abis la remy kene banjer ramai orang hehe..

Then I got to see what my cake was.. Yippee! Choc Indulgence.. my fav!!

And another 'tiup lilin' experience with the same wish heheh..

Semua org tersandar kekenyangan after an hour of feasting hehe.. thanx to Remy. As we started to head back to school, abg Azahar called with another cake to give me :) But since we were all full, this cake was decided to be cut in school..
See, the birthday girl has to put her own candles on the cake hehe..
Seriously, sgt kenyang ok.. and I was thinking of not eating any cake for at least a month.. but..
Petang tu suprise from Shahril pulak :) My favourite choc cake made by him.. yeayy! And his signature pulut kuning with chicken curry yg seriously sedap. Sgt lembut the pulut with just the right taste coupled with thick chicken curry yg mmm-mmm.. all my favourites! Sampaikan hadiah² yg dibwkkan sekali pun diabaikan seketika while I drooled over the food :)
Like I said in my FB status at the end of that day: Perfect ending to a perfect day ☺☻☺
But as I've raved in my blog haha.. it didn't end there! I got another two suprises from my students in Jawi..

So to everyone who wished me a happy birthday: Thank you for making my day so special! Love you guys sooooooo much and I wish for the same great birthday to all of you when its your turn to celebrate coz I REALLY enjoyed myself :)
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Need You Now ~ Lady Antebellum

Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
Picture perfect memories
Scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone cause
I can't fight it any more
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now
Another shot of whiskey
Can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in
The way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now
Yes I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now
I just need you now
Oh baby I need you now
Friday, April 02, 2010
Birthday entry.. tuition version.. again?!?!
Thee heee..
Yup, another birthday entry under the tuition category haha.. still not able to update on my birthday (mcm org nak bace sgt kaaaannn) due to insufficient pictures yang perlu dikutip from a few 'personels' ☺
As usual, for my birthday week I'd bring treats for my students and as said in the previous entry, this year I decided to make them myself but due to time constraits, I had to make the cupcakes batch by batch anytime I was free. As a result, I got different decorations for each batch. It wouldn't matter if it was a small class where I'd manage to give the same deco, but for large classes like both my form 5 classes, not all students got the same deco.
For this class, I decided to make my signature 'smiley' deco as I did for Helmi's birthday. The other half of the class got the 'Dr Fauziah' type of deco, only this time I decided to try it with blue buttercream and the result..

Still need practicing, huh?
Anyway, I really wanted to talk about the suprise my studetns gave me. Upon walking in the class, some boys promptly sang 'Happy Birthday' but I just smiled though I wondered how DID they know about my birthday. Throughout the class, the kids teased me about my age haha..
Then, in the middle of the class, I popped out for a while to fetch my cupcakes (which was supposed to be my suprise to them). When I returned to class, a whole group of students were missing. Feeling a bit annoyed, I waited for the for around 5 minutes before deciding I didn't wanna waste more time and proceeded to continue with the teaching.
I was writing on the board when once again the class erupted into a birthday song for me. I pretended to cover my ears (they had told me they wanted to throw some eggs at the birthday girl.. aiyak! Of course la I tak ngaku I just had my birthday kannnn) but when they continued singing, I turned around to ask them to lower their voices (I was afraid we were disturbing the other classes) and was greeted by..

And thus, I got another cake for my birthday heheh..
Actually I wanted to wait for other pictures from my students tp tak larat la pulak nak tunggu so I'll put only the picture of the cake here. Thanx to my students for the nice suprise :)
Malu pun ade hahah..
Also did some cupcakes for Kut's birthday.. main with fondant lagik and seriously need more practicing

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