So finally I made the long overdue decision to extract my one and only wisdom tooth. It gonna be on Wednesday (awat lambat sangat tah?) so I still have another day and half with my tooth (okay, cam sentimental la sangat kaaaann~~)
Actually, sepatutnye cabut lame dah. It came out all herot petot ok.. mcm tak berfungsi je gigi ni akhirnye sbb senget almost 90°. Tp sbb tak mengganggu ape², dibiarkan aje dulu. Then satu hari mule sakit. Upenye my tooth cam brittle, so belah base dia jadik cam tajam and melukekan my inner cheek.. mule la tk selesa.
Went to the dentist and she proposed a tooth extraction tp bese la, Ayu ni degil haha.. Bkn sy takut jumpe dentist, in fact sy and my siblings lebey kurang cam poster child utk gi dentist ok. Kitorg yg akan sibuk nak gi jumpe dentist and tak pernah pun takut nak gi. Tp ntah la, maybe sbb berperasaan dewase kot bile ade wisdom tooth ni hahah.. aci ke camtu?
So bile dah tak sakit sangat, sy mmg cancel la nak cabut gigi tuh..
..until yesterday morning. Tepat jam 5.55am sy terbangun sebab berdenyut² sakitnye kat gigi tu.. adoiiiii! Tensen tul! So, berkawanlah sy ngan Bonjela dari pagi smlm sampai la petang arini. Tak lekang okkk.. bile gelak pun sakit, berkumur pun sakit.. ape ni, sumer bende wat pun sakit :(
Dan disebabkan itu, sy akhirnye akur ngan keputusan dentist itu 7 bulan yg lalu. Buat jugak appointment utk cabut gigi tu akhirnye.. aishhhhh..
So just curious: Org panggil wisodom tooth sbb org dewase and kunun dah berwisdom je bleh tumbuh dah gigi tu.. klau sy cabut, adekah bermakne sy dah takde wisodom dah pasni? (Budget berwisdom sgt la kan sblm ni) Heheh.. =p