Sunday, July 06, 2008

1st time tagged by Ayeen..

Uhhh.. rasenye la, tak penah kene tag ngan Ayeen. So sbb kan itu, rase obliged to Ayeen (haha.. adekah ini cubaan untuk bg Ayeen rase bersalah hehehe..:p) But seriously Ayeen, though I like tags, I'm stumped with this one. Tak tau nak isi ape, but I'll try my best, ok :)

My Foundation
Hahah.. adeh! I don't wear foundation la, Ayeen.. camne nak jawab ni?! Can I say I wear some baby powder?

My Mascara
Uhhh.. lagi la tak pakai! Pengalaman penah tercucuk mase kecik, by cikgu apentah mase dia makeup kan everyone coz kitorg masuk tarian untuk persembahan akhir tahun, masih terbayang². Besides, tidakkah terase leceh?! And yeah, like you Ayeen, I sometimes wear glasses too.. :)

My Day Cream
Erkk.. stumped jugak! Dulu time sekolah pakai Olay (mase tu Olay tak byk bende merepek² cam skrg.. ade Olay Moisturizing Lotion and Olay Moisturizing Cream saje!). Then tukar to Clean and Clear or something like that just because orang kate Ayu cam org tua pakai Olay haha.. pastu bile kulit immune (i.e. berminyak balik), tukar to other products.. then pakai baby lotion jek sebab muke still berminyak je pun. Then abis degree, kak Wahid introduced me to Clinique that actually improved my skin very, very much :) But now, Clinique nye moisturizer tu dah menjadikan kulitku imune and after 6 years of using it, my skin dah start minyak² balik when wearing it.. so guess what I'm wearing now? Good ol' Olay balik hahahah..

My essential Beauty products
Aiyak.. jugek konpius nak menjawab! Hmm.. still loyal to Clinique's cleanser and toner because it suits me the best. Moisturizer as disebut di atas. Bile rajin, malam pakai Clinique Total Turnaround.. and bile rajin means sgt jarang heheh.. Once in 2-3 days, I use the simple St Ives Apricot Scrub. Twice a week, macam² mask dicuba sambil nengok tv :). Compact powder (pakai pagi je, pastu tak heran dah klau ilang haha..) and lipgloss (pun pakai pagi je.. takdenye nak touch-up².. except klau meeting and want people who don't know me to take me seriously! <-- Ade ke camtu?) And yeah, skrg rajin minum Plum Essence.. my skin texture has gotten better, though I'm not sure if its because of this!

My Favorite MakeUp Products
Like I said, I don't wear them..

My Perfume
I've been using Avon's Celebre eversince I was 18. Sampai my junior, in another school tuuuu, penah tegur, "Kak Ayu ni bau mcm dulu jugak!" Hahah.. Tp skrg dok main² ngan Body Shop sbb murah and byk choice heheh..

My Nails, My Feet
Tiade product khusus.. just lotion every morning after bathing! And nails tgh aim gune this product Irnis introduced to me.. sgt bes! Dah byk kali try :)

My Hands
Same as above on both lotion at that product Irnis introduced to me!

Three things to bring on a deserted island
1. Bottled water
2. Bottled water
3. Bottled water.. and a book won't hurt <--takde kene ngene ngan tag!

Women I admire for their beauty (tak leh nak pk la skrg!)
Pitot <--serius budak ni kulit lawooo.. dia pun sgt cantik!

Women with best sense of stlye
Okay.. klau nak kelentong pun takde idea nii.. tp kak Ina, my friend sgt pandai bergaya!

My Ultimate Dream
Wow! Ape ye.. a white picket fence garden lalala.. hahah.. ntahnye!

How Do I define Womanhood
Can I answer later? Sendiri pun tak rase cam woman lagi huhu..

My Favorite Fashion Publication
Erkkk.. do I sound like an old woman if I admit I don't read those magazines?

Alaaaa Ayeen.. NOW I feel like an old woman!!!!

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